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ESC - MustárFM

884 episodes - English - Latest episode: 4 months ago -

Welcome to the radio from Hungary run by ESC volunteers!
We talk about culture, politics, society, travelling and many other interesting topics!

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Gossip. Famous children and what fame did to them

June 16, 2020 15:00 - 38 minutes - 71 MB

Famous children, no matter who: actors, singers, etc. on the screen and in public they look happy and content. But what happens behind the spotlight? And how stardom affects the life of child stars in future? In this program we're gonna find out how the life of some famous children went on. Who managed to stay successful? Who decided to leave the stage for something they really love? And whom did the stardom break and destroy their life completely? We have answers to all these questions in ...

World Politics: The history of 3 dynasties

June 16, 2020 08:00 - 1 hour - 111 MB

Are you ready to go deep into the history: in the middle age and earlier? Today Julia, Andrei and Yoann will discuss how the greatest dynasties of France and Turkey influenced the political and cultural situation in the world. Who is the better ruler? That who has won lots of lands or that who has won the love of his people?

ApeRiccardo - Pearl Jam

June 15, 2020 16:00 - 35 minutes - 64.7 MB

Negli anni 90 Seattle è la capitale del grunge. Si affermano molti gruppi storici come Soundgarden, Nirvana, Alice in Chains, Stone temple pilots, Smashing Pumpkins. Ed è in questo calderone che si gettano anche i Pearl Jam. In questa puntata parleremo degli esordi della band, del fenomeno TEN e di altri album fondamentali come Vs, Vitalogy e Backspacer. 

Cultural. Modern Russian Music. Part 1.

June 12, 2020 08:00 - 1 hour - 120 MB

Be sure to check our Cultural program.0 Because Sasha and Andrei are starting their series of programs about modern Russian music. Why do guys do it? Because they love modern Russian music with it's reach variety of genres, sound, vocals and videos. It's real art that can resonate with you heart and soul. And Sasha and Andrei want you guys to get to know and to love this musicians and bands.

Free Topic: Whole lotta stereotypes

June 11, 2020 15:00 - 37 minutes - 68.4 MB

When we think of a radio program, we also imagine what the speaker's voice should sound like. In this free topic Riccardo and Andrei wanted to stereotype, in a totally joking tone, the different types of speakers that we can find on the radio. SPOILER ALERT: this program contains amazing jingles.

Point of view : Team sports and individual sports

June 11, 2020 10:00 - 1 hour - 112 MB

Hello dear listeners ! Today is Thursday and it's time to share our point of views! Hurry up to join our exciting discussion about sports. In this new program we will share our own experience in individual and team sports and try to find the difference and the beauty of both of them. Good listening !

Experience the World: Moving on to West Europe

June 10, 2020 15:00 - 36 minutes - 67.1 MB

Hello, lovers of travelling! In today's Experience the World program Julia and Irina continue exploring the unknown places of Europe. Let's move to the Western part of it! During this program girls created an unexpectedly interesting new route! Pack your bags and suitcases and follow us!

Gossip: The Famous People With Slavic Roots

June 09, 2020 15:00 - 36 minutes - 66.9 MB

In the new episode of Gossip program Irina and Julia will talk about famous people with Slavic roots. We promise you will be surprised at how multi-national this world is. As a bonus you will know how Leonardo DiCaprio got his name and why Joaquin Phoenix is so handsome.

WP: Black lives matters - George Floyd and police abuse

June 09, 2020 08:00 - 56 minutes - 104 MB

Today's World politics program is totally linked with the  situation of these days. As you can guess we will talk about USA  situation,police abuses and protests. We'll try to share our opinion  about it and also to understand how this can be happen, what are the  reasons that can explain it... through the history of USA and how this  country was built.

ApeRiccardo - Jethro Tull

June 08, 2020 16:00 - 38 minutes - 71.4 MB

"Really don't mind if you sit this one out" Nella puntata di oggi vi parlerò dei Jethro Tull, soffermandomi in particolar modo sugli album Aqualung, Thick as a brick e la trilogia del folk.

CUL: Art Goes Online - virtual exhibitions, theatre and new ways of experience the art

June 05, 2020 16:00 - 1 hour - 111 MB

Today in cultural we will discuss about the new way of experiment art. At the beginning with the virtual reality visit for museum and the access to the information in opposition with the contact in reality with the sacrality of the place in museum. To continue with this digital art after the contemporary art and to explain his correspondence with our actual and technological world. Also with our thought and our own appreciation of art. Davide, Yoann, and Sasha

Free topic : beer

June 04, 2020 16:00 - 35 minutes - 65 MB

Hello everybody ! Today in Free topic let's discuss about a famous and world topic : beer 🍻 So Irina, Yoann and Tristan will share with you some historical events behind this drink and also some funny, weird stories. Sit yourself comfortable, maybe prepare you a little glasse of beer and enjoy our program !

Point of view: Do you believe in intuition?

June 04, 2020 08:00 - 57 minutes - 105 MB

In this episode we are going to speak about intuition. What is it? How does it work? Does everybody have the same level of intuition? And should we trust it or rely only on our rational thinking? We will answer all this questions plus will find out who of us: Julia, Riccardo or Andrei have the most advanced intuition. Enjoy!

Experience the World: Moving on to East Europe

June 03, 2020 08:00 - 34 minutes - 64 MB

Today in the Experience The World program Irina and Julia are exploring not the most popular, but noteworthy routes in the Eastern part of Europe. Peaceful lake Ohrid, surrounded by mountains, cozy Czech Republic, exotic Bosnia and Herzegovina and unknown Romania are waiting for you in this episode. By the way! We have a new jingle! :) Let's pack our backpacks and go on travelling!

History and evolution of serialkiller in film

June 02, 2020 16:00 - 30 minutes - 55.3 MB

Today in gossip let’s discuss about serial killer in film. I mean the history and the origin of Serial killer in the 20thcentury with Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde adapted by the English novel many times. To continue with his evolution and discuss our favorite movie and thought about psychopathy. To establish this modern word in correspondence with what sociology is. And to identify the impact in reality for concrete serial killer case in opposition of what we see in film.

World politics: Music as political and social statement

June 02, 2020 08:00 - 1 hour - 116 MB

In today's world, politic seems to take more and more importance, asking more and more from our society, our lifestyles ... But at the same time, the importance and the diffusion of the art has never been so big and art can then become a good way of transmitting ideas during political battles. So in today World politics program we will tell you about the songs that made the big impact in political and social life of people

ApeRiccardo - Sándor Márai

June 01, 2020 16:00 - 38 minutes - 70.8 MB

Negli ultimi anni molti lettori si sono avvicinati a Sándor Márai grazie al libro "Le braci". Ma cosa c'è oltre questo capolavoro? Nella puntata di oggi Riccardo e un'ospite d'eccezione analizzeranno "Le braci", "L'eredità di Eszter" e "La donna giusta" per farvi entrare nel mondo di questo meraviglioso scrittore. 

Twin Peaks

May 29, 2020 11:00 - 55 minutes - 102 MB

Welcome to...our cultural program. Davide, Irina and Riccardo today will discuss the most revolutionary tv show of them all: Twin Peaks! In the good old Lynchian spirit, this episode will be a garmonbozian melting pot of legendary quotes, funny anecdotes, philosophical thoughts, marriage proposals, far too complext theories and all kind of absurdities revolving the magic and hypnotic world of Twin Peaks. LET'S ROCK! Listen to the program until the very yrev end.

FREE TOPIC: Strange Guinness World Records and strangest addictions

May 28, 2020 15:00 - 36 minutes - 66.8 MB

Every year Guinness World Records book is published gathering different achievements of people throughout the year. And among usual ones like the strongest, the tallest and the fastest people you may find quite peculiar records. So if you want to know, who has the strongest earlobes, how many types of cheese are on the record winning pizza and which records contain the destruction of apples, then join us in todays free topic! And after the strange records, in the second part of the program ...

Point of View: Special edition!

May 28, 2020 08:00 - 58 minutes - 107 MB

Hello, dear listeners! Today we have an extremely special program and... special guests in the studio! They are... we actually! Sorry for the spoiler! All our radio crew will be with you today, sharing our inner thoughts and memories of these harsh times of lockdown. Finally, we can say, we have overcome this quarantine. At least, we hope. And we decided to reflect a bit, to share our memories: the hardest ones and the most beautiful ones, and to dream about the nearest future. Now we kno...

ETW: Risky tourism: cultural shock, behavior of locals in foreign countries and going to dangerous areas

May 27, 2020 15:00 - 28 minutes - 52.3 MB

Today in experience the world we will discuss about the cultural shock and to go in dangerous area. With this paradox of integration in the country with the radio and to see the country in his real deepness or to just see the country in surface for tourism. To continue with some example of behavior to avoid  when you’re a stranger in a new country. And to end finally with the idea of extreme tourism in his different forms with the opposition of being careful. Yoann, Andrei

Gossip : Famous directors and their controversial work methods

May 26, 2020 16:00 - 31 minutes - 57.5 MB

Hello everybody, in this new Gossip programm we will talk about famous directors and some of their work methods. Indeed the previous gossip programm spoke about some actors or actresses ready  for everything to got a role. So today we change our look, and go in the other side of the camera to discover some directors who used some very controversial methods during shooting. So join us and listen this gossip programm to learn more about them and maybe discover your favorite directors from ...

World Politics: When do we plan to travel again?

May 26, 2020 08:00 - 1 hour - 111 MB

Obviously, almost everyone is waiting for the better times when we are able to travel again. Today Irina and Julia will make some prognosis for the nearest future and discuss some issues about visa regims. How does it influence travellers and why do Russian people still have the risk of refusal of some visas? Join us and you will know all the details!

ApeRiccardo - Filosofia dei cartoni animati

May 25, 2020 16:00 - 30 minutes - 55.6 MB

I cartoni animati spesso non sono semplici storie per bambini, ma nascondono un significato molto più profondo di quanto si pensi. In questa puntata di ApeRiccardo parlerò della filosofia dei cartoni animati e creerò una filosofia in alcuni di essi che ne sono totalmente privi.

Radiosonda: Nada Malanima

May 24, 2020 20:39 - 53 minutes - 97.6 MB

"E' difficile capire la semplicità" Così canta Nada Malanima nel brano “Guardami negli occhi” , portato a Sanremo nel 1999. E' il momento che segna il punto di arrivo di un viaggio controcorrente durato trent'anni, quando quindicenne venne messa sul palco dell'ariston senza volerlo. La radice di quel nuovo inizio però è molto più lontana nel tempo. Risale già a quando era ancora solo un'interprete, una ragazzina che rispondeva alle interviste in tv con sorrisi timidi, tentando di essere aff...

Cultural: Albums that changed the world

May 22, 2020 08:18 - 1 hour - 113 MB

Music can change the world, can influence societies and can turn around people's lives! And there are actually really great albums and songs that started new genres, new waves in music and inspired millions of people. Today in Cultural program we will speak about such albums and also will tell you which albums, artists and songs changed our lives!

Free Topic : Ladies and Gentlemen, Tristan Dépée

May 21, 2020 15:00 - 31 minutes - 58.5 MB

As you have noticed, we have a new member on our staff!!! But who is he? where is he from? Why is he here with us? Join today's free topic to find out more about him!

Point of View: Mysterious Russian Soul

May 21, 2020 08:45 - 56 minutes - 104 MB

Why the 100% of italians in Mustar Fm (no less than two out of two) are fascinated by russian literature, music and by Russia in general? Today in the Point of View program our special agent Irina Cooper will try to investigate this mystery. However, every real mystery is always a long hard road where to get lost is so damn easy - especially if you try to go deep inside the meaning of the “Russian soul”...

ETW : the history of the Silicon Valley

May 20, 2020 16:00 - 30 minutes - 55.6 MB

In this new experience the world program, we invite you to a travel in the world but also to a trip back in time. Join us in the USA, more precisely in California, in order to discover the story of the well known Silicon Valley. Through the story of this typical place, the people and the facts that shape it and which can be linked to its succes story today, discover Silicon Valley as you have never seen ! Good listening !

Reading and analyze of the Leviathan by Hobbes

May 19, 2020 16:00 - 54 minutes - 99.8 MB

Today in world politic we will read some texts about the Leviathan of Hobbes in the 17 century. With this differences between the state of nature and the social contract with this obscure picture of what is the Leviathan. Because for Hobbes the human is a wolf for other human, he defines the animal and natural condition of humans in a really negative way that promote the chaos and the war. It’s the reason why we need a state or a person that can govern with this idea of the Leviathan. And it...

Gossip: How famous actors prepared for their famous roles

May 19, 2020 15:00 - 33 minutes - 61.8 MB

Today we are interested in how much stars are ready to sacrifice to get the role of their life! Loosing weight and gaining it back, cutting hair, doing piercing and... even visiting mental hospitals! Do you know this side of being a celebrity? Would you like to try it?

ApeRiccardo - Milady de Winter

May 18, 2020 16:00 - 34 minutes - 63.3 MB

Nella puntata di oggi si analizzerà la fantastica figura di Milady de Winter, antagonista principale del romanzo " I tre Moschettieri " di Alexandre Dumas (padre). Come spesso accade, però, una cosa tira l'altra e mi sono ritrovato con la mia ospite a parlare anche di "La donna giusta" di Márai e di "Villette" di Charlotte Brontë.

The history of Cannes Film Festival and some tips on some movies winning you should watch!

May 15, 2020 14:48 - 1 hour - 110 MB

Hello dear listeners ! If you listened our previous Gossip program, you already know that this Cultural program is linked and will talk also about Cannes Film Festival. Indeed, this year the famous Cannes festival is cancelled so in this program, as a kind of tribute, Davide and Tristan will talk about the history of the festival : how it was created, how it evolved, its goals...All of this will be accompanied by some cinema advices and good movies to watch !

Free topic : Japanese pop-culture (mangas, animated series and movies)

May 14, 2020 16:00 - 37 minutes - 68.5 MB

Today, Japanese pop culture, through manga and animated series and films, seems to be everywhere and reaches an increasingly large audience. So it's why Riccardo and Tristan, as two liker of it, decide to discuss about it in this Free Topic program. So if you are interested in it, if you want to learn more abou it and want to discover new mangas to read or movies to watch, don't hesitate and liste this program ! Good listening.

Point of View: Multitasking. Cons VS Pros.

May 14, 2020 08:00 - 59 minutes - 110 MB

Modern world is getting more rapid and demanding every day. And we often meet somewhere on the Internet that being a multitasking person is a necessary skill for everyone. But are there real pros of being a multitasker? Or it's just a myth: to be a successful one equals to be a multitasking? Today you will examine this question with Julia and Andrei and then decide yourself: "Do I really want to be a multitasker or does this crazy world make me think I want to be?"

ETW: Stress and how to deal with it

May 13, 2020 16:00 - 38 minutes - 69.8 MB

In this rat race we live in, people have to face stress everyday. Some people relieve it by having a walk, a drink with friends, reading a book. But some other have peculiar ways to get through it. Irina, Antonella and Riccardo will talk about unusual ways to relieve stress in today's ETW program.

World politic: Youngster's movements in political life

May 12, 2020 16:00 - 1 hour - 117 MB

Hello, today in world politic we will discuss about the youth event for festival in culture, subculture and counterculture. We will try to make the distinction between them with the example of the hippie movement . To establish a psychological program for the construction of the typology of youngster and why it is a social construction. And to add some politic meaning in protest and justice for the only fight worth fighting in political activism. With for example the border between the repre...

Gossip: Cannes Film Festival. Scandals, political statements and funny situations

May 12, 2020 15:00 - 32 minutes - 59.9 MB

Cannes Film Festival is one of the biggest cinematography events in the world. But also it's a big scene for provocations, scandals  and even political statements. Today Tristan, Yoann and Andrei will travel through more than 70 years of festival's history and remember the most scandalous, funniest and strangest events that occured at Cannes Film Festival.

ApeRiccardo - Disperato erotico stomp

May 11, 2020 16:00 - 34 minutes - 63.6 MB

Oggigiorno siti porno e la pratica del sexting sono una parte attiva della nostra vita sessuale. Riccardo e Federica (in arte Vitamina_Effe) vi parleranno dei pro e dei contro di questi due modi di intendere la sessualità, analizzando i risvolti che essi hanno nell'essere umano. 

CULTURAL: the Beauty of Arts, or the Art of Beauty

May 08, 2020 10:00 - 1 hour - 122 MB

Who are we? Where are we going? But, most importantly, what is art? This is a concept that has no specific definition, but art forms are numerous, if not infinite. Today, Julia and Antonella will explore the gigantic world of the arts, from dance, to paintings, to photography, sharing their favourite artists and trying to answer the most difficult question of all: what is beauty?

Point of view : sexuality and gender

May 08, 2020 00:39 - 55 minutes - 101 MB

Hello everybody ! Welcome for your new Point of View program. Today, join Davide, Yoann and Tristan for a discussion around sexuality and gender. How they are perceived in our societies, how they can shape some social ideas or social concepts. So join us and listen our different point of view about it. Good listening to all !

Free Topic: Talk shows

May 07, 2020 15:00 - 36 minutes - 66.6 MB

Who hasn't watched a talk show? Willing or not we've watched them, loved them or hated them. Riccardo and Andrei will walk down memory lane talking about their favorite ones and some ... particular ones.

ETW: Experience The Love (18+)

May 06, 2020 15:00 - 36 minutes - 66.3 MB

This week Experience The World program turned into Experience The Love. Irina wanted to discover all the secrets of Italian love, but Antonella and Riccardo disspelled all stereotypes. But can Irina trust their words so easy, after all she is Russian?

WP: Women in Politics

May 05, 2020 10:00 - 53 minutes - 97.5 MB

They say that behind every great man is a great woman, but what if we took the man out of the picture? In today's World Politics, Irina and Antonella (who apparently is still here) will tell you about some of the great women of the past and of today, the ones that shaped the policy of their countries and made their legacy difficult to match for men and women alike.

ApeRiccardo - Ritorno all'infanzia

May 04, 2020 16:00 - 37 minutes - 69.5 MB

Quanto era bello il mondo quando eravamo bambini? quanto ci mancano quei momenti, quei giochi e quelle abitudini che nell'età adulta abbiamo trascurato o perso? Riccardo, insieme ad Antonella e ad un ospite non proprio a sorpresa, ripercorrerà il filo dei ricordi tra aneddoti felici, malinconici e (soprattutto) imbarazzanti. 

Gossip : celebrity secrets

May 01, 2020 16:07 - 38 minutes - 69.8 MB

Hello everybody and welcome for your famous radio program : Gossip ! Today, for their first program together, Riccardo and Tristan will reveal to you some funny, strange or unexpected facts abouts famous celebreties and their lifestyles. So take a seat and listen them to discover your favorite stars in a different light.

Cultural : Wong Kar Wai

May 01, 2020 15:37 - 57 minutes - 106 MB

Hello dear listeners ! For this new Cultural program we are going to talk about cinema. Indeed, after two weeks of cinema challenge, Davide and Tristan finally finished to watch the full filmography of chinese director Wong-Kar-Wai. So join them in their review of all these movies and also for a travel through the cinema and the art of Wong-Kar-Wai.

World politics : Slavery throughout history

April 30, 2020 16:28 - 1 hour - 82.9 MB

Hello dear listeners ! For this world politics program Yoann and Tristan will talk to you about slavery. Through the history, the people who fought it and also some philosophical reflections. Using these examples and our reflections we will try to see how these situations can be established in some countries, some places but also how to destroy them, fight against them.

Free Topic: Welcome To The World Of Electronic Music

April 30, 2020 15:00 - 26 minutes - 48.3 MB

After a series of cancellations of music festivals this year Irina decided to record a program about electronic music.  We will go to Detroit and Chicago, where techno and house music  originated and then to UK and Germany, where it became a mass phenomenon. Also we will talk about how social media has influenced the underground electronic music scene (there are two sides as always).

Point of View: Comfort of zone. To go out or to stay in?

April 30, 2020 08:58 - 55 minutes - 102 MB

In today's program Julia and Andrei are trying to puzzle out what comfort zone is. Cause nowadays a lot of coaches, trainers and motivators are convincing you to get out of the comfort zone. But what is lying out of the comfort zone?  Andrei and Julia have totally different point of views.  Let's discuss and find the truth! ___ Articles, we were speaking about, you will find here: https:/...