Today on The Female Energy Podcast:

Follow on Instagram: @shaerayvon @femaleenergypodcast

Shae Rayvon discusses how her experience with personal growth has been since last year. By sharing some of her traits and the experiences that shaped her into the person that she is today. By becoming aware of why and what cause her to act/react a certain way, she's learning how to correct those things.

For Growth, Shae asks that you complete two things for her. 
1/ I want you to get a piece of paper. And on one side I want you to describe yourself only using positive words. On the other half write down any negative ("toxic")  traits/qualities that you are aware of.  
2/ Then I want you take that list and think back to your whole life, your childhood, your school, work experience, your adulthood and just write down how you got that quality.
What did you experience that caused you to pick up that quality/trait? 

Now that you're aware what can you do to change/adjust?

Shae ends the podcast by giving you encouraging words to continue and push through how uncomfortable it is to become a better person! 

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