Hey girl! In today's episodes we talked about a range of topics all dealing with our unhappiness being systematically instilled in us. And the race of always wanting and never being content with life in the moment. 


~Jobs do not care about us 
~Social media is designed to have you in auto pilot and taking in information you don’t need. 
~The system we were built in keeps us going never stopping to enjoy life. 
~The 2 guarantees we got in life (life & death) 
~If you keep chasing you’ll never appreciate where you are now. 
~Giving yourself grace. 
~Before I decide to show up for others I’m going to show up for myself. 
~You’re not alone, there will never be a balance. 
~We’re always chasing. Wanting something shiny and new. 
~Resetting your day. 
~If you’re not living your life it’s because you’re waiting for something. You shouldn’t be waiting for anything. 
~And more! 

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