David has not only experience in the health care sector, but experience in managing the companies he’s been a part of, which has given him a unique perspective on the holistic nature of the human body. His work helped him realize that, in allopathic medicine, doctors don’t talk to each other so the ultimate picture of their patient’s health ends up fractured. He saw it proved, time and time again, that a more integrative approach was ultimately the healthier and more empowering choice. That inside out approach to one’s total health is what eventually led him to writing the book New You, Who Knew, where he advises readers on how to figure out who they are in life so that they can be guided by their own principles.

This is a lovely, thoughtful conversation with someone whose own heart is worn on his sleeve. I hope you’ll join us. 



Nobody can truly have 27 core values because it’s too vague. It’s important for us as humans to work from our morals, but in order to understand what truly matters to us we need to get specific about what kind of world we want to create. 
Getting intentional about our life can help us both live better in the present moment and get better prepared for the future. 
Focus on the little things that we actually have control over. 
Living the life you are meant to frees up a lot of energy for the work you are meant to do. 



“What's our mission, our purpose – if you will, our passion –  to me, that makes a huge difference.”
“We are better off if those from whom we seek help for our health,  to optimize our health or to overcome challenges with our health, if they would think of us as a whole person.”
“If we think of ourselves not as assets, but as human beings, what a shocking concept. We are human beings, right? We are a part of nature, we influenced nature, we are influenced by nature. And I like this natural metaphor because I think it fits human beings better. And so if we think of values as a foundation, it's like having strong roots.”
“Having regrets is like having a backpack, you know, filled with rocks and useless stuff, they’re not gold bars, but rocks. And so when we don't have regrets in our life, you know, that backpack gets a lot lighter. “


For over 30 years, David worked in the health care sector, eventually becoming the CEO of a community health center, working to create the first patient-first, integrative health service. After his own eureka moment, he left his high-paying job and wrote the book “New You, Who Knew?” which aims to instill a foundation of values in every person so that they can face their life feeling empowered to make their own decisions. He has been married to his wife Linda for 36 years, and they have two grown daughters.




David’s website https://www.davidredwards.com/

On LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/david-r-edwards-55ab3450/


The ‘Mighty Pete Lonton’ from the ‘Mighty 247’ company is your main host of ‘Fire in The Belly’. 

Pete is an entrepreneur, mentor, coach, property Investor, and father of three beautiful girls. Pete’s background is in project management and property, but his true passion is the ‘Fire in The Belly’ project itself. His mission is to help others find their potential and become the mightiest version of themselves. Pete openly talks about losing both of his parents, suffering periods of depression, business downturn and burn-out, and ultimately his years spent not stoking ‘Fire in the Belly’. In 2017, at 37 years of age that changed, and he is now on a journey of learning, growing, accepting, and inspiring others.

Pete can connect with people and intuitively asks questions to reveal a person’s passion and discover how to live their mightiest life. The true power of ‘Fire in The Belly’ is the Q&A’s - Questions and Actions section. 

The ‘Fire in The Belly’ brand and the programme is rapidly expanding into podcasts, seminars, talks, business workshops, development courses, and rapid results mentoring.





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