Show notes

0:02 - The art of saying no. How we approach enforcing our boundaries in order to avoid future resentment.

0:05 - Saying no to food that does not fit in to what we are trying to accomplish. Being secure enough, or choosing to avoid the guilt trip.

0:06 - You are remembered more for what you say no to, versus what you say yes to.

0:07 - Coaches have a surrogate self belief in our athletes.

0:14 - Anthony discusses the common misconception that only a certain clientele can perform strength training. Middle aged people need more than anyone else.

0:16 - Cardio is great, but it does not put your body through a full range of motion.

0:18 - The media only publicizes the negative. So in this industry you are suffocated with the stores about injuries.

0:21 - You have to be personally committed to making lifestyle changes bore you actually dedicate your time to it. Mentally, physically, and monetarily.

0:25 - The views on women in powerlifting. We will have more of a female perspective on the next episode when Sam joins us. For now Anthony gives his thoughts on how men don’t want to feel inferior.

- According to Brené Brown, men deal with shame with physicality.

0:30 - Eventually with age, and experiences, we all will work towards getting to a certain point where comfort will set in.

0:34 - People want authenticity. Authenticity, is how you share versus transparency, which is how much you share.

0:39 - You will never bee able to convince someone to be ready, until they are truly ready themselves.

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