Fancy Scientist with Dr. Stephanie Manka artwork

Fancy Scientist with Dr. Stephanie Manka

126 episodes - English - Latest episode: 11 days ago -

Dr. Stephanie Schuttler, the Fancy Scientist, is a wildlife biologist who loves breaking stereotypes and talking about the natural world. In this podcast, she shares her knowledge of animals, experiences as a wildlife biologist, and simple lifestyle choices you can make to conserve nature. Her 17 years in wildlife biology taught her that science alone cannot save species. We need to take collective action through simple things we can do every day. This podcast is for anyone who likes animals and wants to help make the world a better place for them, and for us too. You’ll learn cool things about the animals around you from her own and other scientists’ research. She’ll also give tips for other scientists to succeed (that really ANYONE can use), strategies for effective science communication, and how she gained the confidence to become a fancy scientist. Hit subscribe and let’s change the world!

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Best Scientific Conferences for Wildlife: What are They and Why Attend

June 04, 2024 21:00 - 29 minutes - 26.8 MB

Have you heard of scientific conferences, but are not sure what they are? Do you think you should be attending, but aren’t sure exactly why? Or are you attending scientific conferences, but not getting as much out of them as you think you should? Whether you are a scientific conference newbie or a seasoned attendee, as we head into the summer conference season, I wanted to get you the inside scoop on what these events are all about and why they're an important component to becoming a success...

Powering Conservation: Interview with Nature Conservancy Scientist Dr. Liz Kalies

May 21, 2024 21:00 - 49 minutes - 45.2 MB

When I was working as a postdoctoral researcher studying wildlife using camera traps, I had the pleasure of working alongside Dr. Liz Kalies who was integral in modeling the results of our large-scale projects. Back then, we were both passionate young(er) scientists trying to figure out our role in conservation biology. While my path eventually led me here to science communication and career mentoring, Liz took her to a seemingly unexpected, but exciting path - she's now the lead renewable e...

Powering Conservation: Interview with The Nature Conservancy Scientist Dr. Liz Kalies

May 21, 2024 21:00 - 48 minutes - 44.2 MB

When I was working as a postdoctoral researcher studying wildlife using camera traps, I had the pleasure of working alongside Dr. Liz Kalies who was integral in modeling the results of our large-scale projects. Back then, we were both passionate young(er) scientists trying to figure out our role in conservation biology. While my path eventually led me here to science communication and career mentoring, Liz took her to a seemingly unexpected, but exciting path - she's now the lead renewable e...

Unplugged Adventures: The Art of Nature Journaling with John Muir Laws

May 07, 2024 21:00 - 57 minutes - 52.8 MB

As someone who deeply values the importance of connecting people with nature, I was thrilled to have John Muir Laws as a guest on the latest episode of The Fancy Scientist podcast.  Ever since completing my PhD and working with kids, I've recognized that fostering an emotional attachment to nature, especially during childhood, is a central solution to all conservation problems. Because when people aren’t emotionally attached to nature, they won’t know how to care about its decline and loss....

From Science to Storytelling: Interview with Communications Specialist Hannah Mulvany

April 24, 2024 10:00 - 48 minutes - 44 MB

This week, I’m continuing to turn the tables on conservation podcasters by interviewing them. I had the great pleasure of sitting down with one of the Earth to Humans podcast hosts, Hannah Mulvany.  Earth to Humans explores humankind's relationship with planet Earth, covering topics within the environmental and conservation space through the diverse perspectives of its three hosts—including this episode's guest, Hannah Mulvany. In addition to being a host and a part-time field biologist, H...

Inspiring Powerful Forces for Nature: Interview with Science Communicator Crystal DiMiceli

April 09, 2024 21:00 - 34 minutes - 31.2 MB

I was instantly captivated when I first discovered Crystal DiMicelli's podcast, Forces for Nature. You know that feeling when you find someone who shares your passion and vibe on a level that just feels right? Well, that's exactly what I felt when I tuned in! You see, Crystal and I share a deep love for conservation and wildlife issues, and like me, Crystal understands that the “doom and gloom” narrative is not the most effective when inspiring change. Instead, on her podcast, she spotlight...

Journey from Nepal to a Master's degree in the US: Interview with Turtle Researcher Chitra Rekha Basyal

March 19, 2024 21:00 - 42 minutes - 38.9 MB

When it comes to careers in wildlife, one of the things you’ll hear me say over and over again is that you need to go after what you want - you can’t just sit back and wait for things to happen. YOU have to make them happen. But what happens if you don’t know how to go after what you want? You aren’t sure exactly what to do?  That was the case for Chitra Rekha Basyal, one of my students in the Successful Wildlife Professional program. In this episode of the Fancy Scientist podcast, I want t...

Breaking Through the Conservation Career Trap

March 06, 2024 00:00 - 36 minutes - 33.7 MB

This week’s episode of the Fancy Scientist podcast was inspired by an extremely honest and vulnerable article by Georgina Mayhew called The Conservation Career Trap. When I posted this in my Getting a Job in Wildlife Biology Facebook group, it sparked an overwhelming response from others sharing similar sentiments or fears that the same would happen to them.  Some standout comments included:  “Everyone I speak to in the industry is frustrated, feels taken advantage of because they feel the...

Reviving the Soul of Science: Lessons from Braiding Sweetgrass

January 09, 2024 21:00 - 50 minutes - 46.6 MB

The wisdom of Dr. Robin Wall Kimmerer's book Braiding Sweetgrass has lingered in my mind and heart for quite some time. This episode of the Fancy Scientist podcast is pretty different from past ones, and I'm excited to explore with you the bridge between science and spirituality I hope you’ll have an open mind to explore with me. Robin’s book inspired this podcast, leaving me with lots of thoughts and wisdom from her lessons on indigenous knowledge, nature connections, and science. I made t...

From Rescues to Releases: Wildlife Rehabilitation Interview with Joey of the Jungle

December 12, 2023 21:00 - 54 minutes - 49.6 MB

I have so many followers interested in careers in wildlife rehabilitation so I am especially excited about this week’s episode of the Fancy Scientist podcast. I sat down with veterinarian nurse and wildlife rehabilitator, Joey Solimine AKA Joey of the Jungle. Joey is not your average adventurer - she travels all over Central and South America volunteering at different wildlife rehabilitation centers taking care of animals that have been injured, trafficked, and rescued with the hopes that th...

Coexisting and Resolving Conflicts with Carnivores: Interview with Petros Chrysafis

November 28, 2023 21:00 - 47 minutes - 43.5 MB

Around the world, carnivores have been and still are heavily persecuted. Although the percentages are low, they do kill livestock, pets, and even people. The most common knee-jerk reaction for people is to do something about it, which almost always means killing the animal. For conservationists and wildlife lovers, this is a tough pill to swallow; it seems unfair to punish an animal for doing what it does and predators play important roles in the ecosystem. But even more fundamental than tha...

Journeys into the Wilderness: Interview with Explorer and Science Writer Jon Waterman

November 07, 2023 21:00 - 48 minutes - 44.5 MB

I'm thrilled to bring you another exciting episode this week on the Fancy Scientist podcast with National Geographic explorer and science writer Jon Waterman. Jon is not only an author of an impressive 15 books, but a modern-day explorer who's ventured into many remote and wild spaces. In his latest book, "Atlas of Wild America," published by National Geographic, he takes you to North America’s wild areas in a visual masterpiece packed with stunning photographs and intricate maps. In our di...

Ensuring Your Own Success in Wildlife Careers

October 24, 2023 21:00 - 40 minutes - 36.7 MB

This week’s podcast is a little different - instead of interviewing a guest or even doing a solo episode, it’s an excerpt from a professional development session in my Successful Wildlife Professional program.  I had my students watch a podcast interview of Sara Blakely, the founder of Spanx. Chances are, you’re probably thinking, what in the world does slimming undergarments have to do with wildlife careers? Well not a lot, but the lessons from Sara Blakely’s experiences are pure gold and ...

Road Ecology and Wildlife Conservation Challenges in Brazil's Cities: Interview with Fernanda Teixeira

September 27, 2023 21:00 - 34 minutes - 31.4 MB

A big lesson that I learned from studying abroad in Kenya is that the key to understanding a place's wildlife and conservation issues is to connect with the people living there. When my travels led me to Brazil, I knew I had to seize the opportunity to learn about its unique conservation challenges and the incredible research being done there through the passionate scientists who working on the ground. Our guest on this week’s Fancy Scientist podcast, Dr. Fernanda Teixeira, is not only a bi...

Leadership Lessons from the Animal Kingdom: Interview with Julie C. Henry

September 12, 2023 21:00 - 45 minutes - 41.8 MB

Lots of people think that the only way you can work in conservation and make a difference is by studying threatened animals to learn more about them so that we can save them. But there are a million ways to make a difference and drive impact in this field, especially when you follow your heart, pursue your passion, and open yourself up to creative possibilities. In today’s Fancy Scientist podcast episode, we have a guest like none other before, author, keynote speaker, and facilitator Julie...

What if Cities Weren’t the Bad Guys? Exploring Urban Wildlife for Conservation: Interview with Dr. Seth Magle

August 01, 2023 20:00 - 45 minutes - 41.3 MB

After recently moving to the Chicago area, I have been captivated by the urban wildlife in the area, particularly the coyotes. Seeing them in broad daylight, not just at dusk or from afar, has been a remarkable experience! (I’ve only seen a coyote once in my life and it was in Yellowstone National Park before) I wanted to learn more about the work being done to understand and appreciate urban species like these coyotes. In today's Fancy Scientist podcast episode, I had the pleasure of speak...

Resilience in the Face of Setbacks: Interview with Nicole Blankertz

June 01, 2023 16:31 - 28 minutes - 26.5 MB

Navigating career paths can be a daunting challenge. We pour our time and effort into applications, only to be met with rejection after rejection. Many aspiring wildlife professionals can relate to the frustration and self-doubt that arise from these setbacks. In the pursuit of our dreams and career goals, we often find ourselves facing moments of self-doubt and uncertainty. Thoughts of inadequacy and imposter syndrome can quietly seep in, casting doubts on our abilities and leaving us feel...

Volunteering Abroad for Wildlife Biology: Interview with Matt Snider

May 08, 2023 20:00 - 41 minutes - 38.1 MB

Experience is critical to build your career in wildlife, ecology, or conservation biology. When you’re just starting out though, this can be hard to get. Even unpaid volunteer positions can be treated like jobs where you apply and can get rejected. Some of these volunteer positions are through organizations abroad, especially Africa, where they tell aspiring wildlife professionals that they can get experience by volunteering in their organization doing things like tracking and surveying ani...

The Power of Tiny Changes in Atomic Habits in Your Wildlife Career

March 24, 2023 01:00 - 36 minutes - 33.1 MB

As a wildlife professional, I understand the struggles that many professionals in this field face when trying to secure a job. It’s easy to become overwhelmed by the larger goals and overlook the smaller, yet crucial, steps needed to succeed. Pursuing a wildlife career can be a challenging endeavor that demands significant effort and perseverance. Perhaps you’re currently wondering what the secret ingredient is to achieving a thriving career in wildlife. I myself have pondered the same thin...

Never Give Up on Your Wildlife Dream Job: Interview with Francisco Llauger

January 27, 2023 21:16 - 37 minutes - 34.7 MB

I love hearing success stories from people who have finally landed their dream jobs, especially after challenging and twisty career paths. I always like to say, your current situation is not your final destination, so I believe to strive toward your dream relentlessly. Additionally, most professors do not know how to advise for non-academic jobs. Have you been frustrated that your university has no experts in the field you wish to pursue and you feel lost?  Most aspiring wildlife professio...

Finding Your Identity in Wildlife Work

December 21, 2022 20:45 - 52 minutes - 48.3 MB

When I give advice to young wildlife professionals or those aspiring to go into this career, I always tell them to reverse engineer it. To “start with the end in mind,” (a quote from Stephen Covey), but what if you don’t know what the end looks like? Or what happens if you thought you wanted something and you went after it, but then you realized maybe you want something else. And if you decide to pursue that other thing, what does that mean about you? How do you know who you really are and...

From Web Developer to Starting an Environmental Career: Interview with Melina Shak

December 07, 2022 17:16 - 20 minutes - 18.4 MB

Have you ever thought about starting an environmental career, but instead chose a more “safe” and “secure” route? Or maybe you are currently tempted by it or you simply didn’t know how to go about a wildlife career and took a path that was more easily laid out?  Is there a part of you that still wonders “what if?” but worries it might be too late or are too scared to step out of your comfort zone? We only get one life to live and so much of our lives are dedicated to our work – simply by t...

30 years of Wildlife Career Advice: Interview with fisheries biologist Scott Putnam

November 10, 2022 18:45 - 37 minutes - 34.7 MB

It’s no secret that the wildlife or conservation field can be competitive, and many of you have always asked me, “How do I get my foot in the door?” or “Is there any chance that I will get a permanent job in the future?” And my answer is always yes. If this is what you truly want, you can get it, but it will require strategy. Gone are the days of just getting a degree and a job quickly, which will require other things you might not know about and even thinking outside the box.  Scott Putnam...

How I Wrote My First Books and You Can Too!

June 30, 2022 13:09 - 35 minutes - 32.6 MB

You may have heard me on social media talk about how I am writing a kids’ book and unless you are new to the podcast, you will already know that I wrote a book called Getting a Job in Wildlife Biology: What It’s Like and What You Need to Know. I am so excited to announce that my kids’ book, My First Book of Earth, is now available for pre-order and will soon be available everywhere on August 2nd. With this official news, lots of people have been asking me, how I did this. Today I am going i...

9 Biggest Mistakes Struggling Wildlife Job Seekers Make

May 23, 2022 17:50 - 32 minutes - 29.9 MB

I know that so many of you out there are struggling to get jobs in wildlife biology. I see all of these posts in the wildlife Facebook groups, and when people join my own Facebook group, Getting a Job in Wildlife Biology, I reach out to them and ask them what they’re struggling with. I truly understand how tough it is out there to get a job. There is more competition than ever before, and the requirements have changed. What used to get you a job is not good enough now. People are frustrated...

Getting a Wildlife Career with NO Wildlife Experience: Interview with Ron Lewis

May 18, 2022 01:21 - 50 minutes - 46.4 MB

One of my favorite podcast episodes to share with people is #46: Starting a Wildlife Career at 40: Interview with Jeffrey Hunter. In this episode, I interview Jeffrey Hunter of the National Parks Conservation Association on how he left his corporate job to pursue one in wildlife at 40.  One of the people listening to this was Ron Lewis. During the pandemic, Ron was let go from his engineering job at 49. He always loved wildlife and it had lingered in the back of his mind that he should purs...

What Do Careers with Endangered Species Look Like?

May 03, 2022 22:19 - 30 minutes - 28.2 MB

Whenever I talk to someone who wants my help, I always ask them “What is your ultimate career goal?” and frequently the answer is “something with endangered species. We’ve all seen the videos of scientists opening up a cage with a wolf inside, and it sprinting out of it to return to the wild where it belongs, or some variation of that with another species. These videos are so inspiring and uplifting – they make us feel so good and like there is hope for conservation. But there’s a lot of wo...

How Do Scientists Choose Their Research?

April 19, 2022 19:00 - 16 minutes - 14.8 MB

Students always ask me – how do I choose my research? When I was in graduate school, this question lingered over me for the first six months. How in the world, out of all of the things to study do I pick something? Most people will tell you to follow your passion – but what happens if you (like me) are passionate about many things? How do you choose? Or what if you aren’t sure what you are passionate about at all?  Surprisingly, choosing your research based on what you are passionate about...

Should Wildlife Professionals Start a Side Hustle?

April 13, 2022 07:43 - 29 minutes - 27.4 MB

I was having some struggles in my business – specifically how to talk about my program to potential student. I was thinking about purchasing a new course to help me with this problem and I was asking my mastermind group members what they thought. It was a big chunk of change: $2,000. Normally we encourage each other to invest in ourselves, but one of my members felt like I already had the training I needed – and that it was more of my mindset I needed help with.  She also suggested I coul...

Money Mindset in Conservation and Your Career

March 14, 2022 13:02 - 44 minutes - 40.3 MB

On this week's podcast, I talk about a hot button issue and one you probably wouldn't expect from a wildlife biology and conservation based podcast: money. I always knew I wouldn't make a lot of money in my career, but was surprised at how low the salary levels were for the jobs I qualified for.  And lately there's been a lot of talk about things like unpaid internships and volunteering in our career and that young professionals shouldn't take them and organizations shouldn't offer them. As...

Being Productive When You Don’t Want to Be

March 01, 2022 17:22 - 34 minutes - 31.5 MB

Productivity seems to be more of a career-oriented topic, but this is actually really important in wildlife and conservation work, and it’s something that is often overlooked. When I was in graduate school and working as a postdoc, I often felt so overwhelmed with all the work I had to do. I know that many other people out there feel exactly the same way. There’s several reasons for this. First, there’s just a lot of problems to work on regarding wildlife and conservation. Human population...

Being Productive for Wildlife Conservation

March 01, 2022 17:22 - 34 minutes - 31.5 MB

Productivity seems to be more of a career-oriented topic, but this is actually really important in wildlife and conservation work, and it’s something that is often overlooked. When I was in graduate school and working as a postdoc, I often felt so overwhelmed with all the work I had to do. I know that many other people out there feel exactly the same way. There’s several reasons for this. First, there’s just a lot of problems to work on regarding wildlife and conservation. Human population...

7 Ways to Become a Better Biologist on Your Own

February 15, 2022 21:00 - 32 minutes - 29.6 MB

In mid 2020 when COVID shut so many things down ( virtually everything), a lot of people lost their volunteer positions, internships, or seasonal positions, and they felt that it really set them back in their career in terms of getting experience. Some people are still having a hard time finding openings because of COVID. Back then, I did an episode (#7) on three things you could do to still get experience and skills. Since I talk to so many people who are still struggling, I thought it wou...

Creating a Vision to Accelerate and Amplify Your Wildlife Goals

February 01, 2022 17:57 - 36 minutes - 33.2 MB

Hello everyone. And welcome to the Fancy Scientist. We’re still pretty new into the new year, about the end of January. And I am going to talk about the importance of having a vision for the longest time.  I did have certain goals, but they were either pretty obvious or pretty short term. And I didn’t have an overall vision. So when it came to graduating and then looking for a job. I quite honestly felt lost. And I know I am not alone. I talk to a lot of graduates, a lot of students, and s...

Focus on What’s Important By Saying No

January 18, 2022 06:58 - 35 minutes - 32.8 MB

Hi guys. I am back. Yes. It's been a minute. If you are a regular listener to this podcast, you will remember. At the end of September, I said I was taking a break originally. I had planned to just take October. But I ended up taking off until now. Now when I say take a break, I wasn't completely taking a break. I was really focusing my time on other things. So I did take a break from the podcast from pretty much all social media and. YouTube as well. So today I am going to talk about the b...

The Best is Yet to Come: Thoughts on Getting Older and Life Changes

September 28, 2021 16:18 - 34 minutes - 32 MB

Is age really just a number?  But not me! Instead I developed a mindset to appreciate my age and be grateful for every day I have here. In this podcast, I talk about some major life changes for me – turning 40, changing careers, and going through a divorce. Most people think these things are scary. And while I do have my fears, for the most part I am so excited and happy for these changes.  I didn’t always think this way though. In fact, I used to think the opposite. I share with you my w...

Is Work-Life Balance in Science Possible?

September 21, 2021 07:37 - 32 minutes - 30.2 MB

This is a science podcast, so why am I talking about work-life balance? Because so many scientists are bad at it! I can’t even tell you how many scientists brag about working 60 or even 80 hours a week. It seems like everyone is doing it. But there’s a great cost… This begs the question – is it possible to be successful as a scientist and work 40 hours a week? Or even less? Actually have a life outside of science?  The answer is YES.  In this podcast, I talk about how you can achieve wor...

What Makes a Good Mentor?

September 14, 2021 15:15 - 37 minutes - 34.5 MB

Everyone should have a mentor when trying to achieve something difficult in life. In science, mentors are unavoidable.  They play an essential role. You need research experience to become a scientist, and mentorship is a central part of that research experience. In fact, in graduate school, your training and research is really built off of your advisor (AKA your mentor) and not courses or classes.  Therefore, choosing a good mentor is crucial for your success as a scientist. And to be hone...

4 Tips for a Successful Academic Year in Graduate School

September 07, 2021 05:59 - 22 minutes - 20.8 MB

Last week on the Fancy Scientist podcast, I went over what graduate school was like and what it’s all about. This week, I talk about how you can have a successful year.  Graduate school is not like undergrad. You can’t just study hard and do well – there’s so much more to it.  I give away my 4 most important tips for you to set yourself up for a successful academic year. Even if you are not in graduate school, or even in this career, almost all of these tips translate into any career. The...

Training to Be a Scientist: Graduate School

September 02, 2021 09:46 - 34 minutes - 31.4 MB

It’s the beginning of the school year so I thought it would be the perfect time to talk about where aspiring scientists go to train to be scientists: graduate school.  Whether you are getting your Master’s or Ph.D., the experience is vastly different than undergraduate or K-12 education. In fact, I don’t think I truly understood what science was until I went to graduate school.  In this episode of the Fancy Scientist podcast, I talk about what graduate school is really like. Even if you ar...

Elephant Tourism: What’s Best for Elephants

August 12, 2021 07:32 - 37 minutes - 33.9 MB

The inspiration for all of my writing and videos stems from animals. So often people want to become a wildlife biologist because they want to help animals. They envision themselves conducting important research to grow populations or captive-rearing animals for reintroductions. But I’ve learned through all of my years of research, that to really help animals we need to take a look at ourselves.  And the truth is all animals will be affected by climate change – including us. So if we really ...

Working in Education with Erin Apple

August 04, 2021 13:02 - 44 minutes - 40.8 MB

The inspiration for all of my writing and videos stems from animals. So often people want to become a wildlife biologist because they want to help animals. They envision themselves conducting important research to grow populations or captive-rearing animals for reintroductions. But I’ve learned through all of my years of research, that to really help animals we need to take a look at ourselves.  And the truth is all animals will be affected by climate change – including us. So if we really ...

Your Biggest Struggle in Wildlife Careers: Part 3

July 28, 2021 06:50 - 28 minutes - 25.8 MB

This week’s podcast episode covers the second most popular answer to the question, “What is the problem you are struggling with most in regard to this career?” And the truth is all animals will be affected by climate change – including us. So if we really care about animals, we have to think and do something about these larger issues and we can’t only talk about species-specific problems.  For my Earth month series, I’m kicking it off by talking about this big issue of climate change. Most...

Your Biggest Struggle in Wildlife Careers Part 2

July 21, 2021 15:59 - 31 minutes - 29.1 MB

This week’s podcast episode covers the second most popular answer to the question, “What is the problem you are struggling with most in regard to this career?” To recap, a couple of months ago, I put this post on social media asking for people in wildlife biology, ecology, or zoology careers to help me out with some research: I got so many people who were interested in helping me out (thank you!). Episode #68 covers the most common answer, and in this episode I talk dive deep into the sec...

Your Biggest Struggle in Wildlife Careers

July 13, 2021 20:43 - 40 minutes - 36.7 MB

A couple of months ago, I put this post on social media asking for people in wildlife biology, ecology, or zoology careers to help me out with some research: and I was shocked by the response! I got so many people who were interested in helping me out. Thank you to all of you that participated! I did this research for my own internal knowledge – so I could learn how I could better help you. In this podcast, I cover the most frequently stated answer to the main question in my survey: “What ...

Sustainable Beach Vacation Tips

June 30, 2021 14:31 - 33 minutes - 30.7 MB

It’s summer time here in the US, which means lots of people head to the beach for vacation. With parties, holidays, and leisure happening at the beach, it can be easy to forget – or some people may never even know in the first place – that beaches are habitat for lots of wildlife.  I’ve seen so many fun animals at the beach in my adventures across the world like tropical fish, eels, dolphins, seals, coral, sea urchins, sea stars, and probably more that I can’t remember. But our visits to t...

Sea Turtles and Straws with Christine Figgener

June 22, 2021 14:09 - 42 minutes - 38.7 MB

Several years ago, I went on a trip to Hilton head, South Carolina, and I woke up in the morning really early and went to the beach. This is something I always do when I am by the ocean, because you get to find some really cool stuff in the morning. And this time I found the best thing ever, or the two best things ever! I saw two baby sea turtles make their way to the ocean. Members of their nest likely hatched the night before, and these two were stragglers. I got to see them make their jo...

Sea Turtles and Straws with Christine Figginer

June 22, 2021 14:09 - 42 minutes - 38.7 MB

Several years ago, I went on a trip to Hilton head, South Carolina, and I woke up in the morning really early and went to the beach. This is something I always do when I am by the ocean, because you get to find some really cool stuff in the morning. And this time I found the best thing ever, or the two best things ever! I saw two baby sea turtles make their way to the ocean. Members of their nest likely hatched the night before, and these two were stragglers. I got to see them make their jou...

Financial Realities of Wildlife Careers with Emily Roberts

June 16, 2021 19:00 - 1 hour - 55.7 MB

You get a degree and then a job, right? That’s how it is supposed to work. But in wildlife biology, ecology, and conservation careers, it’s not so straightforward. In the wildlife science realm, you need experience, but the crazy thing is, that in our field, a lot of experiences are unpaid. Even though they are full jobs, quite often they don’t pay. To be honest, it is extremely hard to get into this field without any volunteering. There are very few programs that will give someone with no...

Going Zero Waste with Alexa Smith

June 08, 2021 09:19 - 40 minutes - 37.4 MB

When I scroll through my Pinterest home feed, zero waste is a common word that comes up among eco-friendly bloggers. I always wanted to try it, but producing no waste seemed so hard! I was really intimidated by the challenge and felt like I needed help.  So when Alexa Smith, author of An Economic Eclipse, reached out to me to talk all about zero waste, I was definitely on board.  In this episode, I interview Alexa Smith all about what it means to be zero waste – and it’s not as intense as ...

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