If you've been dabbling in the personal development space, you probably have heard the idea that "you are the only thing keeping you from your goals." While I believe that to be true, I think it's important to create awareness of how it plays out in your life, where you might be sabotaging yourself and not even realizing it, and give you the exact solutions you need to change course.

(0:17) The irony of self-sabotage & intro to the episode

(2:08) How waiting for motivation is sabotaging you & the solution

(9:00) How perfectionist fantasy and not ever being able to be a 10/10 is sabotaging you & the solution

(28:33) How the DIY and Free-Forever method is sabotaging you & the solution

(45:33) Recap of ways you're sabotaging yourself and the solutions

If you've been struggling with finding and keeping motivation, and you're tired of watching your goals slip through your fingers, you need to join my 6 Months to Freedom program. This 1:1 coaching container is so powerful, with a simple and clear formula for success that works every time in getting you exactly where you want to be.

See how coaching with Jen can help you breakthrough to the next level of your life by booking a no-strings attached consultation here.