You KNOW how powerful your mind is. Whether or not you’re creating the life you want, you KNOW you have a very powerful part and responsibility in what your life looks and feels like right now. And if you didn’t already know this, you wouldn’t have signed up for my shit. You’re a smart chick. An evolved soul. The real fucking deal. Something about my work -- the Fertile Ground podcast, the mind-body connection, the inner belief work, MAKES SENSE to you. A part of you KNOWS how vital it is to change your thoughts to both be happy + increase your fertility. But then culture comes in. Your doctor comes in. Your naturopath comes in. Your acupuncturist comes in. The online research comes in. The statistics come in. “How long it’s been” comes in. All of a sudden… we are back on this over-focus (borderline obsession) with the physical body again. And the inner belief work takes a back seat. YOU take a back seat. MORE DOING. Way less being. No judgement -- This pattern frequently played out in my 8-year fertility journey. I see this time and time again with women TTC. But in mine and theirs and IN YOUR defense --- the inner-work can feel so intangible and immeasurable compared to the physical. (Which is frustrating when you’re feeling impatient.) So I’m hosting a free masterclass to teach you EXACTLY how to create a BABY BELIEF PLAN. In this free class, you’re gonna learn: The exact template I used to change my beliefs and get pregnant naturally, after 8 years TTC. The biggest mistakes I see women makingwhile TTC (and how to avoid them). Why this Baby Belief Plan will open up a whole new portal into what’s possible for your fertility (and what your mind and body are capable of). Why you can stop worrying about “how” you’re going to conceive <<< YES! This is totally possible. I just finished creating the workshop and it is LIGHTING. ME. UP. Legit – can’t wait to share it with you. It’s completely brand new and nothing I’ve ever taught before. Register now!

You KNOW how powerful your mind is. Whether or not you’re creating the life you want, you KNOW you have a very powerful part and responsibility in what your life looks and feels like right now. And if you didn’t already know this, you wouldn’t have signed up for my shit. You’re a smart chick. An evolved soul. The real fucking deal. Something about my work -- the Fertile Ground podcast, the mind-body connection, the inner belief work, MAKES SENSE to you. A part of you KNOWS how vital it is to change your thoughts to both be happy + increase your fertility. But then culture comes in. Your doctor comes in. Your naturopath comes in. Your acupuncturist comes in. The online research comes in. The statistics come in. “How long it’s been” comes in. All of a sudden… we are back on this over-focus (borderline obsession) with the physical body again. And the inner belief work takes a back seat. YOU take a back seat. MORE DOING. Way less being. No judgement -- This pattern frequently played out in my 8-year fertility journey. I see this time and time again with women TTC. But in mine and theirs and IN YOUR defense --- the inner-work can feel so intangible and immeasurable compared to the physical. (Which is frustrating when you’re feeling impatient.) So I’m hosting a free masterclass to teach you EXACTLY how to create a BABY BELIEF PLAN. In this free class, you’re gonna learn: The exact template I used to change my beliefs and get pregnant naturally, after 8 years TTC. The biggest mistakes I see women makingwhile TTC (and how to avoid them). Why this Baby Belief Plan will open up a whole new portal into what’s possible for your fertility (and what your mind and body are capable of). Why you can stop worrying about “how” you’re going to conceive