Imagine surviving not one, not two, but four near-death experiences and coming out of that with an unshakeable sense of who you are and what your purpose is, and you will have a glimpse of what my conversation with today’s guest is like. 

Roxanne Chaput is an energy healer, life coach and certified shaman, who has worked in palliative care and has supported thousands of people on their own self-realization journeys. With a contagious laugh and a clear-eyed sense of purpose about who she is and what she is here to do, we have a deep discussion on how to find ourselves, how to clear our energy, and how to start going down the path we need to. 



We often put this energy out in the world where we say we want something, but we don’t believe that we can get it. So we confuse ourselves and the universe. 
We can know a lot about the world but none of us knows everything about the world. It is important to keep that humility so that we can continue to learn from everyone we come into contact with, every day. 
We can release ourselves from the conditions we place on ourselves about not deserving good love, good relationships, work that fulfills our purpose. And sometimes we need mentors to show us how. 
When we are ready to hear the message we will hear the message.



“When we find a purpose, sometimes like we find, like an imminent purpose, where we love what we do…but there always feels like there's a little part missing or that we're not quite getting it right. And that usually means that we're not actually living to our soul’s purpose. So we can live …[our]  heart purpose, where we feel like we're fulfilled and we feel like we're happy doing what we're doing. But a soul [purpose]... having inner peace within us is a completely different feeling. And it resonates completely differently than just like our heart’s purpose.”
“I believe that we are divine beings and we are divine creatures, and I have love for every single human being on this earth. Regardless if they have love for me in return. I think that as humanity, we are meant to love and serve one another.” 
“I don't view death as a negative thing or as a bad thing. Yes, it's hard to understand that that person physically won’t be on this earth plane anymore. However, I know that their energy envelops me…I know that these people will never leave and that we will be reunited in this lifetime and other lifetimes through their energy.”
 “I love feeling the energy of the trees, the earth, the water, even fire, like just having fires outside, like, anything that really restores my energy and just really allows me to be at peace and smudging. And I think that those are really crucial and you know, really significant pieces that really helped me kind of restore and regenerate my energy.”


Roxanne has several certifications to help empower you in finding your own purpose. She is a transformational; cognitive behavioral; and a confidence life coach; as well as an emotional intelligence coach and enlightened relationship coach. She has also been certified as a Law of Attraction and forgiveness coach, a neuro linguistic programming coach and a Shamanic Healer. Roxanne lives in northern Ontario Canada, with her fiance and children. 




Roxanne’s Facebook

Soul to Soul podcast

Roxanne’s website

Roxanne on Twitter


The ‘Mighty Pete Lonton’ from the ‘Mighty 247’ company is your main host of ‘Fire in The Belly’. 

Pete is an entrepreneur, mentor, coach, property Investor, and father of three beautiful girls. Pete’s background is in project management and property, but his true passion is the ‘Fire in The Belly’ project itself. His mission is to help others find their potential and become the mightiest version of themselves. Pete openly talks about losing both of his parents, suffering periods of depression, business downturn and burn-out, and ultimately his years spent not stoking ‘Fire in the Belly’. In 2017, at 37 years of age that changed, and he is now on a journey of learning, growing, accepting, and inspiring others.

Pete can connect with people and intuitively asks questions to reveal a person’s passion and discover how to live their mightiest life. The true power of ‘Fire in The Belly’ is the Q&A’s - Questions and Actions section. 

The ‘Fire in The Belly’ brand and the programme is rapidly expanding into podcasts, seminars, talks, business workshops, development courses, and rapid results mentoring.



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