The How to and Benefits of Plant-Based Nutrition with Olivier Mankondo

Olivier tells his story of going plant-based in his eating. He was able to lose almost 80 pounds while reversing his diabetes and high blood pressure. In addition to plant-based Olivier is also intermittent fasting. He eats his last meal at approximately 6p to 7p, then his next meal is 12p or noon the following day. He also goes into detail about eating raw versus cooked vegetables.

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About Olivier

Olivier Mankondo is a speaker, author and weight loss and wellness coach with a passion for shelf-help books. He empowers people with the knowledge of a plant-based nutrition so hat they can make good dietary and lifestyle choices. Throughout his talks, he has been able to inspire and change a lot of people.

Olver can speak four different languages, including French.

He is the author of the book “The Plant-Based Nutrition: How It’s Going To Change Your Life”

Full Transcript Below

The How To and Benefits of Plant Based Nutrition with Olivie...

Sat, 5/15 7:28PM • 32:54


eat, milk, protein, olivier, plant, processed food, drink, people, lose, fruit, vegetables, osteoporosis, meat, enzymes, based, digest, food, body, suffering, lots


Olivier, Terry, Roy Barker

Roy Barker  00:00

Of course, this is, uh, this podcast Chronicles our journey, my journey into wellness, losing some weight, also, you know, just wanting to eat better, not just not feeling bad, you know, eating too much being more active, just, you know, we're trying to put the whole package together. So we can, I can enter later life and a little bit better health and feeling better than what I do now. So what, you know, we bring things, different things that we're doing from time to time, but we also bring different guests with different perspectives. And we're very happy today to have Olivier Mankonda. He is a speaker, an author, weight loss coach, wellness coach with a passion for self help books. He empowers people with the knowledge of plant-based nutrition, so that they can make good dietary and lifestyle choices. Through his talks. He's been able to inspire and change a lot of people. And Olivier, welcome to the show. And he is the author of the plant-based nutrition, how's it going to change your life, and it's a very impressive book. So thanks for taking time out of your day to be with us, Olivier.

Olivier  01:07

Thanks very much for having me. Yeah. And

Roy Barker  01:10

so you know, we talked a couple of weeks ago, and you know, me and Terry, have been kicking around this, you know, more of that plant based trying not maybe not getting rid of meat totally, but trying to move away from eating so much. Because our, you know, especially where we live here in Texas barbecue and beef, it's really big. But, you know, it can weigh me down for two or three days after I eat it, it seems like and so we actually have given this plant based nutrition, with the intermittent fasting a little bit of a world this week. So we're excited to have you on and, you know, be able to ask you some questions that have come up for us. So kind of tell us before we get started, though, how did you find yourself here? What What made you explore plant based and kind of jump into that? with both feet?

Olivier  02:04

Yeah, it's such it's happened a little bit. I didn't plan to do it. Okay. It was just one day. It was a sudden, Wednesday, I was watching YouTube video. And there was a ninja Yogi, his name is Sadhguru. And he was talking about the meat. We're saying that meat was not designed for the human mechanism. And it was the message was so powerful that I decided that I will go ahead and try it. And it was like I said, it was a Wednesday and I spoke to my wife and I told her that I will stop eating meat. And on Thursday, I went to work. And when I came back and asked you to cook me my last meal of meat, and it's been five years of not starch meat anymore. Wow. So I've stopped all the dairy product or most of the processed food. And it's been like that. So it was not like I was expecting something. It's just because I watched that program and I made my decision.

Roy Barker  03:06

Okay, yeah. And you have for those that haven't seen the book yet, we number one wants you to go out, pick up a copy. It's a great book. But on the cover, you have a before and after photos of yourself, which is really incredible. If you don't mind sharing, I don't want to get too personal. But about how much weight did you lose between these two photos?

Olivier  03:28

Yeah, so on that photo, my original weight was 100 kilo, which is 220 pounds. Okay, and I lost something like 77 pounds. So now my weight is 143 pounds.

Roy Barker  03:47

Oh, Holy smokes. Yeah.

Olivier  03:49

So and I lose that in just nine months. Okay, okay.

Roy Barker  03:54

Yeah. So So let's take us through this just a little bit. Because the other twist I think, is, if I'm not wrong, that you have is that it's not just plant based, but it's also this intermittent fasting that you do on top of that. So can you kind of walk us through what your day looks like? I'm sorry, Terry. I didn't mean to interrupt. You

Terry  04:12

know, I was gonna say he said it was nine months and we we talked about it or it's like he had a baby. And birthday.

Olivier  04:21

Yeah. So what I do, basically, is that when I wake up in the morning, I don't eat nothing. So I only eats twice, twice a day. So in a week, I've got 14 meals and in the at 12 eat just fruit. And at 7pm I eat either a fruit or a salad, or I eat cooked food. So I've got a 14 meals out of those 14 meals. 11 are row so it's fruit salad, and only three cooked meals. And why do that? It's because When you eat raw, your body doesn't have to produce some type of enzymes, because all these raw food ivali got these enzymes, and your body doesn't have to produce that. And basically, it's really soft on your body. That's why I do that. And why do I eat, I do intermittent fasting, because our bodies spend 80% of its energy, trying to digest food. And when you keep grazing, during the day, your body will not have the chance to heal and cleanse. So it's really, really important to not grace not to eat all the time, because your body can only cleanse and heal when it's not digesting food. It's like for example, if you've got your car, you take it to the garage to EBIT fix, you can't drive it at the same time. And your body, that's how the body works. You can only cleanse and heal when it's not digesting food. And that's why I only eat twice a day. And in between, I have no sack snack or things like that just water. Or sometimes I can ever make juice. That's all I do.

Terry  06:17

Well, and that's what I was wondering the other day I was, you know, what the difference between the raw versus the cooked plant based food, you know, what, which one was better for you, and the explanation that you just provided? Just Can we just reiterate. So the raw helps with the digestion is just not as hard of a digest Gen process.

Olivier  06:43

Yeah, so basically what happens is, when you eat raw food, raw food, I've already got a lot of enzymes, okay, but when you eat them, your body will not have to produce those enzymes. And it's very easy for the body to digest raw food, okay, but when you cook those food, there's a lot of enzyme that your body will have to produce lots of enzymes, and a lot of nutrients as well are destroyed during the cooking stage. Right. That's why it's always better to eat raw food. But I don't want to completely stop with the roof. Sorry, the cook food. That's why I only eat fried cooked food during the week. Okay, all the rest is raw. Okay. Yeah,

Roy Barker  07:29

yeah, that's interesting, because I've heard that over time, especially with vegetables is that when we cook them, we actually cook a lot of the goodness out of them as well. So that's another good thing about eating the raw. So the other thing that we you know, in our preliminary talk we talked about was milk. And it's funny, because I did a little research and was just, you know, and there's a lot of research on both sides. I know that but the piece that I was reading was a scientist, actually, that was saying, We are one of the only mammals that drinks milk after our infancy, I guess, you know, after we get weaned off of food, that back in the olden days, that, you know, we people quit drinking milk, but one reason that they they went to it is because it's high caloric. And it was easy to get. And it's basically like if you were hurt or something you had, you know, goat's milk or whatever available to you. But they said that that was a definite shift in our body mechanics, you know, from, I guess, during this evolution process that really, if you drink milk at our age, it should make you sick.

Olivier  08:43

Yeah. So what's really happened is that, when you look as well, you will see that human beings is the only species in the entire creation to drink milk from another species, you will never ever see that you will never see for example, cats drinking dogs milk for goats drinking cow's milk, because every milk is specific to his own species. So for example, if you look at the rabbit milk, it contains 10 times more proteins than the human milk. And why is that? It's because when the baby rapid is born is so small, that they need to double it size within the first week, if they want to sustain life. If you look at the seals, milkweed content 40% fat, because the baby seal need to build up fat very quickly because it's very cold in the North Pole. Okay, you look at the human milk, it contain lots of lactalbumin because we need to produce amino acid. And you look at the cow's milk, it contains lots of casein. So you can see that every milk is specific to his own species. And when you drink cow's milk, because the Wonder cow is born is in weight, something like five stone or 30 kilos. And after three months, you need to triple that weight. That's why in the cosmos, you've got to loads and loads of calcium. And when we people will drink cow's milk, our body will analyze and see that now we've got too much calcium. And when we go to relate, we're going to lose that excess calcium to the expense of our own calcium. And in the cosmic as well, you got loads of phosphorus. And again, our body will have to neutralize that phosphorus. And to do so it's going to leech off the calcium from our bones and our muscles. And that's why you will see a lot of people suffer from osteoporosis, which is a condition which make your bone brittle, and you start suffering from the inflammation of the joints. And you will see that in the countries where the milk intake is very high, you will see a high incidence of osteoporosis as well. Interesting. And you will see as well that human beings are the only species as well will drink milk when they're adults, you will never see any grown animal drinking milk. And there's an enzyme which is called lactase, which enables people to digest the milk. And when we reach the age between two and four years old, that enzyme says to be produced, which is suggestive that we need to stop drinking milk. And that's why you will see that 70% of the world population is lactose intolerant. Wow, we'll see that. Yeah. And when you drink cow's milk, it's going to give you a lot of diseases such as anemia, ear infection, eczema, asthma, osteoporosis, cancer, obesity, appendicitis, you got lots of all of these diseases. And there's another thing as well is that when we drink cow's milk, boys and girls will go through puberty at a very early age. And when you go through puberty at a very early age, your body will start producing estrogen in excess, and an increase of estrogen is linked to cancer. And that's why you will see in the future, later on in life, these girls will start suffering from breast cancer, uterus cancer, ovarian cancer, and for boys, it's going to be prostate cancer, cancer, you can see that the dairy products are really not designed for the human mechanism.

Roy Barker  12:04

So what so what about in, I guess in the world and in our world, like, and we're you know, we're based in America, you're based in the UK? Is that correct?

Olivier  12:14

Yes. Yeah. So

Roy Barker  12:15

now, what about across the world? Do are Americans the ones that drink a lot of milk? Or is there a lot of animal milk consumed across the world?

Olivier  12:26

Yeah, we did, I would imagine that it's mostly in America, Canada, and in the your European countries where the milk intake is very high. Okay, for example, if you go in Africa, you don't really drink that much. And you can see that the incidence of osteoporosis is less in this Africa, in Asia and stuff like that. So it's mostly in European countries, and in America and Canada, where you got really that problem.

Roy Barker  12:56

So one of our challenges, I think, is, you know, of course, we, we are heavily, you know, protein focused is kind of where we're coming from. And so, you know, moving into plant based, I know that, you know, there's soy and beans and a lot of other stuff that you can gain protein, but kind of talk, talk through that process. Because, you know, as we did this, this week, we mixed in some beans with our salad. And, you know, we're trying to be conscious about getting, because it's not highly concentrated like beef, you know, trying to work it in wherever we could. So tell us a little bit about how do you work in enough protein in your diet? And then of course, some of those sources, where you get that from?

Olivier  13:40

Yeah, for example, the example that I like to give to people is that when you look, for example, at the elephant, is the biggest land animal on earth is not deficient in protein. But where does he get this protein from? Just from the green study, it's okay, you look at the gorila, we should 99% of the same DNA. But what do go really eat, they eat fruit, vegetables and tender roots, they do not eat meat. And you can see that the gorilla is very powerful. So if you want to get your protein, what you need to do, you just need to eat lots of legumes like beans, lentils, chickpeas, peas, all this stuff, spinach, and you will your requirement of protein will be met. You don't have to worry about all these things. You just have to eat all this stuff, all those legumes and stuff, and you will not have no problem at all. It's like me, I've been on eating this way for five years. And I'm not deficient in protein. It's just gotten in the environment that we live in. They've stressed a lot of butter, protein, everyone needs to need a lot of meat and stuff like that, but that's really not what we should be doing. We should Getting those protein from plants.

Roy Barker  15:03

Yeah, and I was looking at because I looked, I was doing a little research on this as well. The other thing that we lose, I think when we when we take protein is the is iron if I'm not correct, but if we eat the spinach and kale, we more than make up for any iron deficiencies that might, you know, we may see across that and it was an interesting article. And I'll just put this out there to see if you've read this guy or if you know about it, but he was talking about one thing about our teeth, that we're not carnivores because it well we weren't designed to be total carnivores because if you look at our teeth structure, we don't have the fangs for you know, ripping flesh and things like the big cats that eat meat do. And and then he also talked about our digestive system. I think that meat eaters have very short digestive systems, where ours is fairly lengthy. And then the opposite side, he was talking about that. We're not totally plant either, because our because of our teeth again, but our digestive systems weren't long enough. So it's, it's some interesting concepts to think about the way that our bodies are designed and the way that we eat today. Not that they are totally all, you know, in line with that, but the Do you even keep up with how many proteins that you may get in a day, do you? No, no, no. Okay.

Olivier  16:34

Do any calorie counts? I don't do any protein count. What I do is just I need a balanced diet. Yeah, I try to eat every not attracted. Every day. I need fruit. I eat fruit every single day. Because like I said, At noon, when I eat it's always fruit. Alright, so I eat a variety of fruits. And at night. We'll have for example, a salad with lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes, onions and stuff like that. Or I will cook maybe some potatoes with beans and spinach, or maybe some brown rice with mushrooms, lentils and Tempe, something like that. So I don't keep track of my protein intake because I know that what it will be okay with that. Okay.

Roy Barker  17:22

Do you eat? tofu? Yeah. Do you eat? Do you work tofu into your diet as well? at the tip? Yes.

Olivier  17:30

Yes, I do have a temper. Yes, definitely. Yeah. Oh, that's a sign that the tofu has got lots of protein as well. The tofu and the Tempe got lots of protein. Yeah.

Roy Barker  17:40

Can you explain what the Tim I don't know what TMP is just.

Olivier  17:44

It's just it's a little bit like tofu. It's made with soya beans. Okay. Yeah, it's basically the same process that they use. Okay. It's just a texture. It's different, or the taste is a little bit different. But it's done with soybeans. Okay.

Roy Barker  18:01

I guess I should ask Terry, do I know what that is? Have we had? I don't know, maybe.

Terry  18:07

There's so many different types. You know, I was gonna ask you so. So when you started your journey, your plant based journey? What was what were the reasonings? I mean, I know that you you wanted to lose some weight. Did you have some certain health issues that you wanted to address? And then see maybe if you could deal with those instead of taking medication deal with those with the plants? What was behind that?

Olivier  18:40

Yeah, like I said, I didn't know anything about the plant based nutrition. It's just when I watched that program, I and I decided that I will go ahead with that. But in the meantime, I had lots of health problem. I was suffering from high blood pressure. I had a massive headache every day or every other day. And the ad was so bad that that was me all the time. Dangerous chest pain, back pain, abscesses, john pain. So all this was really bad. And what happened is that when I changed my way of eating, after a week, I lost 11 pounds, just in one week. And this was very surprising for me. And four months in into the change, I went to my doctor to have my blood pressure tested. And he was surprised that I had I don't I didn't have any blood pressure problem anymore. And normally, my doctor told me that I will be on my medication for the rest of my life. But at that time when he told me that I said, No, I'm not going to take any medication. And he asked me, What are we going to do? And I said, I will try to do some sport, and I joined a karate club because I was tired. too, I thought that maybe it's going to solve the problem. But there was no changes. It's only when I stopped eating all the meat products and dairy products of this process food that my blood pressure went down. And basically all this was without any medication. And for the past five years, I've not been sick a single day, not even the flu. Nothing. So my my hair is.


Wow, okay.

Terry  20:31

That's, that is awesome. Yeah.

Olivier  20:33

When you look, for example, my brother as well, my brother has been able to follow that path as well. He's been able to lose. I think it's 73 pounds, that is being able to lose. And it was a he had a blood pressure as well, he was pre diabetic. And he had a psoriasis, which is a skin condition. And the doctor told him that he will have that for the rest of his life. And he had the psoriasis for eight years. But when I introduced him to this plant based nutrition, all these problems were gone, as well with no medication, no medication at all. And my wife as well, she has lost 99 pounds, just on this.

Roy Barker  21:17

Well, you know, talking about the inflammation, I've got a, I've got a little shoulder issue that I tore some ligaments or tendons in years ago. And when I eat wrong, or don't want to say wrong, when I don't eat correctly, I can feel it restricts my movement, and I can feel the inflammation. But after doing the plant base for a couple days, I was telling Terry that the my range of motion was almost back with this thing. It's been you know, the last two or three weeks, it's been killing me and it kind of restrictive in what I can do. But it was amazing how different I felt just after a couple days of you know, eating the plant based and staying. And we really, I think we still had a little protein in our diets. And we you know, we had a refrigerator full of meat that we were trying to you know, kind of work through as we start into this but it was amazing how I felt and then and I don't know which you know, which is which but the other thing was this fasting in the morning breakfast used to be my biggest meal the one I used to look get for look forward to getting up and having. But I haven't really missed it. One thing I've done is I drink coffee, and I put a little ghee in my coffee to thicken it up. So you know, it's a, it's a good fat, but it also it's heavy enough that I really haven't been hungry in the morning. So that's been an interesting transition. And of course, I think the other great thing for myself is just at seven o'clock being done because we were used to snacking late at night nine or 10 o'clock and then go into bed with the full stomach and you know, you know how that goes. But anyway, so let's talk about the other thing I want to talk about for a minute is the volume so because in in IE any people can tend to even abuse good and healthy things. So let's just talk about you know, what kind of volume should we expect to to eat?

Olivier  23:22

Yeah, so what you have to do is that like I said, when you on the plant based nutrition, you don't have to restrict your, the way you eat. So what I do is I eat as soon as I feel full stop after all you have to do and it's difficult to binge on foods, it's very difficult and because the fruit I've got loads of fibers and it's full of water you get full very quickly so it's difficult really to binge on fruit or plant based it's very difficult and so you will tend to feel old really quickly and as soon as you feel full you stop eating and that's all you have to do you don't have to look at small portions and not just it when you feel full you stop that's all you have to do.

Roy Barker  24:12

So what about mixing it up because I I don't like fruits or vegetables well i like i like fruits I you know I like to eat an apple but I mean an orange or maybe a banana but vegetables not so much so I guess is it important to to be experimental to bring new fruits and vegetables into our mix so that we don't get burned out from just the you know, feeling like we just eat a banana every meal or eat an apple every meal.

Olivier  24:42

Yeah, but you have to do is you have to mixed all the fruit. So you need to eat really a very approved. And yeah, that's what you have to do. And you have to incorporate that slowly because if you Stop eating lots of fruit at at one go because you're not used to it, you can have some detrimental consequences. Not in a bad way, but your body will try to detoxify quickly. And this really I had to work again, abscesses and stuff like that. Okay, yeah. But if you want to avoid that what to do is that you need to incorporate that slowly. And in the meantime, you decrease your intake of meat, dairy products, all this processed food, and at that time, you're not going to suffer from all these detoxifying symptoms.

Roy Barker  25:54

Okay. Okay, great. Well, is there any other, you know, we're just getting close to wrapping up, I just want Is there any other points about plant based that you want to get out there, or, you know, some of the other great side effects that you've had from it.

Olivier  26:14

That's all the side effect that I had. But in the process for this plant base as well. What I would like to add is that a lot of people, when they go on these plant based nutrition, they tend to replace that with unhealthy, vegan processed food, which is really bad as well. You can add that as a treat, but it doesn't have to be your meal that you will have to eat a lot of time because when you look at the processed food, the food that has been transformed and resemble to nothing in nature, they're essentially the manmade food. And when you look, you will see that 51% of what we eat as a rest is processed food 42%, the animal product and only 7% of fruits and vegetables. And in indoor 7%. Unfortunately, the majority, it's the potatoes to make french fries. So we eat very, very little of fresh produce, right? And when you look at those processed food, they are full of additive, calorie flavoring preservative, which are chemical substances not recognized by the body, and they create havoc. Okay. And when you look as well, you will see that in this process food, they've put us what is called aspartame, aspartame is very toxic, and it's a nerve poison, and you find Hospital in more than 10,000 products only in the supermarket. Wow. You'll find that in train gum, in drinks in solder. Ice cream, breakfast cereal in lunch product. That's why I always say to people that if they go on this plant based nutrition, yeah, they need to try it all code and avoid the processed food because the processed foods are not even vegan. Okay,

Terry  28:07

yeah, just because it says vegan don't automatically assume that it's going to be healthy for you. I was looking. We like cheese. So I was looking at you know, I've been seeing a bunch of information about vegan cheeses and all of that. I mean, is there a healthy? Well, I guess it would all be processed and

Roy Barker  28:26

processed. Yeah.

Olivier  28:28

Yes. So for example, the even the vegan cheese their process. So for example, if I have to look this month, I mean, predated the third last month. For example, if I have to count the time that I've had the vegan cheese, it's only one slice that I bought for the whole month. Because they are still processed food, right? Yeah. Yeah,

Roy Barker  28:53

I was thinking the other thing was about these vegan sausage patties. You know, anything, like you said, if they have to transform it into something that is not recognizable, probably a good sign that if you eat it, you need to eat it in limited quantities. And it's best just to go over to the vegetable while and pull the fresh fruit and vegetables run off the the stand there and just, you know, try to find a way to eat them without incorporating these because like, goodness, I don't know what Yeah, I don't know what it would take to turn a turn something into a vegetable sausage Patty, but probably probably not. Not good. Good. All right. Well, Olivier, we appreciate you. We're excited. We're excited to try this. I feel like that. You know what little we've done, has made us has made me feel better. I don't want speak for Terry, but we felt better. And it's just a matter of getting these things out of our diet and then figuring out you know, how we can incorporate the fresh fruits and vegetables. So we're looking forward to We're excited. And hopefully in a couple months, we'll reach out and have you back on and we can be your next success story.

Olivier  30:08

Yeah, yeah, we'll be afraid. Very happy to do that. Yeah.

Terry  30:12

Olivier, thank you so much. We really appreciate all of your insight and your story, sharing your story as explanation of all of the all of the plant based nutrition.

Roy Barker  30:27

So if you don't mind, tell everybody, of course, how can they pick up a copy of your book, the plant based nutrition? How's it going to change your life? And then also, you provide coaching? So if somebody wants to reach out to you for some coaching information, how can they get ahold of you?


Yeah, if they want to get a hold of me, they can go on my website is, that's And we'll be able, first of all, they can see I've got an eight step, weight loss and wellness program, that they can go on my website, and they will see that. And with that weight loss program, it's not only a weight loss program, but it's packed with lots of powerful insight that they can, if they put that in practice, they will be able to have optimal F. So it's not a diet, but it's a lifestyle change that I can expect from that. And if they want, they can read my book, they can go on Amazon. So the book is on sale on Amazon, they can have the book over there. And they can reach me as well on the if they want. They can go on YouTube, I've got a YouTube channel, where I put a lot of videos where I speak about all this stuff, where they can get all this knowledge where I share all this knowledge and you're

Terry  31:48

available as a keynote speaker as well. Yeah, yeah, yes.

Olivier  31:52

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, I'm doing I've been keynote speakers as well. It's just because we are locked down all the the place where I was supposed to speak, or it's been canceled. Yeah, but I speak as well. I'm a speaker so people can reach out as well. If they want me to speak in their event. Yeah.


Okay. That's great. Awesome. We all reach out. I know you can and we will put the spelling of your name and website up on our show notes as well when people can reach out and find you. So thanks again. Like I said, we're looking forward to it. Y'all reach out to Olivier and let him give you a hand if you're thinking about the plant-based nutrition. So that's going to do it for another episode of Feeding Fatty. Of course, I am Roy stary. And you can find us at we're on all the major social media platforms as well as a live video of this episode will go up on YouTube once the episode goes live. So until next time, y'all Take care of yourself.