Hello everyone. And welcome to the Fancy Scientist. We’re still pretty new into the new year, about the end of January. And I am going to talk about the importance of having a vision for the longest time. 

I did have certain goals, but they were either pretty obvious or pretty short term.

And I didn’t have an overall vision. So when it came to graduating and then looking for a job. I quite honestly felt lost. And I know I am not alone. I talk to a lot of graduates, a lot of students, and so many of them feel lost today. We’re going to go deeper than just goal setting. Although I am going to talk about goals.

And we’re going to talk about what I mean when I talk about vision, how I created my vision, some questions that I use to help define my vision. 

And just how important vision has been for me in terms of letting me get things done, enjoy my life, feeling accomplished, feeling productive, and really working on the things that matter to me and my career.

So let’s not hesitate anymore. But actually I do want to say no matter where you are, when you’re listening to this podcast, if it’s January, if it’s August, you can start. So don’t wait for the new year. Get started today. Okay. Let’s talk about how to create a vision for yourself.

For full show notes click here.

Get a free chapter of my book “Getting a Job in Wildlife Biology: What It’s Like and What You Need to Know” to see how I can help you in your career: https://stephanieschuttler.com/getting-a-job-in-wildlife-biology-book/ 

For full show notes click here.

Want to learn about cool animals, conservation, and get tips about careers in wildlife biology, science, and more? Subscribe to my channel: https://www.youtube.com/StephanieSchuttler and join my email list: https://stephanieschuttler.com/ 

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