Today my guest is Lizabeth Wesely-Casella. Lizabeth is the founder and CEO of L-12 Services; a Washington DC firm focused on internal communications and organizational development. She and I met a few months ago at a brunch organized by our mutual friend Janette Gallardo. You may remember, Janette’s the one who turned the tables and interviewed me for episode 25.

Lizabeth and I are talking about the downside of growing up valuing social justice, the discomfort of celebrating your wins, and what happens when your calendar looks like Walt Disney threw up on it. Hear who she wanted to be when she was growing up and how she’s doing with visualizing that person now.

With more than 20 years of experience as an administrator and policy and programming consultant, Lizabeth works with businesses to improve workflow, processes, and culture by leveraging the institutional knowledge of existing team members.

Based on what she said about the importance of social justice in her upbringing, it makes sense that one of her favorite quotes is “Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.

Here's a link to L-12 Services Attrition Prevention Survey (7 quick questions): It’s for leaders to take a quick 'gut check' on what's just under the surface in their organization.

Lizabeth’s hype song is High Hopes by Panic at the Disco.

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If after listening to this episode, you can relate to Lizabeth’s over-booked schedule and lack of personal care time, and you’re ready to add a bit more peace and groundedness to your life, I can help. Pop over the webpage and sign up for my VIP list. That way you’ll be the first to get all the tools and tips on finding calm amidst the chaos of life.