We have told plenty of the "Hell yeah!" stories of 2020, but this week we tell the, “Well, fuck.” story of 2020, which isn’t that so fitting to end the year?

Redefining it all can sound inspiring, strong and a little intimidating - especially when you're in the midst of figuring out your own shit. What I love is a woman is unafraid to pull back the curtain and show the mess, the pain and the unknowing of what's next. 

That's why I am so excited about this week's episode with my friend, neighbor and fellow modern woman, Elizabeth Murphy.

Days after, still reeling from the news and reality of being laid off, Elizabeth texted me and said, "Let's do an episode about having and losing it all." I was IN! 

Elizabeth had a 10 year career at Warner Media, and for the first time - amidst a global pandemic - she found herself facing the realities of being a working mother and homeschool parent, being the breadwinner and navigating the personal pain and loss of losing your job, when some of your colleagues still have theirs.

We talk about the endless questioning, blow to ego and self confidence, worry and guilt, and realities - like mortgage payments and healthcare coverage - of being a modern woman finding her way amidst losing it all.

2020 was a year of collective pain, loss, grief, essentialism, kindness, unknowing, and ultimately growth. I invite you to reflect on your own journey, and find peace in the knowing that amidst the mess is the start of your own badass story.
