Show Notes 4/19/21

0:00 - Anthony vs Nick: Is motivation real?

You cannot depend on how you feel that day, to allow you to do the thing you need to do. So with that being said what is your “why” to keep it going consistently?

0:02 - Little bit of background on Coach Nick and his motivation.

Who Is metaphorically counting on me? My teammates and the people I am going to be up against. I don’t want to be the one to fail my end of the bargain.

0:04 - People that make excuses to cover up the area that they are lacking in. They don’t hold themselves accountable.

0:10 - Not everyone who comes to the gym has goals. As a coach we take the time to correct and perfect movement but for many of the recipients of those corrections is not here to be perfect.

0:15 - You have to do the individual work in order to see the results you want. If you are looking to do double understand flawlessly it will not come with doing them a few times in class every month, more work has to be done.

0:23 - W discuss certain stress levels, common everyday stressors, and stresses specific to each of us.

0:30 - Exercise can help your stress tolerance. We dive into this later in the episode but anxiety can be helped by consistent exercise. In order to perform repetitive exercise you have to be comfortable with a certain level of pain and discomfort which those suffering from anxiety and panic attacks often can’t tolerate. In fitness that pain and discomfort has to be tolerated in order to make progress.

0:38 - As Anthony has previously talked about concerning, The Problem with Weight Loss Podcast, we have our own convention about their “healthy at any size” topic.

0:45 - Society effects all. Diving deeper into the pressure that women and men face in light of being “strong” and how they deal with shame and comparing their physique.

0:54 - Did you ever realize that the symptoms/side effects of eating disorders are also what we tell people to do in order to lose weight?

1:00 - What physical potential are you trying to reach? Very few are trying to obtain that high level athlete life. What are you gunning for and what do you NEED to do to get there?

1:04 - Still on the topic of comparison all four of us give our thoughts on the separate challenges presented with dealing with what we see on social media. And an interesting mention by Anthony, how our family or significant can be our second worst saboteur.

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