When you see a pregnant woman in the grocery store, do you feel: Separate. Jealous. Sad. Annoyed. Angry. Different?Most women I speak to are ashamed to admit that these feelings come up when they see a big, pregnant belly. When we live in the logical, left side of our brain – of course you will see yourself as separate from them. That’s what this side of the brain is designed to do. To create division. But what if there was a mind-body HACK that could give you access to that pregnancy energy? What if I told you, that the pregnant women is BORROWING pregnancy energy for 9-months. It’s not “hers” to own. It’s yours too. And you can access it today, after listening to this weeks podcast: How to access the energy of pregnancy.  I did this exercise before conceiving my son. I stopped listening to the shitty story of pregnancy being out of reach for me. I took my power back and decided to get to know her. Not just when it physically manifested. I was fucking tired of waiting – and I know you are too – so listen now!