Are You Substituting the Pleasures of a Good Relationship with Food? with Roman Mironov

Our relationships are such an important part of our life. Especially the intimate relationship, the one that we have with our romantic partner because when we feel good in the relationship, everything else basically falls into place. When we don't, let's say our relationship gets toxic. We tend to go to food and other addictions as a coping mechanism.

About Roman

I’m a relationship coach trained by Robbins Madanes, the official training center of Tony Robbins.

I help clients create those beautiful moments in a relationship that you wish you could relive over and over.

I teach you how to be grateful for your partner, respect them, and communicate effectively.

Full Transcript Below

Are You Substituting the Pleasures of a Good Relationship with Food? with Roman Mironov


Hello everybody. Welcome to another episode of feeding fatty. This is Roy. This is Terry. So we are the podcast. We are chronically in my journey through getting healthy, again, diet, exercise, change in mindset. So, we talk from time to time about the struggles and things that we do and Terry support for that. We also have, professionals as guests from time to come on and help us out. Give us some different viewpoints on things that we can do better to help us in this journey. Today is no different. Terry I'll let you introduce Roman.

Yeah. Roman Marinov is a relationship coach trained by Robbins. Madanes the official training center of Tony Robbins. He helps clients create beautiful moments in a relationship that you wish you could relive over and over. He teaches you how to be grateful for your partner, respect them and communicate effectively likes to help people realize there's a potential and to live a happy lifestyle. Roman, thank you for being on the show. Welcome.

Well, Ryan Garrett, thank you so much. It's an honor. I'm very happy to be with you today. Thank you.

Yeah. Because we explore, relationships, with our food, with exercise, with life, and then also, with each other, Terry is such a big part of, me getting her well, she's a big part of life, no, either way, but we worked together and she is very instrumental in helping me on this path to wellness. So, let's just talk about that. What, how do relationships, affect things like are eating motivation, things like that.

Oh, they actually affect them a lot because our relationships is such an important part of our life. Especially the intimate relationship, the one that we have with our romantic partner, because when we feel good in the relationship, everything else basically falls into place. When we don't, let's say our relationship gets toxic. We tend to go to food and other addictions as a coping mechanism.

Okay. Yeah. I think it's two fold because for me, sometimes I can be driven just the other ways that, we're excited, things are going good and it's always like, Hey, let's go out and celebrate and have something good to eat. That's all it's like to celebrate. One thing that we're trying to, work hard on or, the, I guess, relating to different things as, food triggers, not only in our relationship, but work in life. It's just that, instead of having everything as a celebration point to run out and, eat some really good food, we're trying to change that to like maybe go do five pushups or do an exercise, do something physical instead of going for that food.

Yeah, exactly. That's why when I celebrate, I made sure not to celebrate for food because it really only adds to the addiction. We're talking about addictions makes us stronger. It makes the neural pathways between food and pleasure is stronger in your mind. Right.

Yeah. I think, we had a guest on this last week and were talking about some things that, and we try to look back in our past that relationships that we've had and things that have happened. And, I've been very fortunate that I have, I had an awesome childhood adulthood, life has just been very good for me. I'm blessed and couldn't ask for more, but the one thing that we kind of uncovered this last week was, ice cream. And, my relationship with that, as far as it being that celebratory mechanism that, as growing up, I had two grandpas that whenever anything, if were working, it'd be like, let's go down. You know, you worked really hard today. Let's go celebrate with some ice cream. Of course, taking a break, like my dad, when I'd go to work with them, we'd be like, oh, let's take a break and run over to dairy queen and get this.

It's interesting that, while I never really thought about it until this week that I've carried that around in life with me, not necessarily as a negative, that something went bad and that's what triggers, but actually mainly that may be just the opposite. It was such a positive experience that, as cream is my thing that I've gotta be very careful with.

Yes, yes. I know it makes a lot of sense. You associated again associated tons of pleasure with ice cream. Right. And that's when, right. When you want to feel great, now we just go to ice cream. Right.

Also with your relationship with your grandparents, just anybody that you're thinking about that you had that celebratory mode with, it's like, it brings up good feelings, loving feelings with that. Yeah.

It, and it carries over to, our spouse, our partner, because it's like, it, and it's not her not Terry's fault more me. I'm the one, I'm the trigger. It'd be like, oh, we had such a good day today. Let's rush out and get something to eat. Anyway, definitely something that we've been working on is to try to find, and maybe it's just as simple as let's go take a walk instead of, making food that focal point.

To make a nachos at one o'clock in the morning, like we did a few months ago. Right.

What are some other things that we can do to strengthen those relationships? And I, I, I'm assuming that this applies not only to our loved ones, but the relationships that we build with our families and coworkers and just, pretty much relationships in general.

Yeah. That's a great question. I think you guys are a couple that's a great role model for me. I've been talking to you before and today, and I think that there was great energy between you and that's something that I definitely want to write and to be more specific, we need more communication. If you want to improve your relationship with the other person, remember that communication is the blood of the relationship. So, one thing to do is to make sure that you engage your partner in very deep conversations, not just shallow things about day to day stuff early into deeper emotions and feelings asked and how they feel and being asking very specific questions that also helps not just how are you, right? Yeah. How did you feel about that person saying that? Or how did you feel when you were in pain today? Those kinds of high quality questions? Another tip is to always be 100% present in the conversation.

Make sure that you're not distracted by anything right. Gave that presence, that gift of your presence to your part. I will come in the eye be 100% there, especially if you are a man because women feminine women, they are very susceptible to this. Let's say the third tip is to make sure that you make your partner feel significant. You remind them that they are important to you. You praise them for every little thing. You make sure that they feel that they're appreciated because this is important. Yeah. Oftentimes we just take our partners for granted and we never gave them that praise or the feeling of significance. Yeah.

Roy's really, Roy is really good at that. I mean, he D he tells me how grateful he is for me. I, I can't even tell countless times a day. I'm just like, oh me, I, I can't take a compliment. It's really hard for me to do. Yeah,

Yeah. She is, I think it's an effort between both of us because she takes such good care of me in so many ways that it's like, Ooh, I've got to keep telling her not only because she is really awesome, but also because I don't want her to think I take it for granted or, those little bitty things that she does. I don't want her to think that they're unnoticed or overlooked. They're all just to me, the little things are as important as the big things. Probably more important day to day.

Wow. That's some beautiful level of consciousness. Yeah. That's Tourette. Yeah. I can appreciate it.

He's really good about it. He's also really good about trying to talk things out, trying to get to the root of causes, which I'm not like, I'll take care of him the way that I know how, and that's cooking and doing what I need to help make sure that he's being healthy and that I'm being healthy and all of that. I need to learn to verbalize that better. You have any tips on that? I mean, it's just hard. I don't know why it's so hard.

Oh, that is such a huge shower for many women. And that, thank you. Thank you so much for sharing it. And let me tell you a bookstore. It, that is a great representation on this thing, that there is this marathon runner, a very popular athletes, rich role. He tells a story in his book. What basically happened is that he was going to get married to their girl and they have been dating for quite a long time. At one point they were living in different seats, let's say about two or three hours long away. At one point they were supposed to meet. She was supposed to come to him, but she said that she could, and that was about one month before their wedding. They were supposed to get married and well, he got upset and he said, okay, well, let me come to you. Let me drive.

And she said, no, don't okay. So that was her first hand. Then they were doing the wedding rehearsal. She actually, she didn't want to do it. There was a lot of tension and basically what she was doing. She was showing him that she didn't want the marriage. The rehearsal went its way, but he actually was very anxious. He thought that she might not even show up during the way, but she did. She did. And they got married. And then they went to this honeymoon. I think it wasn't Hawaii or something like that. In that honeymoon, they were not talking to each other. They like, she was so angry that she had told him not to talk to her at all. So they were basically spanning it apart. At the end of the honeymoon, on the field day, he was fed up with it. He said, okay, so I can't take this anymore.

We should just break up. And she said, okay. So he was very angry. They went home and they basically did not leave a day together as a couple, as a married couple. He went to talk to her friends. That's when he found out that she actually had someone else who was dating someone else at this point. The point of this story is that she was dropping hands to him all along the way, many hints, but she was not saying this directly. And he was not getting those hands. That's the point where the men, they don't like cans. They want direct information, direct commands, direct orders. They're basically a very simple in the sense. Yeah.

Yeah. That's, that has been a big issue, huge issue between men and women, because we want men to get it. We want them to get it and you figure it out, but here's a couple of hints along the way. You just figure it out. I don't need to have to tell you, I don't know why that is.

Well, and that's, and I'm that way, sometimes I have to tell Terry I'm getting something here, but let's just be very clear about it. Cause you know, yeah. Cause I mean, sometimes that receptors not always dialed in and most of the time, I mean, we've been together long enough and I think we care enough about each other that, a lot of that stuff comes through and maybe she says, oh, don't worry about it, but I know better. I need to, I need to be worrying about that. But, but it's like we're making a transition in our diet. I have been very quizzical quizzical about this to her to, because I want to know where, we talked about it, but I need to make sure that this is good for her as well as good for me. Trying to just set her down and ask her, how do you feel about this? Let's talk about it.

Because I don't want, if it's not good for both of us, I don't want this to go on for a long time and in her be resentful because that's, what I see is what happens is one per one partner does something for the other and they have to keep doing it or it last over a period of time until they become very resentful of that.

Yes, yes. That happens. I mean, you need to be careful about that before, so think or discuss before to take on such a commitment. Yeah. And any, no. What if you don't feel comfortable doing it anymore? It's okay to renegotiate. Exactly.

Yeah. That's what I keep telling her, is this in, because I think it's, I think a lot of this can be generational just like with myself. When I was growing up, you went to work for a company and you stayed there for 30 years, you did this and you bought a house and you stayed there for your whole lifetime and, younger in life in my thirties that, I decided that, what, it's all right to change your mind as we grow. And as we develop things change. We have to be able to accept it, understand it, but we have to communicate. I mean, there's things that have changed in our relationship that I don't know what it is. I can't tell, but it's just, maybe a little thing that was like, Hey, I don't really like that too much. Right. This moment, not anymore. And, but instead of just either letting her continue to do it or, her doing it and me just, festering about it, that I don't like this that much anymore, just have a community, just talk about it.

I like how you said, I like how you said you, how you give permission to renegotiate because we are so set and we just think we need to follow through, ,

That's right. That's right. That's the best example of how we need to keep communication lines open and the relationship. Even if something is bothering us, it's okay to say this. Just make sure that you say it in a loving way. Yeah. You find the right moment, that's it?

Yeah. And it's easy to lash out. This is something that I have to be careful about because, do we work a lot? And so, we enjoy our work. We work a lot and sometimes things get tense, not necessarily between us, but more me like a process is breaking down. Something's not clicking. It's like when you have very limited time and you have a lot of things to do, if things tick off just perfect, you can get it done. And life is good. If there's one little glitch, then it throws everything out of balance. Unfortunately, Terry is the closest person and I don't ever want to lash out her. I had to be very careful about, Hey, what? I I'm having this problem. It's has nothing to do with you. I don't want it to run off on you. I, you know, I'm not that great.

Not as good as I need to be about, well, number one, not letting it fester to get that way, but also, just making sure that she doesn't get the runoff from things, other things that are going on in life.

Exactly. That's the correct word runoff. That's why they want to, you want to share what's on your mind very quickly. Not wait until it festers. Sure.

Yeah. I mean, you do a good job at that. You you're very cognizant and I don't mean this to be the Roy and Terry show, but honestly you really, they really are very cognizant. I mean, hopefully at this juncture in our life, we've learned something along the way. I think we're really applying blind those lessons.

Yeah. That's something else that, I feel fortunate enough about that. I just told her earlier that how, I was lucky to find her and we got together and, life has been good, but what, how difficult is this now at older ages or, I guess people coming together at an older age when they're very set in their ways they're set in their routines, I guess that makes it harder to mesh, to become a couple.

Sometimes yes. Sometimes now, and no, because as people get mature, more mature, they actually become more patient. They become less selfish and they are more open to having a relationship that actually sustainable and not just about them, but they are ready to give more, even though it means that it might mean that they're not getting the same amount of love back. Yeah. That this transition, basically that happens over our lifetime from selfishness to selflessness, it helps relationships in older age.

They know, I think we know more about ourselves, so we know what we want or what we like and can talk about that, can you express that? Not so well, like I'm doing now, but, we just know what to look for and know what that attraction is.

Exactly. Exactly. Just, just like Roy was saying about his, wanting everything to be perfect. And if something doesn't go right. Even little thing, you might not be happy about it and this might show, so he knows himself very well. He's very cognizant then that's one good thing that comes from the fact that he's a mature masculine man.

He is very masculine, honey.

I think I'll say, I don't know if he just told me the other day that she's like, are you 14? And I'm like, yeah, mostly most of the time. Yeah. I haven't dwelled. I'm still the little boy I see the shiny object and have to chase it or have to stand on the rail that you're not supposed to stand on or whatever it is like that. So.

I don't want the frozen pond in the back. That's not all the way frozen. That was scary. Yeah.

We had this winter, we had a Creek behind the house as Stover. I mean, like really bad. It got so cold. And, so were down there. I don't even know why were back there, but I was like, Ooh, let me just test that. She's like, first he tried to talk me out of it and then she could see she wasn't going to do that. She took her camera out and started. She's like, I just want to get a picture of you when you fall through, that's another, important part I think for us is, the laughing and having fun together. Even though we work together, we're together, a lot of time, we still take time to try to laugh and have fun and, not be serious all the time.

Wow. This is, this is impressive because give me given the fact that you guys work together. You already spent quite a lot of time together. You have the time and the energy to also laugh together. I mean, wow. I'm impressed. I'm impressed.

You humor is very important. Yeah. Yeah. Even if it doesn't seem like it's the right time to laugh, ?

Yeah. Humor and, we have a lot of other things in common. Like, we like music, so we're able to bond over, we both have a pretty intense appreciation of music from our childhood and generation. So, we're able to bond over that. But, I was just going to ask though, in, as you help people with relationships, what are, 2, 3, 4, 5 of the largest, contributors to a discord in a relationship?

Well, we actually touched upon some of them, first of all, is communication. Basically a lot of people lay like to stop communication when things go wrong. Yeah. And basically doing it as a punishment. Yeah. Right. Let's say their partner does something that they don't like and punish them with what I call silent treatment.

Women do that a lot. And another mistake,

Another mistake is not praising your partner, just taking them for granted too much. Yeah. Another mistake is taking your relationship for granted and thinking that your partner is not going anywhere, they will stay there for life. This is not true because you always need to be looking for looking to introduce new units and to be a relationship because newness is important for keeping passion. You might have loved, we might have downs of love between each other, but if you don't have passion, your relationship might be due. Right. Another mistake is let's say, I'm sorry. Yeah. Okay. Another mistake is not being emotional enough, not being too touchy and feely because you need that. You need that a romantic connection in addition to your like regular conversational connection. For example, be sure to give hugs, be sure to kiss your partner, be sure to smile at them all the time.

This is also important.

Yeah. I definitely think that one is two and it's funny cause we still hold hands a lot, this like teenagers and that's, and like even at night when we go to sleep, sometimes that's just, my hand over on her just where I can touch her, feel her there. It's just, I don't know. It's kind of weird, but it's important just to have that connection.

And it's not weird. No, that's absolutely normal. And it's actually beautiful. I like that again, you guys rock. Thank you. Well, yeah, just.

Trying to take a compliment.

Yeah. It's, I think the funny part about taking things for granted is that, maybe if you haven't had it, you appreciate it more. But I think it's just the opposite. The better things are between us. The more appreciative I am for her and all of those things, because it's so rare to find, two people that really mesh, I think, as good as we do on so many things. No, I'm not saying we don't have our differences or things that, I was trying to think what that was it's, she doesn't like all lives and I like all lose. We're able to, segregate that and it doesn't have to be a big thing, but for the big things in life, I feel like that we're pretty much on track, but there's always, some little differences that we may not always be together on, but talking about it.

I think the other thing, is respect is that, we have to really respect our partner and their thoughts and their feelings. I don't have to agree with her, but I just have to respect that her life, circumstances have gone, have got her to this belief. And so you have to respect it.

Yeah, that's right. What else can you do? Other, you also have a perspective, your own perception, right. And who knows who's right. Yeah. It's better to be happy to be right. Exactly. Or something,

Something in the middle there, and that's what you just kind of mesh it together.

I think that's a, I hate to get off on the social media tangent, but I will for just a minute that's a problem with that is that, we try to spend so much time to, convince or to talk people into having our point of view that we really don't take the time to listen to them, to see what their point of view is. The other part is that we can harmonize. We don't, I mean, it'd be a boring world if were all carbon copies and all felt the exact same way about everything. I mean, that's what that kind of adds to the spice of life. Just a little bit. And, the other part I get off on this tangent too, but trying new things is that we, Terry's a lot more conservative in that respect and that, especially as we talk about cooking and trying some new things that we're doing is I just tell her, look, do whatever you feel, throw it out there.

Especially, it's like, if it messes up or comes out bad, we can start over or we can go up to the restaurant and get something we're not going to starve to death, but you hear people that is like the wife makes something bad and then it turns into a fuss and, I don't really get that, but I encourage her, do something different. It's it's okay.

Yeah, yeah, definitely. That's one reason you guys have each other present as a masculine man, your, and having her as a feminine woman yeah. In air life. One of your goals is to challenge her in a positive way and that does how you do it. She is a little bit more conservative. As you say, you are there to give her new challenges. Right. And that's one of them. He does.

He really does. I mean, staying in the food genre, I, I fry fried up, I guess it was fried up. Some TemPay never had done that before. We didn't know what it was going to turn out to be, but I don't know. It was, it was lots of prepping and everything. You fry it up and put all your stuff on. It turned out to be pretty good. I just hate doing all that. Tend to know that it's not going to turn out bad in that terrible. I should, I need to try new things.

Yeah. And it's yeah. It's even like, we've been kind of locked down and haven't been out of the house much, but it's like the other thing is the spontaneity. I'm not sure which one of us is more spontaneity. I think we are at different times on different subjects, but, it's like, it was like, were just sitting on the couch one night and I got an email from a, a place that has music. It just said, the first 50 people get free tickets for, it was a cover band, a couple of cover bands. We liked the bands that they were covering. So, what I, I just sent an email in not expecting to win. I got a message back like, oh, you're the winner. So, it was like the next night or two, we just loaded up, went to this place and we had an amazing time.

The music was good. We found a couple bands, but the place was good. And, it was just kind of fun to do something on a whim.

Oh yeah, this is so important. This is important again, because it introduces newness and their relationship. It also see when we become too conservative, we start feeling older. And this is not conducive to love. This is not conducive to passion. When we go back to that younger mindset, we could slip in when we had less responsibilities and so on and so forth, we feel younger. Let's say you go out and you spend a wild night and you come home at 4:00 AM. This is something that makes you feel young. That reenergizes your passion in the relationship. Yeah.

Yeah. I'm just thinking, I'm just thinking about how much older I'm going to feel the next day.

That's me holding back. Yeah. I'm like, what? You can sleep all day. It doesn't matter. We don't have anywhere to be. So, we can go do that kind of stuff. And, I, I think it's fun, it's just new adventures and that we are both, fairly up for adventures. I think that's the other thing is just, having these adventures, experiencing things together and the memories that it provides, because, w we have those things. It's like, oh my gosh, you remember that concert went to and this happened and it's, those are pleasant too. It's like when the, when it is a slow time and you're just kinda sitting around, not doing much and thinking about all these things, it's just, I think it adds to that pleasure from your partner as well. Yeah. Yes. For sure. Well, Roman, we appreciate you taking time to stop by and talk to us today.

Any closing words, any closing thoughts on relationships before we wrap it up?

Yeah. Yeah. One thought is that you need to treat a relationship, your relationship, a romantic one as an important area of your life, like your business or your health. You spend time in those interests, right? Both with your business and kind of your, how, and you also want to spend time, invest time and effort into your relationship. If you live it as is it well die pretty soon, right? So you want to at least read books about read books and get better at it so that you make sure that you stay motivated and you have the right information, the right resources to keep your partner happy. Yeah. Don't take it for granted. Yeah.

Do you have any books off the top of your head, any recommendations that you can think of? If not, don't worry. I'm not, I didn't mean to put you on the spot. I just thought maybe you might.

Have one, I would say two books. The first one is a general one, but it speaks a lot about whole, all things, relationship wise and this Stephen Covey's seven habits of highly effective people. Okay. The second one is by Sharon Salzberg called real love.

Okay. Yeah. And I think it's interesting. I, I'm glad you bring that up because again, I can speak for me and that is a deficit in our relationship because we do something that we really enjoy. And so it's easy to spend. It's easy to spend a lot of time. There's, it's like, there's never an end to the things that we could do, even if we get things done that we've got to have done, there's still always looking at this new form of marketing, looking at this new technology, looking at this. Maybe we want to twist this or tweak that. Anyway, it, and this gets back to the communication is that Terry is, we are confident enough in our relationship. She can tap me on the shoulder and say, all right, you're done. And then, you know,

Like, I'll say why I'll be there in a minute and now say you're a minute or my minute, because they're two different things.

Yeah. It's easy to get hung up in that it just never ends. So, taking that time, if we're going to invest, like you said, we invest time and money in our businesses, in our homes. In a lot of things that we need to take that same approach to our relationships and, really invest and it's time. It's not, thank goodness Terry is not, she's not high dollar maintenance, so that's not an issue. But, just taking that time out of our day to, really be together to have those conversations, it's truly important. I think that's where people, kinda miss out some is that, you got, especially when you have kids, you got kids pulling you one way. You've got parents, you've got your job. Then, V go out and do stuff with friends that it just, it really divide your time down to where you don't have enough to devote to your relationship.

That's the cool thing with Terry and me, it's like, we're best friends. We like to hang out with each other, even outside of work, we like to go do things together. So.

Yes. Yeah. You, you are an inspiration.

Well, we're trying, we have to work at it, but all right, Roman, well, tell everybody, somebody needs some relationship coaching. How can they get ahold of you?

Yes. The best way is go to the website, which is Roman mirror, spelled as R O M A N M I R O N O There you have all the links to my social media and the ability to contact me for a free coaching session. If you match the lecture coming up, the Roy and terrorist podcast, I'll be happy to give you a 30% discount. Oh, wow.

Nice. Yeah.

You have a podcast as well, correct? Yes. It just under your name or is it called something else?

It's called be version two of yourself. Okay.

All right. Great. Well, y'all go out and give a listen if you need some help in a relationship and well, let me say it this way. Don't wait till you need help in a relationship, seek out somebody like Roman, that can be preemptive and don't wait until there's a problem. Get the tools that you need to have a successful relationship because it spills over into everything. I have a business show I was talking about, and were just talking about, you can't park your emotions at the door to work. Same thing, coming home, you can't park your work stuff at the door. Everything is all intermingled. For us to have a happy, productive life at work, we have to have a happy, productive life at home. And, again, I'm blessed to have somebody that supports me in everything. I know that she's my biggest champion and there's nobody in this world that I want to see succeed more than her.

I think it's important to, get out in front of that. Don't wait till it's a, don't wait till it's a train wreck to try to clean up the mess, get out there ahead of the game and make it happen where you can continue to be happy in that relationship.

Yeah, that is golden. Yeah.

All right guys. Well, that's going to do it for another episode of feeding fatty I'm Roy. You can always find us at We're also on all the major social media platforms, as well as the podcast platforms, iTunes, Stitcher, Google, Spotify. If we're not one in which you listened to, if you'll reach out, we'll certainly be glad to add you. So thanks for listening until next time. Take care of yourself and take care of your family.