In This Episode: 

And it wasn't until early 2020 while Vernon started experiencing different symptoms, he had no explanation for the tingling in his toes, tingling in his fingers. His left leg would go numb at different times, but it was a lot of tangling there. His left eye started experiencing blurred vision.One of the challenges we face with diabetes is Glycation, which is where sugar molecules start sticking to protein molecules. Diet diabetics have a five-time, more likelihood of developing glaucoma and blindness.After doing research he decided to give up his long-time favorite drink, soda, and store-bought juices. And he saw a difference in the way I perform before and after workouts through the day on the job and things of that nature.But one in two Americans is suspected by 2030 to end up having NAFLD (non-alcoholic fatty liver disease) by the time they're 50.The more sugar you eat, the more sugar-loving bacteria and candida-type species grow in your gut making you crave more sugar.Vernon talks about working with an herbalist and what types of herbs he has been adding to his diet, using tea to help combat some of the hormones related to type two diabetes?Vernon shares about what happened to many of the symptoms after changing his diet and workout habits.  Dr. Kelly Dorfman's book, "How to Cure Your Child with Food" talks a lot about that with troublesome teenagers. They're having trouble with controlling their tempers and expressing themselves. So it turned out, it was largely linked to those blood sugar spikes and drops and how gluten interacted with the brain.

Quotes from This Episode: 

"Sugar can be just as damaging to the liver as alcohol."- Brandon"Stay transparent with the people in your lives."- Vernon"Love yourself, man, whatever it is you're shopping to achieve, you're not going to be able to do it without you." - Vernon

Links To Things I Talk About:

Vernon's Book: Uncomfortable Peace