Nicholas Spohn started his personal development journey in college when he realised that, by reading books, he could grow and drastically improve his life if he implemented what he read.

A few years later he attended his first Tony Robbins event and was blown away by a whole new world of possibilities. After that event Nicholas began an intensive journey, studying all things personal development.

He attended dozens of events, seminars, and trainings, and began fine tuning his teaching abilities.

Nicholas began to recognize patterns in the material he learned that lead him to be able to easily and simply teach universal truths that merged many of the modalities he studied.

Today, he teaches several topics including: Hypnosis and Subconscious Programming, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Masculine and Feminine Energy, Language Patterns, Influence, Body Language, Energy Healing, Emotional Health

At the heart of all teaching is the concept that the vibration of love rules all.

In this episode of the Fall In Love with Fitness podcast, Nick and I discuss how he began his personal development journey, why all negative experiences need to be treated as moments come and passed, and how to make the seemingly “unreal” become reality through meditation and visualization.