Terry and Roy's May 2021 Update on Their Wellness Journey

As we progress through this journey we still run into hurdles. We have been eating a plant-based diet avoiding dairy and watching our meat intake. We are also intermittent fasting. We typically eat lunch around 12p-1p then dinner around 6ish. No snacking in between which is hard. As we talking about in the last episode we have gone to Reiki sessions. Next episode we will talk about meditation and what it has meant to us.

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About Terry and Roy

After years of weight, health and fitness challenges, Roy Barker and Terry Mallozzi made a commitment to changing their eating habits and implementing realistic fitness goals for them. They chronicle their journey for health on the Feeding Fatty Podcast speaking to experts about related aspects of health challenges (type 2 diabeteshyperthyroidismhypothyroidism) losing weight (need to) and staying positive (easier said than done). Little did they know it’s not just counting calories and cutting out sweets.


Full Transcript Below

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Terry and Roy’s May 2021 Update on Their Wellness Journey (00:15):

Hello, and welcome to another episode of feeding fatty. This is Roy it's Terry. So we are the podcast of course journey, uh, uh, chronicling chronicling. Yes. Thank you. Chronicling our journey into wellness. Uh, you know, that it's all encompassing, uh, uh, trying to clean up our eating habits, uh, you know, getting in a little bit better exercise routine as well as, you know, get in a good mind mindset and mind space as well. Uh, w last couple episodes we talked about, um, you know, our Reiki sessions and then our meditation. So if you haven't listened to that, you know, we're just giving it a try and see if it's something that works for us. And, uh, we've also, uh, think, you know, we've talked a little bit about our, uh, internet issues that we may be experiencing as well as you know, we're just trying to get back in the habit of doing these more personal recording so we can let them loose on Thursdays.

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Terry and Roy’s May 2021 Update on Their Wellness Journey (01:15):

You know, we're still gonna continue to do our professional, uh, interviews that we will air on on Tuesdays. But anyway, just wanted to talk a little bit about where we are. Uh, we've been on, uh, we've been doing the plant-based for maybe three or four weeks, and that's encompassed with, uh, intermittent fasting. You know, we usually eat lunch around noon dinner around six or seven, and then fast until, you know, the next day. And, uh, we'd had really good luck. And then this, um, I guess it was last Thursday or Friday, just, uh, probably stress tension, lot of stuff. We just kind of went, went, went crazy couple of days there, but, uh, you know, beginning yesterday we got back on track and then doing good today so far. So, you know, I think it's important to say that, you know, we're trying all these new and different things to, you know, see what we can find that works for us, but, you know, we still struggle and we've got, you know, I've got 50 years of bad habits and, uh,

Terry (02:21):

I'm glad that you said I've got them. We've got, I've got 50 years,

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Terry and Roy’s May 2021 Update on Their Wellness Journey (02:26):

You know, bad habits, uh, accumulated, you know, thoughts and conditioning and things like that, that, you know, we're still trying to break that, uh, work through.

Terry (02:36):

Yeah. And it's not to say that that what we're doing is the end all be all because of course we aren't are not the professionals. We're not medical professionals, we're not physicians where we are doing what is working best for us at the time. And, and we just felt like with plant-based eating, um, it would help with so many different issues as far as, you know, medic taking medications and, um, you know, using different spices and herbs and foods to address certain situations with, we felt like that was going to be good, but it's, it, it is not, it's not easy once, you know, you've been a carnivore your whole life and you just kind of drop everything. And I have been having some, um, hamburger cravings, um, and chocolate, I have been wanting chocolate. I am S a sweet, sweet, I have a sweet tooth. So,

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Terry and Roy’s May 2021 Update on Their Wellness Journey (03:36):

Yeah. And, and, uh, you know, I don't think we are not on such a strict course that, that those are things that we can't do, you know, with, if we feel like we need some protein, some meat or something like that, then it's perfectly okay to, you know, go do that for me. My personal journey though, is that I can't, you know, if I have a little bit, then I've got to have a lot. So I usually do better with just being restricted from doing, but if I think in my mind that I can do at any time, that usually helps. It's not that I can't, it's just, I choose not to, because of, you know, part of the way, because even chicken beef is a little bit worse, but I just feel like it just weighs me down and just stays with me for, you know, a couple of days, which it does based on the digestive track and everything.

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Terry and Roy’s May 2021 Update on Their Wellness Journey (04:25):

But yeah, I mean, I've, I've felt better with the plant-based. It's just, you know, I'm going to tell you that sometimes it's like a insight just it's like the, you lose that fun portion, you know, vegetables is just, they're just not fun. It's not as fun as going to, you know, Buffalo, wild wings and having some wings or hamburger or, you know, go into someplace else, you know? And then when you really start processing that thought, you think that, you know, well, food's not supposed to be fun. It's supposed to help you to live. And, you know, we can still go out and, you know, with friends or fellowship with people and not eat the things that we don't want to.

Terry (05:08):

Yeah. We don't have to base it around a celebration. I mean, food doesn't have to be for celebration, but I mean, it just, it has been, that's just, that's the facts. Yeah. So, Oh, go ahead.

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Terry and Roy’s May 2021 Update on Their Wellness Journey (05:21):

No, no, I was just saying that's part of the, for me, that's part of that hard habit.

Terry (05:25):

Yeah. Yeah. And, and I have to tell you these LA, you know, the last, I guess week and a half, you know, of me having these, these cravings, um, I, I have in the past been able to just eat a little bit and then be satisfied and be okay. And that that'll quench my craving, but lately not so much. I mean, I want more, I do. And I don't want, I don't want, um, tempt you with my cravings. You know what I mean? I mean, that's kind of a hard place to be.

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Terry and Roy’s May 2021 Update on Their Wellness Journey (06:07):

I appreciate that. And that's something that, you know, we talk about between ourselves, because it's, I'm lucky that I have, you know, Terry to support me because it's hard if you don't have somebody that gives that a second thought, you know, bringing stuff into the house or always wanting to go out to eat. So, you know, I appreciate that. And thank you for that. But on the other hand, it's like,

Terry (06:29):

But we can also work that can also work against us because it's like, Oh yeah, I'll go ahead and try that. We can do that. We can have a little bit of that. Oh, no,

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Terry and Roy’s May 2021 Update on Their Wellness Journey (06:39):

No, but I think it's just important, you know, for you to have the, you know, you don't need permission. That's not a good word, but it's the only way I can think of, but you know, it's like you have permission to bring in or do what you need to do for you. So, you know, it's kind of that double-edged sword that I have to be strong and not, you know, just be, if you wanted something like that, that you felt like you really, really needed, then it shouldn't be a temptation.

Terry (07:05):

No. And I feel like, you know, if I want it bad enough, I'll go get it. And, um, you know, it's not, we don't have that many hiding places here. So the food is the food. It's where it is

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Terry and Roy’s May 2021 Update on Their Wellness Journey (07:16):

Nicely checkout stuff coming through the door, just to see if there's a treatment,

Terry (07:19):

It's me. You, you help help me unload it.

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Terry and Roy’s May 2021 Update on Their Wellness Journey (07:25):

But, um, yeah, I think mainly, uh, you know, I think I just wanted, I think we both just wanted to get out there that, you know, we struggle, but we try and, uh, you know, we're, we're trying to string this together. Not only the plant-based, but in the fasting, but then also we're doing this meditation. And, um,

Terry (07:46):

I don't, I don't,

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Terry and Roy’s May 2021 Update on Their Wellness Journey (07:47):

It, it seems like it's helped, I feel much more grounded and centered. Uh, you know, some days are harder than others to, you know, feel like, to take the time to do it and then some others. So it's like your mind is so cluttered that even if you do it, it's not, it doesn't seem very fruitful, but I think it is, I think it's self realization that your mind is cluttered first off, but sometimes you can work through that clutter to say, if you just keep repositioning or keep reinforcing, just breathe and just clear your mind and just think about that breath.

Terry (08:22):

Um, anyway. Yeah. I mean, and so many different things have been happening, you know, like with everybody, every, everybody has so many different things going on and we're not any different it's, um, you know, internet issue. I wish there wasn't an internet issue of meditation that we could do just fixed. That would be nice. Yeah.

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Terry and Roy’s May 2021 Update on Their Wellness Journey (08:45):

Yeah. And that's, you know, we've had a lot of adage or I feel like I've had a lot of added stress because not only, you know, we we've had to bump and reschedule a couple of weeks of first off, but, uh, you know, then just processing what we do have it's, it's a nightmare, which, you know, lately we've been going to a couple of local restaurants, which it's hard to, you know, be in there and not want to eat all the good stuff.

Terry (09:09):

That's what I was going to say. That, that right there is our internet meditation. We go there siphon their internet and then we have to eat the kitchen sink cookie.

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Terry and Roy’s May 2021 Update on Their Wellness Journey (09:18):

Yeah. So, yeah, Pandora, I mean, Panera, Panera has been kind of our go-to because they do have some, you know, healthy plant-based options. Uh, you know, I'm not going to tell you that this weekend, uh, w we've got kind of a late start on some things. And we went to the Buffalo wild wings, and it was hard not to, you know, eat some of their yummy wings. So, uh, but we did. Yeah. We split. And, um, you know, the thing is we did it, it happened now the, the big, next step is just getting over it and getting back on, because I don't think, you know, if we can eat clean the way we want to 90% of the time, then we're way ahead of the game. And so we, the one I'm working on for me personally, is just not letting you know this, these few days of flub up, wreck me from now forward.

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Terry and Roy’s May 2021 Update on Their Wellness Journey (10:11):

You know, if I can get back on and do another three or four weeks and then have a couple of days, I don't think there'd be anything wrong with that. Cause it's, it's, it doesn't have to be all or nothing. I think just trying to make improvements is kind of where we're at and, you know, hoping that we can improve it day over day. But I feel so much better when we were eating, when we're doing the eating, the vegetables and fasting, uh, it's just amazing how different you feel. And then when you go eat and we ate late, you know, so then you come home and like,

Terry (10:42):

And then the next morning, I mean, it's just like having a huge hangup. It's like, that's what I'm thinking of today. Today's May 1st, May 1st, May 5th Cinco de Mayo. I've been thinking about a margarita all day, but I'm going to power through.

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Terry and Roy’s May 2021 Update on Their Wellness Journey (10:56):

Yes, it would be nice.

Terry (10:59):

Oh my gosh. And then, you know, we'd have to throw in the chips and salsa and Mexican food that goes along with it.

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Terry and Roy’s May 2021 Update on Their Wellness Journey (11:06):

Yeah. And that's, you know, I will say that is one of our downfalls is, you know, when we get in the cycle of it's just, well, let's just do one more time, you know, but we can always find that one more time. I mean, okay.

Terry (11:19):

This turns Saturday. Okay. Let's turn Saturday into the weekend and then wait. All right. Well it's Monday and we've already gone through half the day and we're already messed up, so we might as well just carry on and it'll be a week. Yeah. Maybe. I mean, we haven't done that long yet, but yeah.

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Terry and Roy’s May 2021 Update on Their Wellness Journey (11:36):

Yeah. All right. Well, anything else before we go?

Terry (11:41):

No, I'm going to, I need to go meditate on my margarita. Okay.

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Terry and Roy’s May 2021 Update on Their Wellness Journey (11:45):

Okay. You didn't get that out of your mouth. All right. Well, you can find us of course, at www.feedingfatty.com. We're on all the major social media networks as well. Uh, we do hang out over on Instagram quite a bit. You can also find this recording on our YouTube channel. Once this episode goes live, we're always open for conversation. If somebody, you know, if you have a question, you have a topic you want us to cover. We'd be glad to try to do that. Um, we just need some reinforcement reach out. We'd really like to, uh, you know, build our engagement on our Facebook page or Facebook group, uh, you know, trying to be there to help people. So reach out, we'll see what we can do, but until next time that's going to do it for Roy

Speaker 3 (12:33):

I'm Terry goodbye.

