Stuck In Your Life or Career? Could be Your Subconscious Sabotaging You with Dawna Campbell

We all want to feel valued, both worthy and appreciated. The subconscious works is that from the moment you were conceived till the day you exit this earth, it records every moment. So it records all of the events. And it records how you feel moment by moment to those events, and puts those feelings and emotions to the events. Then a template to create a reality.

About Dawna

Known as the Mind Whisperer, Dawna combines her past knowledge, wisdom, and experience to assist you in creating and restoring a life of happiness, prosperity, and love. 

Dawna has over 25 years combined years of professional experience.  As a former Financial Advisor, her book, Financially Fit, is a #1 Amazon International Best Seller bringing together the world of money and the energy body, and the souls essence. 

She is a professional speaker sharing her techniques during interactive workshops and maintains an international private practice.  Dawna has shared the stage with Lisa Nichols, Dr. Joe Vitale, Sharon Lechter, and David Meltzer. 

Her personal Heart Centered Healing philosophy is to create a world that is a better place for all to live.

Full Transcript Below

Stuck In Your Life or Career? Could be Your Subconscious Sabotaging You with Dawna Campbell

Sun, 8/8 5:47PM • 40:02


eating, energy, breathing, feel, feeling, body, dairy, food, world, stress, people, changed, mindset, day, find, create, fed, pattern, diet, serotonin


Terry, Dawna, Roy Barker


Roy Barker  00:00

And we are the podcast of course we bring you our personal journey, my personal journey Terry support in trying to get healthy. You know, as I've been aging, I think the wellness factor is, you know, it's finally a realization I know I need to deal with. So we don't want to outlive our wellness. I don't want to be a burden to anybody for certain. So we are going through, you know, some changes in our diet, trying to exercise more, be more active and just be more mindful and thoughtful about what we're doing. We know that we're not alone. So that's main reason we started this podcast. So not only do we talk about our journey, but we also have guests and professionals from time to time. Today is no different. Terry, I'll let you introduce Dawna.


Terry  00:44

All right, Dawna Campbell is a professional speaker, international healer and bestseller author. She teaches trains and mentors heart centered business owners, how to align your inner balance to gain infinite prosperity in all areas of your life. As a former financial advisor Dawna's book financially fit is a number one Amazon international bestseller bringing together the world of money and the energy world of the soul's essence. She is also a contributing author to other best selling books, including one habit to have in a post COVID world and cracking the rich code with Tony Robbins and Jim Britt. Dawna shares her techniques that she has learned all around the world from yoga, yoga, yoga, healers, Zen Buddhist monks and a medicine woman while maintaining a private practice. This has earned Dawna the title of the mind whisperer for creating instantaneous results in the areas of health, wellness and relationships. Dawna has over 25 years of experience and has shared the stage with notables such as Lisa Nichols, Dr. Joe Vitale, share Lecter Lecter and Kevin Harrington. She has been featured on Roku TV, Yahoo Finance, Fox News, NBC and the Los Angeles Tribune. Her personal heart centered healing philosophy is to create a world that is a better place for everyone. Dawna, welcome to the show.


Dawna  02:14

Thank you. And thank you for having me. I'm excited to be here with you today.


Terry  02:19

Yeah, well, I am so excited to talk about this. I mean, I don't even know where to start, because I have so many questions in energy healing and financial advising on like that meshing of those worlds.


Dawna  02:38

Yes, and I, the former financial advisor, we would look at client's portfolios and talk about net worth, and how much their assets appreciated, and the value and if they had enough for their goals. And as I transitioned into the world of healing after my own journey, clients, I realized we're saying the exact same thing, I want to know that I felt worthy that I'm enough that I was valued and appreciated when I was little. And then one day a couple years ago, it clicked that it's the same words we're using. So it has the same vibrational frequency behind it. So if you didn't feel like you are enough, on the inside, you didn't have enough on the outside financially. And money by itself is just energy. And it doesn't do anything until you apply energy to it. And the energy that gets applied is how you feel about yourself on the inside. So when I started working with clients, whether it was in the area of health, for what was going on with them physically, or if it was in a relationship, whether it was marriage, or family, or even in the areas of wealth, whatever, we shifted and changed every single time their finances started improving, because we were changing the route of how they felt. So everything in their life became better.


Terry  04:05

Wow, interesting. That makes a lot of sense. I mean, you know, some of our guests that we've had, we've had functional medicine physicians, I mean, it's all about going back to the root of everything. Yes, it is.


Roy Barker  04:22

So what are what would be some of the main I guess some of the main areas that you see as that route and the reason I ask is because you know, I have trouble staying on a good eating a good balanced eating plan. And so you know, I've at points in time I've tried to think back, you know, of any trauma or something that was undealt with or, you know, the negative energy. I feel like for the most part, you know, until I have a podcast equipment malfunction, I'm usually I'm usually pretty, pretty positive. I have to admit that I have thrown a shoe every now and then, you know, for stuff. But, you know, so I just, you know, I think about me personally. And always, I don't mind using myself as an excuse or as the subject because, you know, I want to, I want to try to find the root of this poor eating or, you know, just kind of fallen off because like, we'll do good for two, three days, we've done good for months at a time, but it is like, you know, the minute something goes wrong, it's like, everything goes wrong, and it's just you're not back on track. So or for me, anyway, yeah.


Dawna  05:36

Right. So the way the subconscious works is that from the moment you were conceived till the day you exit this earth, it records every moment. So it records all of the events. And it records how you feel moment by moment to those events, and puts those feelings and emotions to the events. And then from that it starts giving you a template to create a reality from because it's like the coding or the system. And that becomes automated. Now, when we understand and take a look at what is at the root of it. What we want to do is see how you feel in this moment when things go wrong. And then all at once you're eating more food, and you did great for like three months. But now it's like this, because there's an energy there, which is an emotion or a feeling. So we start there in the consciousness. And then we find going back by asking questions, where it first started in the subconscious where that energy was, and where it got locked in your body. Now, it may not be a traumatic event. And it may not even be an event that's associated to what you were doing, because we're following the feeling and the emotion to unlock it out of the body to stop causing harm. And then we invite in the emotion and feelings that we want to have health, goodness, kindness, it might be prosperity, it might just be feeling better, it might just be happiness, and we invite those energies in to take the place of what we're taking out. And this my job is why I'm called the mind whisper is to help you find what was hidden to you and change that frequency. So is the subconscious creates a new pattern moving forward?


Roy Barker  07:30

Interesting. Okay. And you said that sometimes it's not a traumatic event, it's just a is it? Is it still tied to an event? Or is it just kind of like maybe changes in life or something not like physical changes, but you know, like, as you progress through age, things just change


Terry  07:51

the same feeling goes with,


Dawna  07:54

right? So say somebody was working on their finances. And they wanted to know and understand why they weren't getting more. They were wanting to create more, but it just didn't happen. And I'll use myself as an example. And I remember when I was sitting there going, Okay, I need to go from this level of my business to this next level. But I'm not getting it. I'm not there. How come? How does this feel? Well, I'm frustrating, of course, well, where do I feel the frustration I have in my body. And I felt it kind of in my heart, but also in my stomach. And when I traced it back, I went, when did I feel that before and I instantly recall the time that I was shopping at the store with my mom, I asked for an item. And I got told no, and all the reasons why we couldn't afford this, you know, $2 item. And, and I was made to feel less than and not worthy in that moment, because I asked for something. And that was wrong to ask for it. So my subconscious brain associated feeling less than in that moment that was unrelated, and created that pattern that I couldn't ask for something that I wanted, because I was always less than, and I was made to feel ashamed for it. And when I changed that, I changed it to Well, I want to have happiness. So I wanted to experience that happiness. And what I discovered was, I was worthy whether I had the item on the outside or not, and that I was always enough and that something on the outside didn't validate me or who I was and when that changed the next level of business. Okay, because we changed the frequency on the subconscious side. So the event still happened, how I felt about the event was completely different and That changed everything else in my world.


Terry  10:03

Wow, I felt that I felt that feeling that you were talking about I mean, just with being told no. And the reasons why. And I mean, I have felt that and I can't even put my finger on it. That's bizarre. I've never had it explained. So well, you know, because I'm not I'm like on a quest to find out about energy and what's going on with me and different things like and ROI as as well, you know, just different things. As far as like the eating habits, as well, and just being healthy all together, because, you know, he said, he says, I'm his support, but he's my support as well, it's not, it's about me being healthy. Also, you know, we just, we both, we both want it.


Dawna  10:54

Absolutely. And I will tell you, one of the biggest places where most of the locked energy is at is in the stomach, in the guts. And there's a couple of reasons for that. The first reason is that when you were conceived, you're were connected to your mom, by an umbilical cord. So she fed you nutritionally in that. So that was the start of our eating patterns. But she also fed you emotionally with every thought feeling, and emotion she had, that also went straight into your stomach. So that's why it's called the second Ray, because you were fed all of those things energetically. And that went into your cells as your cells multiplied to create you. And then you were connected by your father through DNA. So whatever he went through that portion of the DNA that you have, if his also the same thing, so that's where the whole eating pattern really does start was when we're being formed in the womb. So some of the work we get to go back to that time, not necessarily, if you know things about what happened when your mom was pregnant with you, that's great, but how things might have felt and how we can clear out some of that energy that's not yours, that started your pattern when you were first born.


Roy Barker  12:13

It's funny that you say that, well, we've learned a lot about the stomach that it you know, a lot of, I guess a lot of things start there, a lot of the, with the stress, stress has the effect on it, but so like when I'm eating good, and but my, you know, my triggers tend to be late at night. But it's funny, because like, Okay, before we go to bed, I'll feel hungry, and I want something, you know, I just want it, I don't need it. But I get this empty feeling kind of in my stomach and in my chest. And it's weird, because we've talked about this, like, it's almost like that I have to be full to feel, I guess that safe and comfort or whatever, where you can go lay down and sleep. I don't know how, how any of that related, but sounds like there may be something to to that same, you know, to that feeling that I get relating back to this.


Dawna  13:11

So what we would do is explore that feeling of emptiness, and then identify when it really first started and what was going on in your life around that. And whatever those events are, we would take a look at that. And then we would find out what it was that you needed. Because we can put in what was needed at that time to release the emptiness. And if it was empty, you need to be filled with something right. So we can do that. Because physics says there's no time or space. So when we make those changes, then you go to bed feeling full, satisfied whole and complete without the emptiness. You're not craving the food.


Terry  13:52



Roy Barker  13:53

Yeah, that's awesome. And yeah, I probably need to do it. Come on. So, you know, let's let's just talk about energies in themself. You know, we, we have talked some about it we, you know, I think Terry actually had talked to someone I guess it was, did your sister recommend or something? Yeah, the energies. But, you know, it's an interesting concept. Because the older I get, the more I feel like, you know, the universe is does have an effect on us and the energies that we put out, you know, sometimes we receive that back, it's the energy of weaken, we get to make the decision. If this is going to be a failed day or not, typically, you know, if we believe it is then it will come true. So can you talk a little bit about all of those energies and how they kind of relate?


Dawna  14:53

Yes, um, how we feel creates the next moment and the next moment and the next moment after that. So if you're in the energy of stress or worry or anger, then you're going to keep repeating those moments. And if you're eating at that time of stress, worry, anger excetera, those are the emotional components, you're feeding yourself. And then it's going to break down your entire digestive system. I know this because I got to experience it firsthand for myself for over two years, and I can talk about that. But if we're in the state of the happiness, the joy, the peace, the balance, then what happens is, our body is more relaxed, it becomes healthier. And if we're eating in that state, we're able to properly digest our food, instead of on the run in the car, driving around in that state. And how you get up in the morning is probably one of the most important things that you can do. Let me get a clean piece of paper here. Very first thoughts you have when you wake up are incredibly important. Now I'm one that likes to stay in bed as long as possible. Before I get up and run around and get ready for the day, but I always make sure I have plenty of time. But I used to get up out of the bed going, Oh gosh, I'm so tired. And I just want to stay in bed and I want to sleep in. And I changed my mindset, doing some of the work that I do. But I learned about a week and a half ago, that March 31 in Japan numerology is like the luckiest day of the year. Now, when I found out I found out on March 30. So I went, well, tomorrow's March 31. It's going to be the luckiest day of the year. So I got up on March 31. Going, it's the luckiest day of the year, I need to celebrate something. So I started celebrating all of my small little wins, self validation, and all of that, and I had a really great day. And I went, Oh, that works really well. It's April 1, it's the luckiest day ever. So now every morning since then I wake up, and I start thinking, Oh, it is the luckiest day ever. What am I going to celebrate? How am I going to celebrate? And what happens is immediately my mood is lifted up. I'm instantly happy. I get up, I go on about my day. And then I'm like, early to everything. And then all of these amazing things fall into place. What happened to my diet by doing this? Guess who's now drinking wheatgrass juice? Who does a pumpkin seed protein mix? And started eating salad at lunch? Oh, wow. Never would I ever do that. Because I have a hard time digesting salad after my own digestion issues. But now I've been eating salad every day. And I'm like, Hmm, this is starting to work. Just by thinking that it's the luckiest day ever.


Roy Barker  17:58

See, and I wake up in my day starts with Can somebody get this dog off. I have cats, they just got an 80 pound foot pillow down there that you know you like pinned in, you can't even get up. Now. That's interesting. Because, you know, we've talked a lot on this show, too, about that mindset, and that it's and I give my priest as much credit for this as possible, because he told me once that our minds are like grinders, and we get to choose what we grind. If we're grinding negative stuff all day, it's just gonna continue where if we grind positive stuff, it will just continue to multiply. And the other thing I think, too, it's not only the because things are gonna happen to us outside of our control, but I think it is, it's related to how we handle it, you know, if I'm already if I'm already having a spell, and something new comes on top of it's like, you know, you just to your breaking point. Whereas, you know, like dogs barking in the background. But whereas, you know, if things are going good and you're happy in that mindset, it just seemed like you're able to handle things a little bit better.


Dawna  19:15

And mindset is only a part of it. Because the 10% we are consciously aware of the other 90% is hidden in the subconscious and is continually playing kind of like background noise, but we don't hear it. We don't know. But it's out there and it is other people might pick up on it. But we ourselves don't hear it and we're like a radio tower. It's always being broadcasted out. So we don't always know all of that we're sending out. It's kind of like when you're getting ready to go to like a sales meeting, and you're walking down the hallway and you know, if it's going to be a really good sales meeting, and everyone's gonna be congratulated, or nobody made their sales numbers and you're kind of all in trouble. You feel that loss Before you start walking down the hallway to the meeting, all right, well, that's exactly how it works in our energy field. And what you're feeling is, is all the subconscious thoughts, energies and emotions leaving the person's body. And so mindset, yes, to be consciously aware of how we're going to start our day. But there's that 90%. That's that tape loop that's always playing in the background.


Roy Barker  20:23

Interesting. So, if we're always putting that out, let's talk for a minute about the old, saying, it's the We Are the average of the five people that we surround ourselves, you know, do we soak up that neg negative or positive energy from somebody that we are around in that subconscious?


Dawna  20:47

Because what happens is, is you are in a shared energy field with them. And if you hang out with five people, and they are not of the same mindset, as you are there, always a lot of anger or chaos or drama around it, you start absorbing that that goes in your energy field. And then pretty soon you have anger, drama and chaos in your life. And you're like, how did I get here. And if you were around five people that were of a different vibrational frequency, a different mindset, a different feeling, then that's going to raise you and elevate you, as well. And one of the Buddhist monks, I think it was one of the Dalai Lama's said, the very most important thing that you can do is to be mindful of the company that you've keep. And that's when we have friends, we vibrate here, and then pretty soon some leave, and then new ones come in, but they feel different than the old ones. And then you are no longer talking to the old friends, because you're talking to the new friends. And it's just because of how energy attracts vibrationally through the law of magnetism. Wow.


Roy Barker  21:53

Okay. Yeah. What No, it is, I mean, and you just, you just feel better. And, you know, you can tell those people that, you know, we call them, you know, the energy suckers, but it's like, you know, you can be all pumped up, and then there's people you can get around, and when you leave, you just feel like a wilted flower, like they just suck.


Terry  22:16

have nothing left,


Dawna  22:18

you're depleted, you have to go to sleep for the next four hours. Yes.


Roy Barker  22:22

So how does, you know some things that we always talk about too, is our exercise patterns, our sleep patterns? How does all of that play into this as well?


Dawna  22:34

It does, because how you digest your food will affect your sleep patterns. Now, in order for us to sleep, we have to have the proper mix of melatonin which is produced in the pineal gland in our brain. In order to have them bright melatonin, we have to have the right amount of serotonin to produce the right amount of melatonin. So this is just a continual cycle. Most of the serotonin is produced in the digestive system. So if you are not eating the correct foods to produce serotonin, you're going to get depleted. And every time we use our electronics, whether it's our phone, video games, zoom all of it, we get a little surge of serotonin flashing through our brain, and if it doesn't replace through the digestive tract and what we are eating, then we become depleted if we get too depleted in serotonin, we become depressed. But if you have the right mix of serotonin, then Melatonin is properly synthesize, and you have a balanced sleeping pattern. So the sleeping is out of balance, or you can't sleep or you're constantly waking up, it could be your diet.


Roy Barker  23:48

You know, we've, I don't think it's too early in the process to say that we, we've been thinking about the cutting down on our meat protein, and we have kind of been looking, I guess, the last week or so we've been doing pretty much plant base. And because, and we've been doing the, I guess the intermittent fasting for this reason, we've been, you know, again, told a lot of times that our body spends about 80% of its energy digesting our food. So if we eat all day long, it's constantly doing that and I was just st talented this morning that I just wake up feeling so much better. And the other thing we're doing, we're quitting eaten, you know, like at six or seven, so I don't get to have my 10 o'clock, you know, Taco Bell snack or pizza or whatever, you know, whatever we can find laying around so I'm sure that has something to do with it. But the other odd thing is I have an arm that I have some inflammation in some of the tendons and I said you know eating good. The inflammation it's like it just disappeared overnight. I mean, like magic,


Terry  25:05

like two days, or


Dawna  25:07

I don't that's Yes, because the diet plays such an important role. And we don't think about it. By eating more of a plant based diet, you're eating food that is created by lights. And light energy is what we need in our body, for our soul for our spirits. Interesting. You can still eat meat, be mindful about the meat. And I say that because it also depends on your blood type, which I learned, oh, when I lived in the ashram, which is a spiritual living community, it was vegetarian. And, and actually almost 100% vegan by the time I was there, and I was a particular blood type, I'm Oh, positive. So about six months of being completely vegetarian, I started craving red meat. And I didn't know why. And I thought it was because of the iron content. But I found out that there's an amino acid in red meats that Oh, positive, or Oh, blood type people need it. And that it wasn't wrong for me to eat meat if I was craving it, because it said my body needed something from it. So occasionally, I would eat meat. I remember asking energetically once, what was the best diet for me? And I heard fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, sometimes meat. So I went to go do that. I thought it was gonna starve. Because what was not on there was dairy, or Great. Well, it's a slow process and to do it, and moderation, including moderation.


Roy Barker  26:42

Yeah. And that's kind of the plan we've adopted is it's not, you know, we don't have any conviction against me, or anything that we're saying never ever again, but I think it's more of that controlled, and, you know, maybe trying to have a nice piece of fish if you just really crave something, but


Terry  27:01

and trying to cut things out, you know, some I mean, just trying to clean our refrigerator out from all the dairy and the meats. And I mean, all of that stuff, there is so much so we made the decision. And then, you know, spent most of our time trying to clean out the fridge. But I think we're there I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt you.


Roy Barker  27:19

Oh, no, no, no, I was just gonna say the the other part of that is the dairy and so is how dairy relates. We had a guest on and the episode hasn't aired yet. But when I started researching some of his work, it was very interesting to find that mammals are the only are humans are the only mammal to drink another mammals milk. And, you know, if they said that


Terry  27:45

thought about it like,


Roy Barker  27:46

Yeah, but they said it had. They said, Really? To be honest, if you aren't lactose intolerant, you're probably the the exception not the rule that we should all you know, after some form of infancy, we should all get that way. So I guess, what are the how does that affect our our energies?


Dawna  28:12

With a Jheri, depending on the type of dairy, dairy does cause inflammation in the body. And now our milk today is so different than what it was 20 or 30 years ago. And how it's processed in children is even different. They're doing things now not only with the additives and the hormones, but they're adding sugar, to milk to sweeten it to have children and other people drink it because it tastes sweeter. That sugar causes inflammation, and they're adding it in there. So we don't always know what's in the the milk, or the products. There's food coloring in cheese, cheese is not naturally orange, the food coloring has heavy metals in it that's needed, which is the binding agent to make the food coloring stick like aluminum. So you don't know that there that's in the food calorie that's in the cheese that we're consuming. And so all of these things will put those toxins into the body. And with you really want to make a big change to your diet, the number one thing that you can do is to take out food coloring. And if you look at every thing that has food coloring in it, you will have a very clean diet. Every cracker, every processed food has some form of food coloring in it. And cheese has food coloring in it if it's not white, and there are some brands that have a natural food coloring called a nano and that's okay. It's a natural color and kind of like what Hannah would be but for food, but it's not the other coloring that we would have been like American Jeez, yeah.


Roy Barker  30:03

Yeah. And that that was the hardest thing to get. I'm sorry. I didn't mean taco week. I was just gonna say that that was probably one of the hardest things for us to do was to actually take some leftover cheese and put it in the trash because I mean, that's my Yeah, we're cheese, that's my go to snack, there's not a meal that we don't have that doesn't have cheese all on it. But also, I think not only for the dairy qualities, but tends to the what we found be all very high in salt, which you know, but I will say that is my favorite thing. My favorite tomato paste tomato sauce is you can take taste it when they have put a lot of sugar in


Dawna  30:53

ketchup, as a lot of sugar in it.


Roy Barker  30:57

So what are some recommendations that, you know, I know that if if somebody's got a problem, they really need to sit down to have a session with you. So you can kind of work back and find this, you know, where, where their energies may be affecting them. But are the subconscious may be affecting their energies. But what are some things that we can do, you know, maybe just Top of Mind three or four things that we can try to start practicing every day, that should really help us not only in the health and wellness, but our overall life.


Dawna  31:33

A couple of things, the first thing that you can do is when you are eating, make sure you're eating out of happiness and joy, and not out of stress or worry. And if you're going to feel or be rushed, while you're eating, it might be better not to eat more blue, some protein drinks, to be able to do that for less amount of time, instead of eating, when you are eating, put down the fork in between bites. And don't be on your electronics at the same time. Yes, we have those away, and just sit and eat because when the body's in that state, you're going to digest your food a little bit more properly. So there's some things like that, that you can do automatically. One of the things I love doing is a breathing exercise. Now I don't do this when I'm eating, but it helps shift the energy inside. So we need to feel depressed or angry or anxious or worried or in those stressful states, what we want to do is release that out of the body. Now when we breathe out, we breathe out co2, which is carbon dioxide, which is all of the toxins our body no longer needs. And when we breathe in, we're breathing in oxygen and all the things our body does need. So what we do in this breathing exercises you breathe in, but you're going to breathe in happiness or joy, it might be calmness and stillness could be serenity, kindness, and you're going to breathe out the stress, the worry, the anxiety, the depression, and I do this, I set the timer on my phone for about two or three minutes, and I close my eyes. I breathe in happiness, my read out bitterness. And I will sit there and do that over and over with the same words. And then the next day or the next time I do it, I might choose different words, whatever it is that I'm feeling. And that's going to change your body physiologically. And when that happens, it's going to put you in a calmer state, you'll become more focused, you'll have a lot more clarity, and you might not be hungry. And if you think you're hungry, or you need to fill yourself up with something, drink a glass of water, especially if you're angry, or you're getting frustrated, drink a glass of water, you could just be dehydrated. And that water will flush through the body. making those shifts and changes as well just like the breathing will do. And you will it'll go back into that calmer state. And then you can take a look at what's going on.


Roy Barker  34:07

Yeah, and talking about the breathing. You know, that's something that I've really recognized about myself is holding breath and stress not ness. And it doesn't have to be like a bad stress. It could just be intense. I've noticed it like, you know, when I really get into a spreadsheet and things are rolling and doing this. It's like, you know, I have to actually say take a breath. I used to have a sign over my desk that said breathe and people would laugh and say you have to remind yourself to breathe and be like, Yeah, sometimes that but even when I'm breathing, I think I'm a very shallow breather. So I think there's a lot of there's a lot of truth to that we need to really take in those big deep breaths to help our body and you know, if you look at yoga and some other things that you know, we can control a lot of different things with that breathing I think and that's why they really They work on not only the body movements, but that breathing technique as well.


Dawna  35:05

Absolutely. And the thing to also remember is that even if you stop breathing out of stress, your skin is still breathing. But because you have so much stress running through the body, when that air comes in through the skin, it will have more of a stressful state to it, even if you're holding your breath, versus being in the calmer, more relaxed state. And if you stop breathing, like in meditation, which does happen sometimes for people, the air that's coming in comes in through peace and balance, and stillness instead of stress that way. So it also depends on that emotional state to how the air comes into you. Okay,


Roy Barker  35:50

well, awesome. Well, we appreciate you taking time out of your day to be with us. And, you know, I think that you've mentioned a few things, but one of our closing questions is always, you know, what is what's something, the one practice you feel adds the most value to your day, it could be an app of habit, just anything that really, that you use quite often


Dawna  36:13

that I take a two minute break, doing one of those little mindful exercises every three hours. So when they're I have a break in between things, I stop, I leave the room. And I go sit and do something just to re adjust and recenter myself, doing like the breathing exercise, sometimes I just focus visually on something. Because every time you do that, it clears the mind allows you to have more focus and gives you more clarity. And then when you come back and you start working again, your work, it's just done. And it's it's completed and you're in a better elevated mood, and the stress and the frustration, even just sitting in a chair for a period of time, leaves the body. And that's that would be my number one go to and I do that throughout the day about every three hours. Okay,


Roy Barker  37:07

awesome. That's, that's good.


Terry  37:09

Really good advice I was gonna ask you about. So you're available for sessions online? Can you tell us what, what you offer on your website?


Dawna  37:22

Yep, absolutely. If you go to And that's There's a section on there that says sessions. And when you pull that up, I do offer a complimentary 1530 minute type session connection reading with me if you want to know more information or how the process might work for you. And then from there, we would determine what type of session or session packages you might need based on the complexity of what it is that you're working on and what you want to shift and change. And then from there, we just schedule and if we do packages, you have priority scheduling. So I personally schedule you on my calendar. And we work through step by step sequentially over however many weeks each session average is about an hour. All right,


Roy Barker  38:11

that's awesome. Well, y'all reach out to Dawna and you have such an impressive list that we're going to get you to recite, I know that you've got your book, your book sitting next to you there. And then I know that you've written some chapters for some other books. And anyway, you've got a lot going on. So tell us all about where we can find some of your writings out.


Dawna  38:35

Okay, so some of them are on my website at But if you go to social media, most everything is posted on my business Facebook page. So that's Dawna Campbell 811. You can also find me on Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Twitter, and everything gets cross posted there as well. So anything that I have recorded anything that is there, it's any show that I've been on, it's all in those feeds. Okay,


Terry  39:05

and financially fit is your book that you've got yes


Roy Barker  39:08

Yes. All right. Well, awesome. Well, Dawna, we appreciate all the great information y'all reach out. See if she can help you with your subconscious and your energies. I know. You know, we feel better just talking to you for this little little amount.


Terry  39:26

Breathing a little deeper. Yeah, exactly.


Roy Barker  39:29

All right. Well, that's gonna do it for another episode of Feeding Fatty Of course, I am Roy. I'm Terry. You can find us at We are also on all the major social media platforms. And a video of this interview will go up on YouTube when the episode goes live. So be sure and check that out. If we're we're also on all the major podcast platforms, iTunes, Stitcher, Google Spotify for not only one that you use, please reach out we'd be glad to get that added. So until next time, take care yourself