It's the end of the year and I thought it would be a great idea to look back at the past 34 episodes and kind of pull out some of the common themes and key points. I thought it was going to pull out three or four or five common points to share with you. And then I kept going through it. I'm like, whoa, whoa, wait, that one's really good. I can't forget that one. Oh, I gotta include this one. So here are a bunch of the highlights from this year in review.

If you have any comments about any of the information that was shared throughout the episodes, or anything that you'd like to see shared in future episodes, reach out to me reach out to me at Lori at Zen Rabbit dot com.

It would be awesome if you'd leave a review for this podcast. When you do that, it helps other people find it.

Lastly, as I was recording, it occurred to me that you might want to see ALL the key takeaways. So I created a PDF with all the key takeaways from all the episodes. You can download it at