Today, I’m talking about baby sleep. My first sleep episode was focused on newborns, in this episode I am shifting my focus to talk about babies ages 3-9 months. My goal in this episode is to help you and your baby get more sleep!

What I'll cover:

Discuss sleep regression and sleep trainingIntroduce what a sleep consultant is and talk about my experience with oneHow to hire a sleep consultantReview my rules for sleep Recap resources 

Sleep regression  

Definition: From the Baby Sleep Site As baby’s brain matures, sleeping patterns change Cycling more often, like an adultBaby's new sleep patterns produce more night waking and short naps Once she’s up, she will need  help falling back asleepIf your child has established a sleeping crutch like nursing or rocking, you are going to have to break them of the habit and sleep train them

Sleep training

What it is: training your baby to fall asleep on their own and/or go back to sleep on their ownSleep Training Methods: this article has a great breakdown of the various sleep training methodologies, categorized by “gentleness” Choosing An Approach

My Experience

Wasn't interested in Cry It Out at allRead several books, but it seemed confusingSo, I hired sleep consultant Thankfully with my son, I didnt have to worry about sleep training...because with him I did it right from the start

What is a Sleep Consultant? 

Person to "hold your hand" while you sleep train your childWork with you virtually (usually) to figure out sleep plan that is right for your familyThey walk you through as you execute the planDaily text messages/emailsPhone calls


$200-$300 for custom sleep play + virtual support for 2 weeksSame price as one night at a hotel!It is worth it! Budget friendly options: Less "hand holding"Taking Cara Babies Classes

My recommendation for dealing with an infant who is having sleep issues (short naps, waking up frequently at night) is: 

Follow my Rules for Sleep for a couple weeksIf things are not improving, consider hiring a sleep consultant(Or just go ahead and hire a sleep consultant right away!)

Rules for sleep

Know the appropriate awake interval for your baby’s age. Don't let them take a nap longer than 3 hours during the dayCreate a comfortable sleep environmentCreate a consistent bedtime/naptime routine and do it every timeAvoid creating sleep crutches. Don’t nurse or rock your baby to sleep (try not to, its hard when they are so little)

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