Thanks for stopping by Feelz the Podcast for semi-qualified advice from a Ranga living in Australia.

I have spent half of my life living in New Zealand and the second half (thus far) in the land of Australia (where I currently reside). Whilst there are many incredible organisations campaigning to break down the stigma of mental health at large, we are still faced with the historical stoicism that leads us toward internalising our feelings - namely in the form of “I’ll be right”, “she’ll be right” or my personal favourite “I’m just being a pussy”. This denial of varying emotion pushes our feelings so far down inside we may involuntarily shit them out after our morning weet-bix. 

The current COVID19 (aka corona, corolla, sharona virus) has highlighted our abilities to be open, raw and vulnerable about our mental and emotional wellbeing, and whilst the affects of this pandemic are very painful, I hope it mentors us in honouring our emotions aka "Feelz". 

Whilst a podcast cannot replace or fulfil the void of interpersonal connection, it’s a step in the right direction. Within this space we will be discussing relationships, work, sexuality, age, parenthood and whatever else comes to the front of the cerebral. There’s lots of f*ckwits making podcasts these days, so why not tune into a f*ckwit that cares about your feelings. I hope this audio space serves you as a safe haven for your thoughts (hopefully conjuring up some laughter along the way).