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ESC - MustárFM

884 episodes - English - Latest episode: 4 months ago -

Welcome to the radio from Hungary run by ESC volunteers!
We talk about culture, politics, society, travelling and many other interesting topics!

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Point of View: The suprising truth about Satanism

August 22, 2019 10:00 - 59 minutes - 87.3 MB

 Sometimes appearance tricks. Satanism is actually a movement that wants to spread ideas about freedom and critical think, it's on the opposite side of the Church and Religion. Someone, like Antonella and Sofya, understood the idea and appreciates it, someone else, like Federica, has a different opinion about that, not so diplomatic. If you want to know more about it, listen to the Point of View.

Experience the World: Urbex

August 21, 2019 16:00 - 29 minutes - 54.3 MB


Gossip: When your parents are famous...

August 20, 2019 16:00 - 37 minutes - 53.8 MB

Hello dear listeners! Tuesday Gossip with Sofya and Federica, who this time will talk about children of celebrities (as promised in another Gossip Program). They will talk about 6 stories that reveal that being the child of a famous person is not always such a wonderful experience. Listen to the program. 

World Politics: The Rohingya Genocide

August 20, 2019 10:00 - 1 hour - 124 MB

 There are so many persecuted minorities in the world we ignore the existence. One of these are Rohingya, a Islamic minority living in Myanmar and persecuted by people who live there. They have no right, no citizen and live in camps isolated from the rest of the population. A real genocide is taking place against them, it's time to spread this information. Listen to the program with Serena, Antonella and Federica. 

2019.08.19. Le Spritzate - Italian program

August 19, 2019 17:00 - 30 minutes - 55.4 MB


2019.08.18 Vitamina_effe

August 18, 2019 17:00 - 32 minutes - 59.3 MB

Ciao a tutti, oggi Federica vi presenta l'ansia da prestazione, sua acerrima nemica sin dalla nascita e assolutamente sconosciuta al suo alter ego, Vitamina_effe, che lei ha creato appositamente per aspirare a diventare ciò che vorrebbe essere, pensando che avrebbe lasciato Federica e le sue ansie da prestazione fuori dallo studio di registrazione dando spazio a un personaggio fittizio, del tutto diverso da lei. Ovviamente si tratta di un lungo lavoro, e quindi oggi Federica (in collaboraz...

Free Topic: How the moon influences your life

August 15, 2019 15:00 - 33 minutes - 61.3 MB

Happy Full Moon, dear listeners! Hopefully you had a good night's rest even though the moonlight might have made it impossible. Oh, you've never heard of the moon's influence on you and your life? Luckily we have! Tune in today at 5pm on Mustár.Fm! In this episode of Free Topic Julia and Anne will introduce you to the moon cycle and its impact on, not only our sleep, but also our emotions, energy levels and manifestation powers.

Experience the World: How to travel alone

August 14, 2019 15:00 - 37 minutes - 68.2 MB

Hello dear listeners! It's time again for Experience the World and today we're going to talk about "solo trips" with MustarFm's number one traveler,Alexandra! Have you ever traveled alone? would you like to do it but you fear loneliness? and then, what does it mean for a woman to travel alone? Sasha will answer all these questions by telling us funny stories about her (many) travels and she will give us some advice for how to travel alone without fear! Stay tuned on MustarFM 89.6 from 17:...

Gossip: The scandalous life of Vladimir Putin

August 13, 2019 16:00 - 36 minutes - 66.3 MB

It's Gossip Time on MustarFM. And today our program is a juicy one!Alexandra and Antonella will guide you into the life, adventures and superpowers of the one and only Mr. Vladimir Putin! Did you know that he has two daughters? Or that he is a modern Indiana Jones, discovering hidden treasures deep down the sea? Want to know who his bestfriends are? Be sure to tune in from 10 to 11 for this and more, always on MustarFM, here Can not join us today? No problem! YOu ca...

2019.08.12. Le Spritzate - Italian program

August 12, 2019 17:00 - 29 minutes - 54.6 MB


2019.08.11 Vitamina_effe

August 11, 2019 17:00 - 30 minutes - 56.2 MB

Federica, o meglio, Vitamina_effe, si è sempre mostrata piuttosto critica nei confronti dei social network, così ha deciso di dedicarvi una puntata per spiegare quali sono i motivi per i quali non nutre particolare simpatia nei confronti di queste piattaforme che si sono trasformate da mezzi comunicativi a mezzi per diffondere idee piuttosto malsane, soprattutto tra gli adolescenti, ancora molto fragili e inclini ad essere influenzati facilmente. E indovinate qual è il social peggiore in te...

Cultural: Esoteric cities

August 09, 2019 08:00 - 59 minutes - 91.1 MB

Do you know about Black Magic Triangle composed by the cities of Turin, London and Sand Francisco? And what about the White Magic Triangle which involves Turin, Lion and Prague? Miguel, Sofya, Serena and Federica will explore them and their monuments, trying to reveal you the secrets hidden in each city. If you are interested in occultism, magic and esotericism listen to the Cultural Program ;)

Free Topic: The problem with Tchernobyl...

August 08, 2019 16:00 - 34 minutes - 63.4 MB

Huge hipe, billions of people watching it, you've loved it or hated it & today, it's our turn to pretend to be experts in nuclear power plant & radiation. You'll have guessed it, it's time to talk about Tchernobyl &, as usual, you can rely on us to be 100% objective, more or less...

Point of View: Addiction is not a crime!

August 08, 2019 08:00 - 1 hour - 113 MB

DRUGS Today on Mustar FM: Legalisation or decriminalization? This is the question Miguel Castro Yébenes, Carmelo Gozza and Anne Luise are going to answer this thursday in the Point Of View programme. What do we think about the stigmatisation of drug abuse? Is addiction a crime issue or a health issue? And how do the countries we come deal with the problem? Make sure to tune in at 10am on Mustár.Fm 89.6

Experience the World: What to do in Miskolc

July 31, 2019 16:00 - 33 minutes - 60.7 MB

Hello dear listeners! Today last Experience the World program of July and Julia and Federica want to share their experience in Miskolc, a beautiful city here in Hungary, where you can also find the cave baths. So here some tips to enjoy the thermal baths but also Miskolc and surroundings. But listen till the end, because Julia spent a week in Budapest for her 20th Birthday and she has some places to suggest...;) Stay tuned

Gossip: Famous but depressed?

July 30, 2019 16:00 - 37 minutes - 68 MB

Don't expect a light Gossip program this afternoon. Anne and Alexandra are going to discuss depression and the most well-known cases among famous musicians, cinema- and tv-stars, models and writers. Depression is something that every person has to be aware of. So, let's spread the word!

World Politics: Rewriting history

July 30, 2019 10:00 - 1 hour - 125 MB

Good Tuesday morning, dear listeners! In today's World Politics programAntonella, Rehana, Peter and Sofya are discussing the way history can be rewritten or reconstructed. Who benefits from implementing the one and only way of history perception and what are the forces that control our understanding of historical facts? What are the consequences of these imposed visions that shape our worldview? Tune in to hear us talking at 10am on Mustar FM 

2019.07.29. Le Spritzate - Italian program

July 29, 2019 17:00 - 36 minutes - 66.8 MB

Il 2001 è stato un anno di svolta: l'attentato alle Torri Gemelle l'11 settembre ha dato il via alla guerra contro Bin Laden, e il XXI secolo è iniziato nel modo più sanguinoso possibile. Ma in Italia la tragedia è iniziata giusto due mesi prima: dal 19 al 22 Luglio si tenne infatti a Genova il G8, che verrà poi ricordato negli anni per le violenze, gli scontri, i pestaggi e i vergognosi fatti della Diaz e di Bolzaneto. Cercando di essere il più obiettivi possibile, Antonella, Carmelo e Ser...

2019.07.28 Vitamina_effe

July 28, 2019 17:00 - 30 minutes - 56.3 MB

"There is no planet B": questa è una delle frasi diventate mainstream nell'ultimo periodo, caratterizzato da una maggiore sensibilizzazione verso la questione ambientale (o almeno ci si illude che sia così, come spiegherà Vitamina_effe). Tuttavia è bene fare chiarezza su quelli che sono i veri motivi a causa dei quali il nostro pianeta sta subendo una grossa degradazione. Il focus, in particolare, verrà dedicato al Bel Paese, vittima non solo della degradazione ambientale ma di tumori e mort...

Cultural: Writing after a war

July 26, 2019 10:00 - 59 minutes - 109 MB

Good morning, dear friends of Mustar FM! Today for those of you who are fond of literature Anne, Serena and Sofya are going to talk about literature of their countries in the post-World War II period. How did literature help to reflect on the past in Germany, Italy and The Soviet Union? What instruments and stylistic features did writers choose in order to process the trim of war and dictatorship, and could they even choose? Tune in to know today at 10am on Mustar FM!

Point of View: How to suffer in Italy and Russia

July 25, 2019 10:00 - 55 minutes - 101 MB

Good morning dear friends of Mustar FM 89.6! It's Thursday morning which means that Point of View moment has arrived. This time Alexandra, Serena and Federica will make a comparison between Russian and Italian people in their way to face up with pain and sufference. We don't want to add anything else but we ask you a question: do you remember the movie "Love and Death" of Woody Allen? Great! What has this movie to do with the topic? Well, listen to our podcast to discover what one of the ...

Gossip: Taylor Swift losing all her music, ASAP Rocky in swedish jail

July 23, 2019 16:00 - 35 minutes - 64.5 MB

Is Taylor Swift about to lose all of her music to her bully? Is ASAP Rocky going to jail in Sweden? A lot is happening in the world of Hollywood and celebrities, but don't worry Federica and Julia have got you covered! The Gossip Program airs as usual at 5pm and we discuss the following events: Taylor Swift's ongoing feud with talent manager Scooter Braun over the rights to her own music including her six studio albums and two EP's. Whether ASAP Rocky should be released following his arrest...

World Politics: The great great wall

July 23, 2019 10:00 - 1 hour - 124 MB

'I am going to build a great great wall, and Mexico is gonna pay for it'. These were the famous words that Donald Trump used during his presidential campaign in 2016, and probably these words helped him become president. But how much of this great great wall has actually been built? And has it helped to stop illegal immigration and drug smuggling? Anne, Antonella and Peter will guide you into this interesting although difficult topic, starting from the very beginning up until the present da...

Experience the world: How to survive the streets of Slovakia

July 23, 2019 02:00 - 36 minutes - 66.6 MB

Time to talk about travels, and today it is going to be about Slovakia & Poland. Or in other words, how to survive during the night in the streets of Koscice while you are waitting for your train? So let's see what Miguel, Sébastien & Carmelo have to say about it!

2019.07.22. Le Spritzate - Italian program

July 22, 2019 17:00 - 35 minutes - 64.2 MB

Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Whatsapp sono entrati nella nostra vita e ora ne sono parte integrante. Passiamo molto del nostro tempo libero (e non solo) sui social, per tenerci informati, per ridere dei meme, per conoscere le ultime del gossip o per scoprire dove i nostri amici (o contatti, o follower, chiamateli come volete) sono andati in vacanza. O anche per evitare di incrociare lo sguardo di qualcuno per la strada. Ma quanto i social hanno effetto su di noi? Si può parlare di una sorta...

2019.07.21 Vitamina_effe

July 21, 2019 17:00 - 32 minutes - 60.1 MB

 100x100 italiana...all'estero! Siamo in tanti ad aver varcato le soglie di altri paesi per trovare fortuna. Tutti parlano della propria esperienza all'estero come una favola, ma siamo proprio sicuri che sia tutto rose e fiori il trasferimento altrove? Vitamina_effe (l'alter ego di Federica, per intenderci) svelerà i segreti che si celano dietro ad un cambiamento di questo tipo, le difficoltà e i sentimenti spesso taciuti perché, ad oggi, si celebra l'individualismo, il coraggio, il sapersel...

Cultural: The tragic evolution of Museums

July 19, 2019 10:00 - 54 minutes - 99.8 MB

 It's friday morning and the weekend is gonna come very soon. During weekend usually some of you go to museums, right? But have you ever wonder how is changing the concept of museums in the last decade? Museums are becoming more and more for the "liquid man" theorized by Bauman, which means that in our liquid society we don't go to the museum to enjoy pieces of art and stop for a minute to think about the meaning of the work, but we just want another commodity. Serena, Sébastien and Federic...

Free Topic: Sweet Dreams!

July 18, 2019 16:00 - 34 minutes - 62.9 MB

It's five in the afternoon and we hope that you are completely awake right now for todays Free Topic Program with Miguel Castro Yébenes, Julia Cherry, and Anne Luise. Have you ever wondered why your teeth keep falling out while you are dreaming or why you suddenly could fly? And what about that reoccuring dream you have since your childhood? Listen closely, because todays program is all about dreams - what they mean, why they exist, what they tell us and even how we can learn to control th...

Point of view: Confessions of EVS volunteers

July 18, 2019 07:00 - 1 hour - 111 MB

Always wanted to get into an adventure, wanna try the same experience as our as volunteers in the EU? Well, it's time from point of view and lets a Spanish, an Italian and a French talk about their experience as EVS volunteers! Discover all the hidden part of of EVS but also the really good ones.

Experience the World: Another program about Russia

July 17, 2019 16:00 - 36 minutes - 66.6 MB


Gossip: How commoners became royals

July 16, 2019 16:00 - 32 minutes - 58.6 MB

To all the wannabe Cinderellas out there: your dream of marrying a price/princess can ACTUALLY become real! Today Serena and Antonella will take you on a journey from the Uk to Buthan to the beautiful Japan to meet all those (lucky) commoners who succeded in making a life with royals! But are we sure that such a life is one to look after to? Will you be up to be the public figure everyone looks up to? Or you'd prefere a simple, maybe boring but certainly easier everyday life? Call your fair...

World Politics: Is this the fall of Erdogan?

July 16, 2019 10:00 - 1 hour - 113 MB

On the 23rd of June Istanbul lived a re-election of the mayoral election,the first election was held on the 31st of march,but apparently more than something was "suspicious". In the world politics today Anne,Julia,Carmelo and the special host Sinan are gonna analyse the results of these elections and see how Turkey can change in the next years. Curious to learn more? Tune in on Mustarfm from 10 to 12! 

2019.07.15. Le Spritzate - Italian program

July 15, 2019 17:00 - 33 minutes - 61.2 MB

E' lunedì, la settimana è appena iniziata e voi siete già stanchi. Siete seduti al vostro bar preferito, con le vostre persone preferite e vi state gustando il vostro spritz preferito. Quand'ecco che, nel tavolo di fianco al vostro, una allegra famiglia di turisti stranieri redarguisce il terrorizzato cameriere perchè ha appena risposto loro che no, le fetuccine Alfredo e il capuccino di contorno non sono e mai saranno nel menù del locale. E di questo parleremo noi stasera: le avventure culi...

2019.07.14 Vitamina_effe

July 15, 2019 08:13 - 27 minutes - 51 MB

 Vi siete mai chiesti perché nella società odierna si prediligano legami di breve durata, flessibili, "part-time"? Perché i millennials sono sempre alla ricerca di qualcosa che non esiste? Perché il per sempre impaurisce i più? Bauman, sociologo contemporaneo scomparso nel 2017, ci ha lasciato in eredità una teoria in merito alla post-modernità, che lui chiama società liquida e che spiegherebbe su che cosa poggiano e a che cosa credono (se credono) le nuove generazioni. Ce lo spiega Federi...

Cultural: How does religion influence our societies?

July 12, 2019 08:00 - 1 hour - 127 MB


Free Topic: The Introvert, The Extrovert and The Ambivert

July 11, 2019 16:00 - 31 minutes - 58 MB

Hello fans of Mustar FM 89.6! Thursday usually means Free Topic and for the new episode we pone you a question: have you ever wonder if you are an introvert, an extrovert or an ambivert? And have you ever asked yourself what exactly does introvert/extrovert/ambivert means? Sofya and Federica have, and tried to understand themselves better analyzing their traits and needs. So if you want to know more about this topic listen to our podcast! (And by the way, an accurate website where you can f...

Point of View: Can a feminist give a blowjob?

July 11, 2019 10:00 - 1 hour - 121 MB

Is it non-feminist to crave a Gentleman? Can you get married and still be a feminist? CAN A FEMINIST GIVE A BLOWJOB? It's not easy being an exemplary feminist when the rules aren't completely clear. In today's program Anne and Julia discuss some of the most common dilemmas you have to face as a feminist in day-to-day life and how the community is quite messy, but, BUT, WHY WE ARE STILL HERE FOR IT.

Experience the World: Szia Pécs!

July 10, 2019 15:00 - 32 minutes - 58.9 MB

Hello dear listeners, today in studio with Sebastién, Miguel and Serena, we are going to discover a pearl in the south of Hungary and one of the most ancient city of this Country, we are going to talk about Pécs! We have been there during the light festival, so let's join us to know how much surprising is it, but also if you want to discover how not to get bored travelling by train and why our trip was an adventure....or misadventure. Tune in on Mustar FM 89.6 to listen to the Experience t...

Gossip: BS with Miguel and Sébastien

July 09, 2019 11:55 - 36 minutes - 67.3 MB

What does happen when you let a Spanish and a French alone in a studio during a cold sunny day of July? Well lets discover it!

World Politics: The truth about the Desaparecidos in Argentina

July 09, 2019 10:00 - 1 hour - 112 MB

Argentina still has the wounds of a dark period of her history: we are talking about the "dirty war", began with the coup d'etat of Videla. During that war a lot of people died in the La Escuela de Mecanica de la Armada and other detention centres, other people just disappeared, and children of pregnant women were kidnapped. From here the name "Desaparecidos". But what's the truth about this dark period of histrory? What did it lead to Videla's coup d'etat? Who are the "Madres y Abuelas de P...

2019.07.08. Le Spritzate - Italian program

July 08, 2019 17:00 - 35 minutes - 64.6 MB

Pizza, pasta, mafia, mandolino. Sono questi gli stereotipi che ci distinguono all'estero. Ma quali sono invece i luoghi comuni che noi italiani affibbiamo ai nostri compatrioti? Ne parleremo oggi in studio con Antonella, Carmelo e Serena: un viaggio rigorosamente da Sud a Nord in cui esploreremo dicenze (e maldicenze) del nostro bellissimo Paese. Sintonizzatevi (anche dal Molise) dalle 18 alle 19 su MustarFM

2019.06.30 Vitamina_effe

June 30, 2019 17:00 - 28 minutes - 52 MB

Buona sera cari amici della domenica. Oggi puntata all'insegna del mistero. Federica vi parlerà della sua città: Torino, che fa parte di due triangoli della magia, quella bianca (insieme a Lione e Praga) e quella nera (con Londra e San Francisco). Ciò restituisce alla capitale sabauda il posto tra le città più esoteriche del mondo, motivo per cui è una delle mete preferite tra gli amanti dell'occulto. Scopri i luoghi della magia e i loro significati ascoltando la puntata.

Cultural: FUTURISM

June 28, 2019 08:00 - 1 hour - 115 MB

This Cultural program is dedicated to another aspect of special Russian-Italian connection -- the movement of Futurism, which spread in Italy in the beginning of XX century, and then was picked up by Russian artists. We will tell you about the features of both movements, which shared similar traits but at the same time were understood so differently in the political discourse. You will have the opportunity to get to know more about futurist poetry, visual arts and music of both countries. 

Free Topic: STREET ART

June 27, 2019 16:00 - 29 minutes - 54 MB

Hello everybody! Don't miss our Free Topic program about street art. Miguel, Federica and our beloved Központ volunteer Adam (who is more part of the crew than a guest), will talk about how street art was born, the aims, who is the public and how spread all over the world becoming very popular. We then must spend few words about Banksy but then, some street artist from our countries: Spain, Italy and Poland.  

Point of View: The ugly truth about the Porn Industry

June 27, 2019 10:00 - 1 hour - 120 MB

Good morning lovely listeners! As always, Point of View airs today from 10am-12pm. Sébastien, Serena, Rehana and Julia are to be found in the studio and the topic of today is the Adult Movie Industry aka The Porn Industry. We lay it all out on the table and discuss what the industry looks like, who the workers are and how they feel about their jobs. We also discuss how porn influence us and the danger of it being the sexual education of today. Interested to hear our opinions? Tune in! 

Experience The World: Weekend in Hévíz

June 26, 2019 16:00 - 29 minutes - 54.8 MB

Hello, dear listeners! From the studio Alexandra, Sofya and Federica! Couple of week go we went to Hévíz, a smiley town in the western tip of Balaton Lake. A lot of fun? We wouldn't say like this, but we experienced the "retirement" even though we are much more younger than a retired person. And now we want to share our experience and give some informations, tips and suggestions to you, our dear fans! But we never forget that a good program is funny, that's why you will have a lot of fun w...

Gossip: Bradley Cooper and Irina Shayk SPLIT

June 25, 2019 16:00 - 32 minutes - 59.7 MB

Today from 17:00 to 18:00 during the Gossip program Sofya and Federica will talk about a Russian very famous all over the world, especially in Italy. No, dear listeners, we are not talking about Sofya, nor of Alexandra (unfortunately), but about Irina Shayk. We firstly want to start talking about the break up with Bradley Cooper (and with them, a lot of fan's dreams were broken as well). But then, some curiosities about Irina and her path before becoming famous.  To conclude, some trendy su...

World Politics: What happened to Ivan Golunov?

June 25, 2019 10:00 - 1 hour - 116 MB

Carmelo, Sofya, Antonella and Peter are gonna talk about journalist Ivan Golunov who was arrested and detained with the charge of drug possesion by the Russian government. This is not the first time that happens in the last years, they'll go deep in this history and analyse some other cases, and they'll also try to answer to the question "Does Russia has freedom of press?".

2019.06.24. Le Spritzate - Italian program

June 24, 2019 17:00 - 35 minutes - 64.6 MB

Da qualche giorno il famoso scrittore siciliano Andrea Camilleri è ricoverato presso l'ospedale Santo spirito di Roma con la diagnosi di arresto cardiocircolatorio,lo scrittore di 93 anni che il prossimo 15 luglio avrebbe dovuto esibirsi a Roma sta tenendo con il fiato sospeso tutta l'Italia,divisa tra chi gli augura una pronta guarigione e chi no... Ovviamente noi degli spritzati ci uniamo ai messaggi di supporto e ci siamo divertiti a percorrere un po la sua vita e abbiamo scoperto come è...

2019.06.23. Vitamina_effe

June 23, 2019 17:00 - 29 minutes - 54.5 MB

 Novità a Mustar FM: nuovo programma domenicale per energizzare la tua giornata ;) si tratta di Vitamina_effe, in onda dalle 18:00 alle 19:00 con Federica, che nella prima puntata parlerà di autostima partendo da una semplice domanda: "Quanto mi amo?". Si entrerà poi nel cuore dell'argomento, affrontando un interessante discorso sui fattori che influenzano l'autostima. Volete saperne di più? E allora avanti tutta e ascoltate la prima puntata!