I was having some struggles in my business – specifically how to talk about my program to potential student.

I was thinking about purchasing a new course to help me with this problem and I was asking my mastermind group members what they thought.

It was a big chunk of change: $2,000. Normally we encourage each other to invest in ourselves, but one of my members felt like I already had the training I needed – and that it was more of my mindset I needed help with. 

She also suggested I could receive free training if I sign up to be an affiliate for a program I enrolled in two years ago. I didn’t think I could do it because I didn’t think the program would be fit for my audience, but she pushed me anyway to get me to learn more about the process.

Shortly after I signed up, the wildlife biologist above made that comment. I also thought about another wildlife biologist with a big following on Instagram who sells products and then I thought, maybe there is something to this? Maybe this is something my audience would be interested in. 

I am blown away by the opportunity that is out there nowadays and I invite you to join me to entertain the thought of starting your own digital side hustle. 

For full show notes click here

Get a free chapter of my book “Getting a Job in Wildlife Biology: What It’s Like and What You Need to Know” to see how I can help you in your career: https://stephanieschuttler.com/getting-a-job-in-wildlife-biology-book/ 

Want to learn about cool animals, conservation, and get tips about careers in wildlife biology, science, and more? Subscribe to my channel: https://www.youtube.com/StephanieSchuttler and join my email list: https://stephanieschuttler.com/ 

I’d love to meet you. Connect with me on social media:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/FancyScientist

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/fancy_scientist/ 

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/fancyscientist/

Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/fancyscientist/pins/

Join the “Getting a Job in Wildlife Biology” Facebook group to connect with other aspiring wildlife biologists, post your questions and get free advice: https://www.facebook.com/groups/gettingajobinwildlifebiology

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