Having you ever felt like your body or mind are asking you for a break, but you don't feel like it's the time yet? Maybe you don't feel like you have earned a break?

After being in Mexico for almost a month, I was able to gain some rest, get refreshed, and more than anything slow down and have time to think. And you may be asking yourself, what do you mean Marisol by slow down? Because if you think about it, isn’t everything about the time we are living in now fast paced and instant? 

Just think about it, have you found yourself getting upset because something is taking longer to happen for you than what you are used to? Maybe you started a business, a new job, or like me a new podcast and it’s only been a couple months and you don’t feel quote on quote successful yet? Or like it’s secondhand nature to you! Guess what?! That’s okay! Because sometimes slow and steady is better than fast and unstable! 

And here’s the thing, sometimes you do have to take risks and sometimes fast results are achievable! But what happens when your mind or body are asking you to slow down but you don’t want to listen at the risk of being judged or falling behind? Everyone has their own timeline, some travel faster than others; and that’s okay! We’re not in a race here! I can’t tell you how much I struggle with this exact feeling – the need for speed and be in action mode all the time! I find it hard at times to stay still and be okay with quiet time, silence, and just being in the waiting period before my big celebration moment comes. 

And don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with fast paced, but I want to remind you to not get lost in the fast speed of the world that you forget to enjoy the simple and smaller moments! Because this quiet time allows you to reenergize, recollect resources and knowledge, and to come back stronger! If you don’t sleep every night, rest when your body and mind need it, and be okay with taking it slow sometimes; do you think your body will everyday feel boosted and energized?

See, if you don’t slow down, you won’t be able to recollect energy, think correctly, or make the right choices. Have you ever been making life decisions under the influence or while you are mad or tired? How good (or even safe) do some of those choices end up being?

I would LOVE to hear what you thought about today's episode! Let's chat about it on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/fearnotincluded/