In this episode of the Finding Direction podcast, I discuss the importance of taking action towards achieving our goals, even when we don't feel like it. I share a personal story about my commitment to taking an ice bath before every workout and emphasize the need to commit to our goals for five days, regardless of our feelings. I challenge listeners to get committed to their goals, not their feelings, and promise that doing so will lead to faster progress and increased energy and momentum. I encourage listeners to try an ice bath or turning the shower to cold to train their brains to take action even when they don't feel like it.

What We Discuss:

Introduction [00:00:00]
Stu Massengill welcomes listeners to the Finding Direction podcast and introduces the purpose of the podcast.

The "magic trick" to achieve goals [00:01:20]
Stu discusses a "magic trick" to achieve goals and how it can help people move forward in their lives.

Commitment to achieving goals [00:05:32]
Stu shares his personal experience of committing to an ice bath before every workout, regardless of how he feels, and how it relates to achieving goals.

Challenge Yourself [00:08:00]
Stu Massengill challenges listeners to commit to their goals for five days, regardless of their feelings, to achieve progress and momentum.

Commitment to Outcome [00:08:47]
Stu emphasizes the importance of being committed to achieving the desired outcome rather than being committed to one's feelings to achieve success.

Training Your Brain [00:11:10]
Stu suggests training the brain to do things even when one doesn't feel like it, such as taking a cold shower or doing an ice bath, to build commitment and achieve goals.

Episode Resources:

Stu’s IG - @stumassengill (Website)