Have you been having a war with negativity? Maybe struggling with how to recognize or deal with it? This episode is for you!

Today I interviewed one of my biggest role models and a true inspiration of what God can do with someone’s life even through the toughest of adversities! My best friend and husband, Ulicer Villatoro. Ulicer is such a one-of-a-kind soul, and I don’t just say this because he’s my husband and he is here sitting with me – but honestly through today’s episode I want him to just pour out some of that natural God given knowledge he has been gifted with. If there is anyone, I can say has helped me (aside from God of course) to become a better version of myself, it’s him.

And more than just talking about navigating negativity, we talked about tools that we have come to use that help us to move through it. Answering questions like, how do you separate yourself from the not so good moments and remain focused on the positive? Or what advice would you give someone who struggles with rejecting negativity from people close to them? 

Ulicer shares how one of the most important things that has helped him reject negativity is acknowledging how much bad it has caused his mind, his character, our relationship, and most importantly his happiness. These four things have driven him to catch every negative word in every conversation, delete it from his vocabulary, and keep it from affecting his positivity. Living a positive life will always have better outcomes than living a negative one by allowing you to be a happy and confident being. Knowing the advantages of being confident will blow your mind. These can include having a higher performance, allowing an ease of being around other people, and improvements of mental health.

Some additional tools we talk about in today’s episode is challenging negativity on a word-to-word basis. Clearing your mindset of negative talk and replacing it with positive talk. Understanding how powerful words really are. In addition to 7 other powerful tools that can help you when you are faced with one of these hard situations where a friend or family member is being negative to you, about you, or just in general, and you just don't know how to reject the negativity.