Today, I interview Dr. Denny Coates, who was a very driven child, always striving to be a high achiever and to be the best among his peers. Much later in life he became a compelling speaker, and this was only after he faced a reality that he did not know how to engage his listeners.

His years of hard work opened the door to West Point, and he found himself with a prestigious military career, where he excelled as a leader-- and loved it. He loved learning from those around him and being constantly challenged to humbly improve himself. 

After the conclusion of his time with the military, Denny became passionate about teaching others to become better leaders, as well as the way that children develop into adults who are on a path to success and confidence. He was able to pass on his knowledge in a clear and direct way, but says that when it came to speaking, "it's a whole different challenge." He felt that his message was important, and he didn't have any struggles in delivering his thoughts, but he also felt that he was neither popular nor engaging as a speaker. He wanted to be more likable and moving. 

He understood the importance of learning how people actually learn. Knowing this would help his listeners to grasp the concepts and be able to actually form new habits and change their behavior. His excitement grew when he figured out the way the brain connects to the body, with neurotransmitters remembering our movements the more we practice them, allowing us to perform in a more rhythmic, natural way. 

His passion for this-- and practicing it himself-- gave him the confidence and enthusiasm needed to become a compelling, energetic speaker. Today, he shares his heart for development by putting the focus on children. His books and programs help to shape kids into successful individuals who have good habits, special goals, high standards, a strong mindset, and a clear path forward. 


Dr. Coates is the author of several books for parents, including How Your Teen Can Grow a Smarter Brain, and Connect with Your Kid. His passion is helping parents guide their children to become happy, successful, independent adults. Ebook: Listening to Understand, .

Find Denny here: [email protected] (online parent coaching system) (more online coaching systems)


I'm your podcast host, Dr. Doreen Downing, and I help people find their voice so they can overcome anxiety, be confident, and speak without fear. 

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