Kiki Rae is an Energetic Alchemist, Quantum Coach, Digital Nomad + Founder of the Quantum Creatrix brand. Her mission is to empower visionary women to heal their past, own their authenticity + embody their quantum selves, so they can effortlessly expand personally + professionally, creating a legacy of impact + income. She is a formally trained Master NLP, TIME Techniques + EFT Practitioner, Life + Success Coach and Reiki Master.  In 2020 - during one of the most unprecedented seasons - Kiki 2.7x’d her income, scaling her business to a six-figure empire.  She credits this to her Emotional + Self Mastery practices which is exactly what she leads her clients through, while infusing formal education + spiritual practices. Together we transform the impossible into your new normal. 

What does it mean to live an EPIC LIFE?  Being able to live as freely as possible. Doing what I want, when I want, where I want, how I want and doing it as the most authentic + unapologetic version of myself

What's coming up from Kiki?  

Manifestation Mastery starts Sept 20 
Enrolling for my new membership site called the Creatrix Matrix

Connect with Kiki Here: OR the 
Quantum Ripple Effect Institute here:


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