Dean Fox was living his life by climbing the corporate ladder, but found that despite all of his success, he was never truly happy.

This changed a bit when he got his first taste of entrepreneurship. Dean started to get involved in real estate investing and development. He grew a highly successful business and was closing in on 7 figures when the 2008 financial crisis hit and he lost almost everything.

In the midst of rebuilding, Dean was involved in a major car accident. He began to reassess his life and came to the conclusion that the world, and his family, would be better off without him.

It was in his darkest moments that Dean accepted the past for what it was, and began to see his life for what it is - he realized that everything that has led up to this moment was a blessing or a lesson.

With this new outlook on life and the motivation to do something more, Dean picked up a copy of Think and Grow Rich and began his journey into personal success and achievement.

Since then, Dean has invested in himself, rebuilt, has grown a 6 figure consultancy and coaching business, is a leading mindset coach, trainer, consultant, entrepreneur and speaker.

In this episode of the Fall In Love with Fitness podcast, Dean and I discuss why he considered taking his life and what stopped him from doing it, how your purpose finds you when you least expect it, and why your mindset and outlook on life is the most powerful asset.