This week, Allie Kibler, a life and goal coach for moms, joined me to talk about why it's important to establish a morning routine! 

Why does it need to be the morning specifically? Gives you a chance to recharge and refuel before she’s bombarded with all of the other responsibilities of the day. Gives you a good start so she’s feeling positive and productive right away.Strategy:Get up at least 30 minutes before your kids doBe intentional about what you are going to do with your time in the morning!No scrolling or checking email. Skip the snooze button and choose to make a new choice for yourself.Morning Routines are for Self CareDefinition of Self Care: The intentional actions to care for our mental, emotional, and physical healthSelf-care does not need to cost anything!Not doing laundry, or making breakfast!Examples: Gratitude journalMeditationGoing for a walkDevotionalExerciseThe process I teach for creating the morning routine is simple. Think about the feelings you want to have after you’ve completed your routine, then determine what actions create those feelings. From there select 2 or 3 that you can fit into that 30 minute window of time. Examples: if you want to go into your day feeling peaceful, an action that might create that is meditation or journaling or enjoying your coffee in silence. Energized: workout or go for a walkThoughtful: gratitude practice or journaling What is going to happen after you establish your morning routine?Better able to deal with the random things that pop up because your cup has been refilled each day. You’ll get more accomplished because you’ll be feeling better. Your mood and overall life enjoyment will be so much better. How you can get in touch with Allie Note from Allie: I also do free mini-sessions for any mama that is struggling and wants to move forward and make changes in her life, so if you’re tired of survival mode and ready to start feeling good, feel free to book a call with me. It’ll be an open conversation about where you are right now, where you want to be, and what’s stopping you from getting there now. 

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