Kelly and Lindsey sit down and catch up with each other via Zoom in our first pandemic-influenced episode of FYIS. We do a quick mental health check before we dive into a day of homeschooling. We start off in Science class with a Corona Quiz where we learn that this virus has nothing to do with beer AND that we should NOT drink bleach. Or Lysol. Or any other cleaning products. Who knew? Kelly then takes Lindsey to Film class where we discuss Post Apocalyptic movies that Lindsey definitely hasn't seen before. (She's more of a Mel Brooks fan.) Then Kelly is forced to participate in a "What Rhymes With Quarantine/Pandemic Spelling Bee" where we learn all about bathing machines! This is a thing. Google it. We then end our school day in Zoology with a 'Tiger King' inspired game all about big cats. Did you know that the Snow Leopard can't roar? Maybe we can sneak one past our landlord. Just kidding, don't keep wild animals unless your first name is "Legit" and your last name "Zoo". Thanks. Please join Kelly and Lindsey every Friday night on IG Live at 5 pm PST @kellyandlindsey for some fun recess time. We miss you, we love you. Stay safe!