Luke 15 tells the story of a prodigal son who, in his youth and ignorance, rebelled against his father and left home to experience the world. Sometime later, after having squandered all of his money and LITERALLY landing himself in a mess of a situation, verse 17 says, he “came to himself,” and he found his way back home… back home to a loving and grateful father who welcomed him with open arms.

Much like the prodigal son, NONE of us are exempt from finding ourselves in a messy predicament… physically and emotionally. But the good news is that also like the prodigal son, sometimes all we need is a little change in perspective to initiate the change in our situation.

If you, or someone you know, can use a little jumpstart to the process,  

Head on over to my website: for exclusive insight and content on how a shift in perspective can make a world of difference… AND for step-by-step tips on how to begin your journey.