This week, I’m joined by two fantastic women, Hannah Hall-Turner and Rachel Maguire who together are the co-founders of The Job Share Pair. Both women had great careers and reached the role of HR Directors and coincidentally they had their children at similar times. When the time came to return to work they found it difficult to find the right part-time job. So, they suggested a job share, which at their senior level was very unusual. They made it work incredibly well and are here to talk about their business and the benefits of job sharing.


Here are the highlights:

(05:25) Their background story (10:19) Where are we in the corporate world of job sharing? (20:58) Making that shift to job sharing (26:30) Myth busting around job sharing (36:05) What makes a job share work in your experience? (41:46) What’s your profile in a job-sharing partnership?


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Recruitment website mentions:

Investing in Women:

Daisy Chain:

Valued Recruitment:


About The Job Share Pair:

Hannah and Rachel met over 10 years ago whilst working in the HR department of a large, fast-paced, high volume, real estate services firm, meeting as colleagues and becoming firm friends. They progressed up the corporate ladder quickly, achieving the role of HR Director, loving the influence they had at a strategic level to improve business results and impact upon the employee experience. 

They had their first babies 6 days apart and whilst on their respective maternity leaves discussed their desire to achieve work-life balance with their new family commitments. With their ambition, drive and commitment, they didn't want to leave a career and qualifications they had worked so hard for, or miss the precious "firsts" with their babies. Job sharing seemed a perfect solution!

They broached the idea of a job share with their line manager to each work 3 days per week with one critical cross-over day, and after many discussions and much planning, they became the first job share duo in the UK arm of that Fortune 500 firm. This gave them the work-life balance that they had hoped for,  and as a result, they felt a duty to shout about the benefits to help others. 

As the arrangement was new to them and their business, they began researching best practice, networking with job sharers and other flexible workers and allies and soon realised the rarity of job sharing allowing for a route back into work following maternity leave. They passionately believe that this is a hugely missed opportunity for business and working women the world over.

Their Instagram page @thejobsharepair was born first and foremost to share their experience, best practice, useful practical tips and profile other job sharers to educate and inspire others about the power of job sharing. Currently, at over 1,250 followers, Hannah and Rachel post 6 times a week, highlighting case studies, reports and research, as well as personal experiences and those of their network, with an aim to increase awareness of job sharing and the benefits it can bring to individuals, organisations and the community. 

Hannah and Rachel are proud and qualified members of the CIPD. Both accomplished HR leaders and Board Members, they are collaborative, communicative and pioneers for continuous positive change. 

They are passionate about stamping out flexism at work and making flexible working options accessible for all.  Their ambition is for more people to access meaningful, progressive, senior roles through job sharing, encouraging a truly diverse workforce through flexibility. 

Contact The Job Share Pair:


