How do you feel about aging?

For many, growing old is met with fear. Fear of not being as strong, as fast, as fit as you used to be, and fear from other people who tell you to “slow down,” or that “you’re too old to do that.”

What I’ve found as I mature and grow is that if I don’t have a strong, encouraging, and supportive environment, the negative thoughts of “I’m too old for this,” begin to creep in.

Aging is something to be celebrated, because as far as I’m concerned, you’re never too old to be a badass.

Colin C. Thompson is the founder and CEO of Oligye Enterprises, a Business Consulting company focused on coaching, training, and Blockchain technologies. Specializing in Personal Development, Diversity, and Career Coaching, Colin coaches individuals and groups on how to reach their dreams, goals, and desires.

Colin is always pushing his limits. He believes that fitness and health is a precursor to mindset and everything else and that the only time you need to slow down, is when YOUR body tells you to.

He loves running marathons, playing basketball, racing in triathlons, and even partakes in a birthday run where he runs his age in miles every year.

In this episode of the Fall In Love with Fitness podcast, Colin and I discuss why he started his yearly birthday marathon, the important role accountability plays in his and everyone's life, why it’s so crucial to listen to your body.