Show Notes

0:03 - You should really steer clear from eating the same thing for every meal. This could be a good way to miss nutrients.

0:05 - Food is a feeling.

0:07 - James Clear coming through again with the idea of never missing twice.

0:12 - Your body adapts to your routine sooner than you think. The holidays have you eating more than usual? Your body will remember that next week when you stop.

0:14 - Are there any recommendations about eating before or after working out? The same theme, that you are your own experiment. What works for for you.

0:21 - Asymmetrical training - the balance between left and right. More times than not your dominant leg takes the blow because it gets the brunt of the work.  This is why we turn towards unilateral training.

0:25 - Closed chain vs. open chain exercise

0:26 - Anthony dives into the differences in flexibility, mobility, and stability, and the times they can be helpful or hurtful.

0:28 - There are two ends of spectrum, too flexible and not flexible enough. In order to help both ends you have to build strength through length, i.e. working through the full range of motion.

0:33 - Get an assessment! At Prime or in your area, find a certified professional to assess how you move before jumping right into your fitness.

0:34 - Custom programming allows for safety first and foremost. And after spending time one on one with a trainer, together you can learn to adjust your workout accordingly.

0:40 - Do high school and college levels athletes, hide dysfunction, or hide pain in order to maximum playtime?

0:43 - How society has come to effect us, weight loss, and the health and fitness culture.


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