Next Episode: Fat Fiction

Energized by a story from the history of people applying logic, he was inspired by to do the same logic to a renewed middle-age. His transformation from the "dark ages" to "enlightenment of his life.

Like many people with a personal transformation of their bodies, he had a moment that caused an awakening. His daughters were talking about things, being teenage girls, and he overheard the statement "My dad has the biggest boobs in the house." This caused him to take stoke and was a catalyst for change. At this time he also had an encounter with cancer in his life. 

Anthony set a very measurable goal around an exercise to track his progress. His goal was to train his body to do his age in push-ups every day for the rest of his life. For him, this felt a lot like learning to write with his non-dominant hand. 

Sometimes the mind follows the body and sometimes the body follows the mind. The push-up challenge felt like his body telling his mind what was going on with him. 

We discussed the importance of finding people with similar goals or supportive of your transformation goals. It's much like a tomato plant. It needs the structure of the wire cage around it to reach its full potential. 

When asked what people looking for a transformation in their life should do to be successful Anthony shared the importance of knowing your purpose. You will be more successful when you are intrinsically motivated (from within) than relying on your circumstances (external.)