This week I had a chance to speak with Celia Kibler and wow...what a great interview this was! The goal for the show that we put together for you is to teach you how to parent without yelling! I hope you get as much out of this episode as I have!

Celia is a Family Empowerment coach and has spent 30 years coaching parents and 37 years being a parent! 

Celia has a two-fold mission to empower the next generation through empowering their parents and to stop 1,000,000 parents from yelling at their kids!

The 5 Steps to stop yelling at your kids

Step 1: Establish family meetings (15 minutes)

Create a mission statement for your familyStart every meeting with complimentsBring up one issueNew business (plans for the week)AnnouncementsTo close out say something nice about someone in the family (something nice that someone did for someone)

Step 2: Be intentional with words and mannerisms

Step 3: Say it one time and be done

Step 4: Recognize triggers

HungerThirstSleep Overwhlem

Step 5: Be consistent

Getting in touch with Celia: 

Become a member of the Pumped Up Parenting Group!Send a Facebook Message to Celia Kibler and tell her that you listened to this podcast and she will send you the Family Meeting Agenda! Schedule a coaching consultation appointment with her:  

Stay safe and have a great week!

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