In this episode of the Finding Direction podcast, I had the pleasure of interviewing Dr. Espen, a researcher of neuroscience and quantum physics, a master healer, and a conscious business mentor. Our conversation focused on unlocking unused potential with quantum physics and how to find purpose in life. I shared my personal journey of discovering quantum physics and the power of tapping into unused potential, emphasizing the importance of seeing challenges and obstacles as opportunities for growth and transformation. I also discussed the power of self-belief and self-healing, raising one's frequency to attract positive experiences in life, and manifesting positive synchronicities. The episode concludes with me advising listeners on how to start finding direction in their life.

What We Discuss:

Introduction [00:00:00]
Stu Massengill welcomes listeners to the Finding Direction podcast and introduces the guest, Dr. Espen, who will discuss unlocking unused potential with quantum physics.

Challenges as Opportunities [00:01:28]
Dr. Espen talks about the importance of looking at difficult experiences in life as opportunities for growth and finding direction.

Purpose and Obstacles [00:04:00]
Dr. Espen shares his personal story of overcoming challenges and obstacles in life to find his purpose, and how these experiences led him to quantum physics and spiritual growth.

Finding Purpose in Life [00:08:02]
Dr. Espen shares his personal experience of finding direction and purpose in life after a traumatic accident and hospital infection.

The Power of Self-Healing [00:10:11]
Dr. Espen talks about the power of self-healing and self-belief, and how he applied it to heal himself from a life-threatening infection.

The Science of Quantum Physics and the Unified Field [00:13:56]
Dr. Espen explains the science behind the unified field and how it relates to the concept of a spirit or soul, as well as the unique expression of source within each individual.

Benefits of Challenges [00:15:39]
Dr. Espen discusses how challenges and obstacles can be used to find direction and purpose in life, and how to elevate awareness to find the reasons behind them.

Understanding Quantum Mechanics [00:17:25]
Dr. Espen explains how science has proven that 999% of every person is pure non-physical energy, and how this energy frequency and vibration affects our physical expression.

Tapping into Unused Potential [00:21:03]
Stu and Dr. Espen discuss how to tap into the 999% of potential that we are not using in our lives, and how to turn up the dial to access more of the quantum field.

Lower frequency emotions [00:24:26]
Dr. Espen discusses how lower frequency emotions interfere with living an incredible life and how they can be healed to attract high frequency emotions.

Healing past traumas [00:28:29]
Dr. Espen and Stu discuss how healing past traumas and finding gratitude can elevate one's vibration and lead to living a life they love.

Using breath work to access different states of consciousness [00:31:16]
Dr. Espen recommends starting breath work as a simple way to access different states of consciousness and become a divine vessel for creation.

Breathing for a Beautiful State [00:32:13]
Dr. Espen explains the importance of breathing to stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system and bring oneself into a beautiful state.

Living in Abundance [00:33:27]
The hosts discuss the two lenses of living in scarcity or abundance and how the breath can be used to shift into a field of abundance.

Manifestation and Vibration [00:38:51]
Dr. Espen explains the key to manifestation is raising one's vibration and how a low frequency can lead to longer manifestation times.

Unlocking Quantum Potential [00:40:23]
Dr. Espen explains how to tap into the untapped quantum potential beyond space and time to raise vibration and create coherence between the lower self and the higher self.

Manifesting Positive Synchronicities [00:42:40]
Dr. Espen talks about how to manifest positive synchronicities by raising vibration, getting in the right environment, and conditioning the nervous system to focus on positive synchronicities.

Cutting Out Negative Stimuli [00:45:58]
Dr. Espen advises listeners to cut out any stimulus that will reduce their frequency, including negative associations, negative things in their mind, negative things on TV, unhealthy nutrition, and relationships based on moaning or complaining.

Virtual Quantum Experience [00:48:46]
Dr. Espen talks about the virtual quantum experience, its cost, and how it can be accessed from anywhere in the world.

Finding Direction through Journaling [00:50:05]
Dr. Espen advises listeners to sit down and journal about the things they are inspired about in life, especially the things they loved doing when they were younger, to find direction and purpose.

Conclusion and Call to Action [00:53:16]
Stu Massengill concludes the episode, encourages listeners to listen to the episode multiple times, and invites them to continue listening to the next episode where he will expand on Dr. Espen's answer to the last question.

Episode Resources: (Website)