Kathryn Melton is my oldest and dearest friend. Having met when we were 8 years old, so much of our lives can be told through the lens of growing together and a part as we've become the women we are today. She is the first person I have ever loved unconditionally; and it was half way through our episode, that it dawned on us both real-time, that its this enduring friendship that most prepared us for marriage.

Kathryn is a brilliant woman, mother, sister, friend, veteran and wife.  We have cheered each other on - literally across the world - and it was a beautiful experience to sit down with my oldest friend and learn something new. Just when I thought I knew all her stories.

For any of you listening, consider yourself in the company of greatness when you settle in to listen to Kacie and Kathryn reflect on nearly 25 years of friendship, where we are in our lives, what we hope for the next generation, how we learned to love unconditionally, and why we think our friendship is the most important relationship of our lives.

Sorry, Aaron and Blake.

I love you, Kathryn. Thank you for being you, teaching me, and going on this journey with vulnerability and authenticity. I see you, and you inspire me.