In this episode of the Finding Direction podcast, I had the pleasure of interviewing Rob Dyrdek, former professional skateboarder and TV personality. Rob shared his insights on success and happiness, discussing topics such as hypnosis, focusing on one thing at a time, designing a holistic life plan, measuring progress, building discipline, and optimizing one's life. He emphasized the importance of understanding oneself and pursuing passions that align with one's true self. Being someone who grew up watching Rob on TV, this was definitely a fun one!

What We Discuss:

Introduction [00:00:00]
Stu Massengill welcomes listeners to the Finding Direction podcast and introduces the guest, Rob Dyrdek.

Rob's Life Resume [00:01:20]
Stu and Rob discuss how Rob answers the question "what do you do?" given his diverse range of accomplishments.

Rob's Hypnosis Experience [00:05:54]
Rob talks about his experience with Dr. George Pratt, a clinical psychologist and hypnotist, who helped him reprogram his subconscious to believe in his success.

Hypnosis and Subconscious Beliefs [00:08:39]
Rob Dyrdek talks about his experience with hypnosis and how it helped him reprogram his subconscious beliefs to believe in his success.

Building Confidence through Achievement [00:11:12]
Rob Dyrdek discusses the importance of building confidence through achievement and how it helped him achieve success in skateboarding and designing shoes.

Television and Destiny [00:15:39]
Rob Dyrdek talks about how television was a major opportunity that gave him a quantum leap in his existence and how being open to destiny and focused on what you control can lead to opportunities.

Creating a TV Show [00:18:27]
Rob Dyrdek talks about how he got into creating his own TV show and the process of shaping it into what it became.

Looking to the Future [00:22:54]
Rob Dyrdek discusses the importance of looking into the future and being able to predict what will happen, as well as his personal journey of learning to create an amazing life.

Living in Chaos [00:24:33]
Rob Dyrdek reflects on his past hyper-chaotic lifestyle and how it allowed him to create an amazing highlight reel, but ultimately led him to seek a more peaceful and enjoyable way of living.

Rob's Stunts [00:25:51]
Rob talks about his journey of doing stunts for television, from riding a bull to jumping a monster truck and getting attacked by a tiger.

Start with the End [00:27:57]
Rob discusses the book "Start with the End" and how it revolutionized the way he thinks about life, emphasizing the importance of figuring out what you want in the end and building backwards.

Designing a Holistic Life [00:30:36]
Rob explains how he designed his life by asking questions about his whole life, not just his career, and taking personality tests to gain clarity on his strengths and weaknesses.

Designing the Whole [00:35:49]
Rob talks about how he reframed his perspective on TV and how he began to implement systems and automation to make TV easier. He emphasizes the importance of designing his business vision and life vision simultaneously.

Measuring Happiness [00:38:57]
Rob discusses the importance of measuring happiness and how he tracks his daily happiness levels. He talks about how tracking little things that make him feel better has helped him become more disciplined and motivated.

Achieving Success [00:42:08]
Rob talks about his extraordinary level of discipline and how he has built his whole life around his commitment to being healthy and productive. He discusses his perspective on achieving success beyond his wildest dreams and being in a perpetual state of achieving.

Optimizing Your Life [00:43:00]
Rob Dyrdek talks about how he optimized his life to achieve balance, happiness, and success.

Three Steps to Optimize Your Life [00:45:37]
Rob Dyrdek shares three steps to optimize your life: focus on health, work, and life; measure progress; and make incremental improvements.

The Importance of Changing Everything [00:50:59]
Rob Dyrdek emphasizes the importance of changing everything in your life, rather than just one thing, to achieve sustainable and integrated improvements.

Tracking progress [00:52:22]
Rob and Stu discuss the importance of tracking progress and how it can lead to motivation and clarity. Rob shares his experience of tracking his own progress and how it helped him have one of the best years of his life in 2020.

Software development [00:55:47]
Rob talks about the software he is developing to help people track their time and rate their days. He explains how visualizing the quality of life changing can make it easier to make decisions and plan for the future. The software is expected to be released in summer of 2025 or 2026.

Living harmoniously [01:00:31]
Rob discusses how living harmoniously is the key to achieving a continuous state of optimization. He explains that it starts with a few things on the health, work, and life side that can build harmony in time and energy. He also mentions that his integrated platform, which includes the software, will be a legacy piece and is expected to be released in summer of 2025 or 2026.

Philosophy behind software design [01:01:39]
Rob Dyrdek talks about the philosophy behind creating software that is simple yet integrated in a harmonious way.

Where to find Rob Dyrdek [01:03:08]
Stu Massengill asks Rob Dyrdek where people can find him and his work, and Rob explains that he shares his philosophy on social media.

Advice on finding direction [01:03:56]
Rob Dyrdek advises listeners to take a personality test to gain a deeper understanding of themselves and find clarity on their direction in life.

Episode Resources:

Principles You Personality Assessment (Website)

Rob Dyrdek IG (Website)

Hyper Performance Book by Dr. George Pratt (Website)

Start at the End Book by Dave Lavinsky (Website)