Today, I interview Lori Saitz, who says she was a timid child in public situations, hesitant to speak up in school. On the other hand, when she was at home, she was bold and outspoken. 

In class, she didn't have the courage to speak up or volunteer for fear of making a mistake. The expectations and competition in this setting were different from the comforts of home, where she was the firstborn and received lots of positive encouragement. While she didn't naturally have a competitive side, she was hard on herself and began to strive for perfection. 

She eventually let go of her perfectionism when it became such an impossible feat, not wanting to exhaust herself. She focused on quality of life, still doing a great job in school and also having a small group of close friends-- which she maintains to this day. 

She came into her own when she learned about the community broadcast station for her high school, and she decided to become a broadcast major in college, working in her campus radio station. She discovered the excitement of speaking for herself, and she was hooked by this fresh new experience. She ended up changing her major to copywriting, loving the idea of expressing herself and having true connection with people. She discovered the power of people helping each other and pushing each other forward by solving problems together. 

Today, Lori loves to connect with people, showing individuals and businesses how to be still, get connected with themselves, and be intentional about gratitude. Helping people to be grounded, focused, and honest with themselves is her method of helping burnt-out, discouraged, depressed people find renewed purpose and make confident decisions about their lives.

Lori Saitz is the CEO of Zen Rabbit and host of the podcast “FINE is a 4-Letter Word.” She’s an award-winning writer, speaker, and broadcaster, and a nationally recognized expert in using gratitude and meditation as shortcuts to success. The most difficult thing she’s ever done is leave a 22-year marriage. That experience inspired her transformational F*ck Being Fine program. Through it, she guides corporate teams and private clients who are finished living in a "dumpster fire" to a place of unprecedented clarity, peace, and productivity. When she's not working, you can find Lori in her sanctuary, aka the weight room at the gym. She also loves cupcakes, Thai food, and classic rock music. 

Find Lori here: [email protected] 
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