I'm super excited today because we are coming up to the one-year anniversary of the Female Leaders on Fire Podcast. This podcast is something I’m really proud of as I didn't know the impact it was going to have. I didn't know that we were going to be getting thousands of downloads a month and that we were going to be listened to in 30 countries across the world.

To celebrate being one, we have got some things coming up that I want to tell you about. So first of all, we are gonna be changing the name of the podcast, I’m really excited to share that with you so watch out for that at the end of July.  We're also going to have a week of interviews with some women at the top of different organisations in different industries that are absolutely incredible.

Then we're also going to have two bonus episodes; one is gonna be edited together, with my best bits for the year and then we've also got my lessons from this year and what I've learned and what's changed for me.

Finally, we also have a competition running and you can find out all the details below.

Competition details:

Do you need some you time? Time to relax, switch off and just be? Then the competition is perfect for you.

Throughout August to celebrate the anniversary of the Female Leaders on Fire podcast and the shift to a sexy new name, Women at the Top of Telecomms and Tech we’re running an amazing competition, with something you will LOVE! 

When you share the podcast on Linked In and tag me Nicola Buckley, or you post a review on iTunes. You’ll be entered into a free prize draw to win a Solo Journey Spa Day worth £300 at the luxury eco-hotel in Cornwall. If you don’t know the hotel it’s a beautiful eco spa hotel perched on Cornish cliffs overlooking a beautiful beach, it’s the perfect place to rest and unwind. https://www.scarlethotel.co.uk/spa/day-spa



From Friday 29th July to Friday 2nd September

One prize draw entry per share or review. 

Prize draw on Friday 2nd September and winner notified within 1 week 


Listen and subscribe to the podcast now, and find out more about me at www.nicolaskorko.com

Follow me on Linked In here:


Download the Overwhelm to On Fire Checklist here:


For more details on how to work with me

Go too www.nicolaskorko.com

Or email [email protected]