Our Initial Steps Into Plant-Based Eating and The Amazing Results So Far with Terry and Roy

Roy and Terry started eating whole and plant-based foods. They discuss how and when they decided on this lifestyle change. The turning point came after interviewing a podcast guest author who wrote about his weight loss and type 2 diabetes reversal. They did further research on the health benefits of eating plant-based foods and are continuing down this path.

About Roy and Terry

After years of weight, health and fitness challenges, Roy Barker and Terry Mallozzi made a commitment to changing their eating habits and implementing realistic fitness goals for them. They chronicle their journey for health on the Feeding Fatty Podcast speaking to experts about related aspects of health challenges (type 2 diabetes, hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism) losing weight (need to) and staying positive (easier said than done). Little did they know it’s not just counting calories and cutting out sweets.


Full Transcript Below

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Our Initial Steps Into Plant Based Eating and the Amazing Results So Far (00:15):

Hello, and welcome to another episode of feeding fatty. This is Roy - Feeding Fatty - Our Initial Steps Into Plant Based Eating and the Amazing Results So Far Terry  here. So, uh, we are the podcast, of course, chronicling my journey, our journey, uh, you know, we probably haven't done that as much as we should have been, you know, we started, and then we got really had a lot of interests with guests. And so one thing we're going to make a commitment to basically start, uh, you know, just doing some episodes with me and Terry  Moore to basically put out there things we're doing, how we're feeling and what's going on in our life too. You know, we just want to, if there's somebody out there, somebody else that's struggling out there, we want to be a resource for them and, uh, you know, get some conversation started. So I guess with that, let's just jump into, you know, kinda what we're thinking about today.

Terry  (01:02):

Okay. Well, go ahead.

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Our Initial Steps Into Plant Based Eating and the Amazing Results So Far (01:04):

You know, okay. I don't know when it started, but it's been a while. Uh, you know, I've been struggling up and down, you know, we started, uh, eating a lot, well balanced back in the, uh, fall of 2020, and then it just got to be such a struggle to cook that much. And, you know, we were spending two or three hours preparing food and it just got to the point of craziness that, that, and then, uh, you know, our schedules Terry  - Feeding Fatty  was traveling and just first one thing and then another, and kind of got off whack and, uh, I've, you know, had a rough time in my sugar for the last, I don't know, month or so has just been, uh, my blood glucose has been outrageous, crazy, and it's just been hard to control no matter what I do. So anyway,

Terry  (01:54):

You want to remind everybody, you are a type two diabetic and have been for how long

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Our Initial Steps Into Plant Based Eating and the Amazing Results So Far (02:01):

Diagnosed for probably about four years, three or four years, you know, and I've done better. I've done better at times, but, uh, you know, this I've, you know, this last week I've had some sugar readings that were over 200, you know, some of them approaching high at 300, which is just not good at all. And, um, I've never had that much. I've never had that kind of trouble with it. You know, usually if I can watch my intake, I'm pretty good. But it's the only way, some things kind of converge. We've been talking about this for a couple months about, you know, protein and, uh, dairy yeah.

Terry  (02:39):

Dietary things to help us get healthier as opposed to medication.

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Our Initial Steps Into Plant Based Eating and the Amazing Results So Far (02:45):

Yeah. And, uh, we're not first off, we'll be clear. We're not doctors, dieticians, nutritionists. We're just people, you know, we tried to put different views out there. Everybody needs to find their own path, but we always recommend go, go to a physician, go to a registered dietician nutritionist, get some help. Don't do things on your own because you, you know, things can go bad for you depending on what all is wrong. So anyway, first off that disclaimer is to, you know, go try something. I mean, to, uh, uh, go see a doctor, but, uh, anyway, we've been talking about this plant-based and then we, we had a gentleman that we have an air D episode yet, but he, um, we have him as a guest on the show and we started talking about a lot of things and it was just interesting. It really reconfirmed a lot of things that we've heard other places.

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Our Initial Steps Into Plant Based Eating and the Amazing Results So Far (03:41):

And so basically we've just decided to give it a try. We've gone pretty much totally plant-based I think, uh, you know, last week was a little more difficult. We still had, you know, some beef and chicken in the fridge that we were working through. Yeah. Cheese is a big one, cause that's a big trigger for me. Snack food, uh, yogurt. Yeah. The cheese is always kind of a go-to whatever we ate had a ton of cheese in it or on it. Yeah. Or just as a snack. So anyway, uh, but we've had good results. It's been, uh, you know, it's only been two weeks. Oh. And one thing I was gonna say is we're still gonna continue to air guests that have a wide range of views just because this may not be for everybody. And so we we're, you know, we're not trying to pigeon hold to say, Hey, our way's the right way. We just want to say, here are some different thoughts and different things. And, uh, you know, try to talk a lot about nutrition and,

Terry  (04:41):

And this is the right way for us right now. We may decide later on that. It's not, but this is what we're trying. Now this is present

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Our Initial Steps Into Plant Based Eating and the Amazing Results So Far (04:50):

And that's it sustainability, you know, we're, we are searching for something that is sustainable for us to do. That's a combination of, you know, like today she prepared, uh, some, uh, well, we'll talk about that in a little bit, but she prepared a cool dish that took a little bit more preparation, but when, when we don't have time, we can eat raw vegetables and fruit. And so far the other thing that we're doing too, I think it's good to talk about is this intermittent fasting. And so we have been fasting, uh, we try to eat our last meal at seven o'clock at night, and then don't eat again until lunch so far, uh, today, you know, it's Saturday, we had a full taping schedule and I don't think we ended up eating until like two o'clock. So I wasn't starving or going out of my mind, used to, uh, you know, prior to this, if we didn't eat breakfast by seven 30 or eight o'clock, I mean, I thought I was going to pass out from lack of food.

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Our Initial Steps Into Plant Based Eating and the Amazing Results So Far (05:49):

And so that's been, uh, you know, the nice thing about this is with this fasting, I've got more, I can go till noon. Not saying I get a little hungry every now and then, but it it's been a, it hasn't been near what I thought it would be. And I feel like, um, the other good thing is it makes me quit eating. So I'm not eating before bedtime. And then it makes it harder to get up in the morning, just feeling full and sluggish waking up. And you know, now I've been waking up much earlier, feeling much better being there

Terry  (06:21):

Who are popping out of bed. Yeah. I mean, whereas before it was like, I think we've reversed roles for some reason. Cause I'm just, I just want to stay in bed and get that last 30 minutes in, but you are just popping out and go

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Our Initial Steps Into Plant Based Eating and the Amazing Results So Far (06:37):

Got to a point that I just, I would wake up in the morning and feel like I had a rock on my stomach, just so full and bloated from the night before, from whatever we ingested. And it's not, it wasn't always bad, but it, the quantity of it. And then of course, you know, with me beef, chicken, any kind of protein like that, it's always heavy on my stomach. So anyway, it's been positive. The other thing, my work and my blood sugar down, it's not awesome better this week than last. But the one thing I've noticed is the consistency is I have not had these humongous spikes because, but you know, used to even, uh, you know, when I tried more of a higher protein, low carb, I would still get some spikes through the day and now we're eating probably, you know, we're not even tracking, but I'm sure we're eating a lot more carbs than what I was eating, but it's, it's because we're mixing it with fiber. Some things we've learned, you know, along the way I think too, is that, uh, most people don't get enough fiber if they're not careful. And, um, anyway,

Terry  (07:45):

We're getting that. Yeah, it's a whole new ball game

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Our Initial Steps Into Plant Based Eating and the Amazing Results So Far (07:52):

And it's been good. I mean, I have nothing but great things to say about it. We're still trying to dial it in, you know, one concern that I always have with plant-based is enough protein. So, but we were, uh, you know, this dish that Terry  cooked for late afternoon today was it was a Tempe dish,

Terry  (08:11):

A lemon, garlic, Tempe, and, and I was just Googling, you know, like you do. And, um, it came up and I thought, okay, these are the ingredients that I have every one of these ingredients. So this is what we're going to have. And, um, it, you fried fried up the Tempe slices in coconut oil, and then you, uh, blanched some kale, which kind of sounds disgusting, but, um, blanched kale, but that's what was in it. And then it had some gin, fresh ginger root and, um, lemon juice and, um, a little Stevia, um, and just, it was real garlic and garlic, of course. Yeah. But it was good. I mean, it, it didn't taste like, uh, I don't know. It did, it kinda did taste like chicken a little bit. Yeah.

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Our Initial Steps Into Plant Based Eating and the Amazing Results So Far (09:02):

I thought it was like chicken strips was what it tasted like. And you know, none of the thing I think we may try is to put it in a vegetable, um, one of those vegetable contraptions and throw it out on the grill and just see what that, you know, cause that's the thing is, uh, you know, with plant-based, especially if you're like me and don't like vegetables that much, it's the thought of, I just have to eat broccoli and cauliflower all the time. Not necessarily true, but you have to be adventuresome. And you know, I have to give Terry  props for this about, you know, trying this new stuff and looking around because if you do the same old thing every day, I'm sure you're gonna get,

Terry  (09:38):

You can only eat so many salads, although I know you enjoy enjoy salads, but I think that's what I don't get full enough just with a salad. I don't know. I don't know why, so I need a little something else. I mean, if you can throw some pumpkin seeds on, you know, Ron, some kind of raw nut or, um, the chickpeas, the little dried chickpeas things that we've got, those are good too.

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Our Initial Steps Into Plant Based Eating and the Amazing Results So Far (10:02):

Something else we found is that, and no snacking, the other thing we're doing is just eating that noon meal and then eating again about six or seven, but not snacking in between. And you know, I caught myself the other night going over there and getting a handful, even though they were chickpeas, it was about 10 o'clock at night and you know, it's

Terry  (10:20):

And, and you stopped yourself. Thank you. You went right to, he went right to the cupboard, got it. Dug his hand in. And then he turned around and looked and I just looked up at the same time and he's like, I don't need this. I don't need to do this. That was a big moment

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Our Initial Steps Into Plant Based Eating and the Amazing Results So Far (10:39):

Because I was working on something and I just needed a little break and I thought that would help me and I did need it. And you know, I felt better about it, but the good thing is, is I don't wake up lethargic in the mornings anymore. And you know, I, of course, I'm just saying, habits have gotten so bad. The last few months was adding to it, you know, eating heavy stuff, eating it late at night. And, uh, so that that's a big contributor. The other thing, uh, we haven't done that. I'm going to the gym as soon as we get off of here, but haven't been into the gym in a couple months and that's kind of killing me too. I want to get out. And do you remember those two people's names? We watched their YouTube yesterday.

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Our Initial Steps Into Plant Based Eating and the Amazing Results So Far (11:23):

It's okay. There's the conductor Barnard. Yeah. He has a couple of good presentations on YouTube about this, him and another one about talking about, uh, especially diabetics and the, uh, the glucose that's built up in our muscles. And you know, I've talked about that with Terry  prior. Uh, there would be times when, especially when I'm heavy, if I go work out in the backyard, I just feel like my muscles hurt. And so maybe that's got something to do with it, but anyway, I, I don't necessarily work out to lose weight, but I want to, um, you know, work out for the physical activity to be healthy. I'm miss sweating and you know, we've with the pandemic. And, uh, we've been really overloaded with podcasting here, the last, uh, you know, three or four months that we just don't get out. And it's been winter too. We're kind of working out of that, but, you know, the days are fixing to be nice. We've got to make that conscious effort to get out and take those walks. It's good to clear my head, but also, you know, just to get up and move, we've got to get some, I think we have to get activity in as much as totally.

Terry  (12:31):

And then I, and I see a difference with you whenever we, you know, whenever we get out and have, even if we just have a few minutes, we'll take the dogs for a walk or we'll, they'll take us for a drag sometimes is what it ends up being. Um, but I, I noticed a huge difference in, in whether you do that or not. And, um, I mean, it just brings another spring in your step. It's another spring in your step.

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Our Initial Steps Into Plant Based Eating and the Amazing Results So Far (12:57):

Well, and the reality is I have felt so bad the last couple months, just way down, you know, not feeling hot anyway. And then, you know, just not feeling like a walk. So it's nice to kind of be feeling energetic again. But, uh, Oh, I know we were talking about protein and so, you know, that's a big concern with this is, is, are we getting enough? Uh, and I don't know about all the digestive systems and how opera animals operate different, but you know, one analogy somebody made was the elephant is the biggest mammal on earth and it's got a plant-based diet. So obviously there's enough protein, but I think we have to be careful where we're getting it, which is really cool at that tempo that you cooked is, I think you said it was like 25 grams of protein. And the other thing I think it's good to clarify at this point in the juncture is that we are not saying no meat ever again, never, never, ever in a million years.

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Our Initial Steps Into Plant Based Eating and the Amazing Results So Far (13:59):

I think, you know, Terry  got hungry for a hamburger the other day and I'm like, look, I'm not. So she was going out somewhere. I said, just pick you up a hamburger and eat it. You know, you got to feel and do don't feel well for us. We don't feel like you can't do something. Do what you feel like if we feel like we need to eat a piece of fish one day, we'll do, we'll probably limit it to fish and try to do more of that. But, uh, we are keeping an open mind. That's the other thing I kind of probably fudge a little bit on from being total plant-based is, uh, you know, I still like my dressing on my salad, my ranch dressing, and, uh, I'm sure that's got some milk and eggs and a lot of other stuff in it, but, um, you know, it's just an adaptation of trying to be pretty, you know, pretty solid on the, so anyway, we'll see, I think the other big, unless you have anything else about that,

Terry  (14:55):

I was going to say, I did not get a hamburger. I came back with ZOS kitchen place-based and that was good

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Our Initial Steps Into Plant Based Eating and the Amazing Results So Far (15:04):

Training. Yeah. And that's good. That's the other thing, I think that it's scary in the beginning of this, as you think. Okay. Well, if we want to take a break and ever go out and eat, where would you go? Most restaurants, you can order a veggie plate or do something. Uh, but this is, those was good. And, uh,

Terry  (15:21):

And they were very helpful. Um, and, but I do have to tell you, I do, uh, I do crave chocolate, but I am a chocoholic. I consider myself a chocoholic. So I do, I need something sweet. I think I need something sweet. I don't know.

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Our Initial Steps Into Plant Based Eating and the Amazing Results So Far (15:38):

Well, and I haven't had that craving. And I think, you know, for me, I'm all or nothing. If I try to eat a little bit of this or a little bit of that, then it's like, I'll eat a lot of those. Whereas not having anything, I haven't felt the cravings to want the candy bar. You know, I'm not going to say that there's been a couple nights when it would have been nice to have our bowl of popcorn as we, you know, watching the news or something like that. One thing we used to do, but again, it was drowned in salt and cheese, so we could have it. It's not that it's not plant-based, but, uh, trying not to eat it that late at night. I think if we had it during the day would be perfectly fine. But again, now it's like, I know I'm eating two meals.

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Our Initial Steps Into Plant Based Eating and the Amazing Results So Far (16:23):

I want to have a good, healthy, you know, full meal. Yeah, yeah. But, um, anyway, the other thing we wanted to touch on quickly is, um, Reiki, Ricky, Ricky, Ricky. Yeah. So I've never done that. I've never even been for a massage, so I don't know much about it, but Terry  actually went for her first session this week. And it's cool because the young lady, the practitioner, she's a very highly educated and been through a lot of the training and the, um, mentorship that they have to go through. But, uh, she has to be a friend of Terry 's daughter as well. So

Terry  (17:07):

Yeah, so I've known her for a long time. Growing up, she went to high school with my oldest daughter and, um, she, you know, I, no questions were off base or at, out of the realm of where she was going, but you know, the whole energy thing, I've kind of stayed away from it because I know a little bit about energies, but not enough to ask any intelligent questions, I didn't think. Yeah. And, and I'm glad, um, that we called and talked to Peyton because she really answered a lot of questions and made it not such a huge deal. It's like, okay, this is what's going to happen. And maybe you'll feel you'll maybe you'll see some colors while your eyes are closed and maybe you won't and you'll feel some heat. Maybe you want it doesn't matter. Everything's okay. And I did, I felt a lot of heat I did, and I couldn't see what she was doing because I had a little thing over my eyes, a cover over my eyes. But, um, I, I felt heat where wherever she was putting her hands, I could imagine, I think that's what it was. And, um, it was really a cool situation and I've had many massages and I have always loved that. And I felt like I did after I had a massage because there was no massage technique in it. I mean, there were pressure points, but, um, I felt as, um, com uh, not con I just, I just felt a release of toxins, intention, all of that.

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Our Initial Steps Into Plant Based Eating and the Amazing Results So Far (18:45):

Well, I'm going Thursday, this next Thursday. And so I'm excited cause I've never done anything like that. And you know, we're going to give it a chance and give it a few times. But the great thing is to Peyton has agreed to be on the show. So what we're going to do is have her come on, I think she's going to let us both get through it, and then she's going to come on and be a guest so we can talk about it again. You know, we're not this, we don't want to present one main view and say, this, this is for everybody because everything is not everybody's individual. Sometimes it's our personality. Sometimes it's our place in life. Sometimes it's our medical, underlying medical condition. A lot of things make us go in different directions. But I think the, the thing, what I would hope would come out of the show the most is that, uh, everybody can find something healthy to do, and you just have to do a little research on it. And like I said, seek out professional help and guidance in making sure that it's right for you.

Terry  (19:43):

And, and yeah. Make sure that it's right for you is the key and, and trying to attain the balance between, you know, your, your energy, your diet, everything. Yeah. Um, it's so important and it's just, whatever is customized towards you. It's not our way. Isn't, isn't the highway. I mean, our way is what we're doing at the present moment to get healthier. And, um,

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Our Initial Steps Into Plant Based Eating and the Amazing Results So Far (20:09):

Not to say that we may do this for a while and find it unsustainable.

Terry  (20:14):

Yeah. Somebody else could, could come on and we'll be like, Hey, we might want to try that out. That's how it is. Yeah.

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Our Initial Steps Into Plant Based Eating and the Amazing Results So Far (20:20):

But I think right now, you know, with all the evidence that I've seen, not only on, uh, high blood pressure, diabetes reversal, uh, the inflammation, our brain health, I mean, just there's so many

Terry  (20:34):

Fibroid is on my, I have, uh, been on thyroid medication for a long time. It's the same, it's the same thing. It just touched on everything. Yeah. That is with us.

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Our Initial Steps Into Plant Based Eating and the Amazing Results So Far (20:44):

Yeah. And it's, well-worth, uh, you know, we're not gonna be heavy research based, you know, we may present some stuff I guess, but, uh, you know, I just recommend everybody reach out and try to find these YouTube videos and just see for yourself. That's all you can do. But one thing we're going to do is try to do these spots. Uh, hopefully we'll try to start doing these once a week on Thursday released and still, you know, have our professionals and our guests that come on release on Tuesday. And then we'll release a little shorter episode, Thursdays, just, you know, what's going on. And, uh, you know, we want to keep this, keep what we're doing in front of people. It may be something that, you know, somebody else ends up trying and you can also reach out, you know, we've got a Facebook group, we just don't have much activity over there. We've never really, I guess we've never really pushed that a lot, but you know, reach out on Facebook and start a conversation. We'd love to have it if, uh, you know, we want to hear what's working for everybody. And as we go through this journey, of course, we want to find out new and different things about plant-based and things that you know, could help us tremendously as well. Uh, anyway, I guess, unless you have anything else, that's all I've got.

Terry  (21:59):

Um, yeah, this is really good. And now I, I don't, I mean, I think this is good. Yeah.

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Our Initial Steps Into Plant Based Eating and the Amazing Results So Far (22:06):

All right. And you may have heard the dogs chewing on a bone in the back.

Terry  (22:10):

Maybe we'll feed them between now and then. Cause that's what they're telling us. It's time

Roy - Feeding Fatty - Our Initial Steps Into Plant Based Eating and the Amazing Results So Far (22:14):

And this'll be a lot. Um, you know, I think with guests, we always want to be a little more professional and, and have a better atmosphere, but I think these little talks with us, you know, you may hear see dogs in the background. That's going to be a lot less, a lot less formal, just more of a conversation about what we've got going on. All right. Well, if that's it, that's gonna do it for us. All right. You can find us, of course, at www.feedingfatty.com. We're on all the major social media networks, go over, check out our Facebook group. If you've got something that you want to say, we're also on Instagram, uh, be glad to interact over there. Uh, send us your pictures. We love pictures about dishes and recipes and things like that. Always helpful. So until next time, Oh, also major podcast platforms, Stitcher, Google, iTunes, Spotify, go over, check us out, share give us a good rating. Send your friends, tell everybody we'd like to, you know, we want everybody that needs to be touched by this show touched by it.
