Today, I interview Chris Weals who grew up with two older brothers who did very well academically. Chris, however, wasn't as interested in studying; instead, he excelled at making friends and even took on a sort of leadership role in some groups. Things began to catch up to him when he felt left out and pressured because he didn't show as much drive for academia as other people. 

He slowly began to distance himself from sports and team settings, focusing on more individualized interests. It was difficult to fight the habit of comparing himself to his brothers or peers (which so many of us relate to all too well!). 

With a desire to find himself and figure out his path, he chose to study psychology which really interested him, but after not feeling much support or enthusiasm from anyone for his choice, he switched to accounting because he saw that his brother had found success in that field. 

20 Years down the road, Chris had a successful career around numbers and finance, but he realized he didn't fit the same mold as others to whom he had compared himself. He had accomplished a lot but didn't feel fulfilled.  Chris struggled for years with low self-esteem and a lack of purpose.  He wanted to have a stronger sense of his own identity and calling, so it was time to make a change.

He left this line of work and began working with a therapist and a life coach, slowly peeling back the layers to find out what was missing, what was damaged, and how to feel fully alive each day. After taking a year off from work to travel around the world, doing a lot of deep diving and growing, Chris decided to create an intentional path forward and started coaching in early 2020. 

Find Chris here: [email protected] 


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I’m Dr. Doreen Downing and I help people find their voice so they can speak without fear. Get the Free 7-Step Guide to Fearless Speaking​.