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ESC - MustárFM

884 episodes - English - Latest episode: 4 months ago -

Welcome to the radio from Hungary run by ESC volunteers!
We talk about culture, politics, society, travelling and many other interesting topics!

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Experience the World: Hungarian Cuisine

October 28, 2020 14:59 - 44 minutes - 41.3 MB

Andrei and Alexandra, self-claimed Hungarian lifestyle experts, show you the world of Hungarian cuisine. And if you still think that Hungarian food is just about goulash and lots of fried stuff for the second dish - you will be surprised. 

Cultural: The Rolling Stones

October 27, 2020 11:01 - 1 hour - 55.7 MB

If we speak about rock and roll, England and legendary band, there is a lot of chance that you think about the Rolling Stones and you're right! Everybody have some memories related to this group, have already listened and danced on one of their songs or at least already heard about this group. So today in the cultural program Davide and Tristan continue their travel trough the history of music and its greatest artists. After speaking about the Beatles, the Rolling Stones was the next and co...

World politics. Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and its history

October 27, 2020 09:00 - 58 minutes - 54.2 MB

Nagorno-Karabakh conflict again fired to the state of war between Armenia and Azerbaijan. But this conflict actually is way more complicated and old than it may seem from the first look. In this program Andrei and Alexandra will tell you the story of this region which is more than 2000 years and explain you the circumstances in which the conflict started and grew. Different migrations, wars and occupations, different countries trying to decide the fate of the region and people of this regio...

Gossip: Children that become stars

October 27, 2020 09:00 - 30 minutes - 28.2 MB

Today in Gossip we will discuss about star that they start from  the childhood, and the difficulty that can appear some years after. To  talk about the wish to be anonymous and the necessity to continue in the  fame in this endless mediatisation and crual world. To continue with  depression and the escape in artificial world. Yoann and Tristan,

Point Of View: Books that changed our minds (Part 1)

October 22, 2020 08:00 - 1 hour - 114 MB

Hello, everyone!😉 Welcome to our new "Point of view" episode! Prepare your ears to listening and maybe some other senses to enjoy the program, cause today Riccardo and Julia will take you to the magnificent world of books! What are books for us? Is it just a boring process of reading or another fantasy world which takes us into our own dreams? What secrets are living in our minds and how can books help us to understand more about the life? Join our discussion and we promise: your mind wil...

Free Topic: Unsual party

October 22, 2020 08:00 - 31 minutes - 29.2 MB

Today in Free topic Yoann and Irina will talk about unusual party. With for example the difference to go in an official festival or unofficial party and the difference between that. We will discuss about the most crazy party or also private party where it’s difficult to go. We will share our own experience about that and how a party can be good or not.

Experience The World: Halloween

October 21, 2020 15:00 - 28 minutes - 26.7 MB

What do we know about Halloween except that it's a great reason to party in American movies? The history of this holiday began many centuries ago and has its roots in paganism (like many others). In Russia, this holiday is not recognized, but do Russian traditions really have nothing common with it? In the new episode of Experience The World program Irina will tell you all about the origin, symbols and traditional entertainment of Halloween. 

Gossip: superpowers

October 20, 2020 15:00 - 36 minutes - 33.9 MB

Who has never wanted to have superpowers? In this episode, Riccardo and Julia will gossip about the superpowers you wanted/want to have and how cool or fool they are! 


October 19, 2020 22:00 - 51 minutes - 48 MB

Hello bros, in this program we are going to present big concept like Deep State, in order to keep your horizontal view even more open and sharp. Enjoy

Storie di Serial Killers pt.2

October 18, 2020 16:00 - 34 minutes - 32 MB

Qual è il legame tra La Signora in giallo e Charles Manson? Quale serial killer, secondo Neil Young, aveva un talento quasi pari a Bob Dylan? Per avere una risposta a queste domande e ascoltare molte altre interessanti storie su questi personaggi, mettetevi comodi e premete play!

Cultural. Federico Fellini

October 16, 2020 08:00 - 55 minutes - 51.5 MB

This year one of the greatest Italian directors Federico Fellini would be 100 years old. That's why Andrei and Mario decided to speak about him in this Cultural program.  First of all we will shorly tell you about Italian neorealism - film movement which Federico Fellini represented. Then we will mention Giulietta Masina - his beloved wife and muse.  And of course we will remember Fellini's most significant movies and tell you some interesting and even scandalous facts about them. 

Free topic : Jean-Michel Basquiat

October 15, 2020 16:00 - 32 minutes - 59.2 MB

Hello dear listeners! In this new program, let's continue to speak about art with the work of the great American artist Jean-Michel Basquiat. With his very unique way of creating and thinking art, Basquiat shapes the world of art more than he expected, so through his life and career we will try to understand why is art became so famous and important for art history and why he is considered as a genius artist and pioneer of underground art. Good listening!

Point of view. Some information about information

October 15, 2020 08:00 - 1 hour - 57.9 MB

Who owns the information owns the world. Is it still so? Or nowadays we have so much information on our hands that just owning it is not enough? In this program Andrei, Julia and Alexandra will give you some info on this subject. And also will tell you how to filter the information flow so you won't get crazy from the data coming at you from everywhere.

ETW: Dreaming about Iceland

October 14, 2020 15:00 - 34 minutes - 31.5 MB

Irina and Riccardo dream of visiting Iceland, so they couldn't help but make Experience the World program about this beautiful country. The land of waterfalls, geysers, glaciers and volcanoes is  mandatory  on every traveler's “must-visit list”. In this podcast you will find out many interesting facts from the past and present of Iceland and hear a sensational message to the residents of Iceland from our radio hosts.

Gossip: Crazy fans of famous people

October 13, 2020 15:00 - 32 minutes - 30 MB

Celebrities lives are not easy. Some of them have to deal with pretty crazy fans who turn into stalkers sometimes, following celebrities around and even breaking into and entering their homes. Today in Gossip program Irina and Tristan will tell you funny and creepy stories about interactions between famous people and their fans.

World Politics: LGBT in Russia

October 13, 2020 08:00 - 55 minutes - 51.1 MB

Today in the World Politics program Irina and Davide will talk about the situation with LGBT community in Russia. Why is it forbidden by law to talk about LGBT rights in Russia and what is waiting for those who will do it? Why is the LGBT community still not accepted in modern Russia and where does the hostility and hatred originate? Is it possible to stop the violence against gays in Chechnya? Is there any hope of changing the situation for the better? We will discuss these and many other i...

ApeRiccardo: Superpoteri

October 12, 2020 16:00 - 37 minutes - 34.3 MB

Ammettiamolo: tutti sogniamo di avere almeno un superpotere. Che siano quelli dei nostri eroi dei cartoni animati o dei fumetti, o che siano di nostra invenzione, ci abbiamo sempre sperato. Quest'oggi voi e i vostri superpoteri sarete i protagonisti!!! Mettetevi comodi e scoprite con me quali sono state le vostre risposte!!!

Cultural: Studio Ghibli pt.2

October 09, 2020 08:32 - 1 hour - 114 MB

Today Riccardo and Tristan continue their journey across the fantastic universe of Studio Ghibli. After a first program dedicated to this mythic japanese animated movies studio, it's now time for the second and last part of the story through a lot of amazing films!

Free Topic. Hungarian language

October 08, 2020 15:00 - 39 minutes - 36.7 MB

Sziasztok! After a long time on the project and in Hungary we finally decided to speak about Hungarian language. In this program Sasha and Andrei will decide if Hungarian language is one of the hardest to learn and speak about the things that are the hardest in this language to learn and remember for the foreigners. Also they will find out similarities between Hungarian and Russian languages and  tell you how is it to grow up in Hungarian family in Russia. 

Point of VIew: Two Europeans and One Asian are FIGHTING

October 08, 2020 08:00 - 58 minutes - 54.3 MB

Is it right to take art back to its country of origin or is it better to leave it where it is?  In this Point of View the famous not-so-art-critics Riccardo, Sasha and Andrei will have their say on this subject, perhaps finding a solution to this diatribe. If you find our solution worth a try, remember that we want credit (in euros).

Experience the World: Kéktúra - the oldest European long-distance trail

September 30, 2020 10:47 - 31 minutes - 29.3 MB

Alexandra has recently discovered her new life goal: to walk 1168 kilometers for a badge and respect. From this podcast, you will learn about Kéktúra - the Hungarian long-distance trail: its beautiful sightseeings, Alexandra's favorite places that the trail passes by, how and why you can achieve the badge of completion the path, and also something very personal about being a foreigner in Hungary. If you get inspired to join Alexandra for her long trip, you can start on the 10th of October,...

Gossip: Nicholas II of Russia: rumors and scandals around the last Russian emperor

September 29, 2020 15:00 - 27 minutes - 25.1 MB

Nicholas II of Russia has an interesting reputation in Russia. Some people think that he was soft and his weakness led to the end of the Russian Empire. Others think that he is a Saint who died for his believes. And some people see him as a caring father and husband who sometimes forgot about the state and payed a lot of attention to his family. In this Gossip program Andrei will go through some of the events in life of the last Russian emperor which affected his reputation not only among p...

Gossip. Nicholas II of Russia: rumors and scandals around the last Russian emperor

September 29, 2020 15:00 - 27 minutes - 25.1 MB

Nicholas II of Russia has an interesting reputation in Russia. Some people think that he was soft and his weakness led to the end of the Russian Empire. Others think that he is a Saint who died for his believes. And some people see him as a caring father and husband who sometimes forgot about the state and payed a lot of attention to his family. In this Gossip program Andrei will go through some of the events in life of the last Russian emperor which affected his reputation not only among p...

WP : Strange wars

September 29, 2020 10:00 - 57 minutes - 106 MB

Hello everybody and welcome for a new world politics program! In the today's program, we will travel across the time in order to discover some strange wars or battles. Indeed, through the history, there are a lot of examples of funny, unexpected wars which looks to be a joke! The Pastry war, the war of the Bucket, the Pig war or again the unbelievable Great Emu war... and many others So to discover more about it, sit comfortably and listen us!

Lasagna dalla A alla Z

September 28, 2020 17:00 - 25 minutes - 23.5 MB

Ecco a voi un tutorial da italiano all`estero sulla preparazione della fantastica Lasagna Bolognese

Cultural: The weirdest museums all over the world

September 25, 2020 14:53 - 57 minutes - 105 MB

We are surrounded by strange things. And the museums are not the exceptions! Would you like to create your own ramen or to have fun in the castle of the breasts? Or maybe you are ready to leave your lock as a present in the Museum of hair? If your were dreaming to visit not only the most popular or touristic places all over the world we will take you today to Japan, Mexico, Malaysia, the USA, Russia and other-other surprising museums! Join us and enjoy!

Free topic : live music and recorded music

September 24, 2020 16:00 - 26 minutes - 24.1 MB

Hello dear listeners! With this new free topic program, we will talk about these differences between live music and recorded music. Differences for the audience, but also for the artists and how they can influence, shape our way of listens and appreciate music. Through different examples of concerts, bands... but also our personal feelings and thoughts about it, if you want to discover all of them just tune in and listen us! Good listening!

Experience the world. Funny, strange, stupid and dangerous travelling adventures

September 23, 2020 15:00 - 44 minutes - 41.2 MB

Travelling around the world is not only about meeting new people and finding new places. Sometimes it is also about the adventures! At least it is like this for Yulia and Andrei who will tell you about their experience in travelling. From funny (and as we think this is happened with everybody at least once) stories about losing the train to dangerous... but still funny episodes with broken legs as the result of them. 

Gossip: Scandals and intrigues of the Russian ballet

September 22, 2020 15:00 - 29 minutes - 27.3 MB

Legendary Russian ballet, legendary dancers, legendary names. Why did Rudolf Nureyev and Mikhail Baryshnikov escaped the Soviet Union, but Maya Plisetskaya stayed? Who has a tattoo of Vladimir Putin on his chest? And who has a romantic relationship with the Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich (if believe rumors)? Irina will tell about all of this in a new episode of the Gossip program.

ApeRiccardo: Unpopular opinions

September 21, 2020 16:00 - 40 minutes - 37.8 MB

Chi non ha delle opinioni impopolari che magari non ha mai voluto confessare? In questa puntata di ApeRiccardo, Riccardo e Mario leggeranno e commenteranno le opinioni impopolari che avete inviato.  Se non siete amanti dell'avocado, mettetevi comodi e godetevi questa nuova puntata!!!

Cultural: The Beatles

September 19, 2020 07:01 - 1 hour - 58 MB

60 years before, in 1960 three Liverpool's musicians decide to change the name of their band and to become : The Beatles. At that time they had no idea but this name has changed the music world for ever and continues to be one of the most famous band of all the time even today. And it's the reason why Davide and Tristan decided to talk about this four fabulous musicians, about thier stories and also of course about their music.

FT: Marcel Duchamp

September 17, 2020 15:00 - 30 minutes - 28.6 MB

In this free topic we will discuss about the artist Marcel Duchamp. How it was against the academy and his domination. By this autodidact he have change the rules of art to integrate the artist through the art and not only think about the technical aspect. He had a difficult career even if he had some success. By the industrialization of art that is really famous in our days, and by the fact that he was really scandalous during this period, he have change the vision of art with this idea tha...

Point of View: Freedom of Expression

September 17, 2020 08:00 - 1 hour - 56.3 MB

In the new episode of Point of View program Irina and Davide will discuss freedom of expression and freedom of speech. Should this freedom be unlimited, or some limits should exist? We will start by discussing the incident at the Musée d’Orsay when a girl was not allowed inside because of a deep cleavage and discuss in which limits people are allowed to bare their body parts at all. After that we will talk about the activities of the scandalously famous Charlie Hebdo and Pussy Riot, touching...

Experience the World: Living on the seaside or in the city?

September 16, 2020 14:14 - 37 minutes - 68.7 MB

Leaving far from the sea is usually really difficult for someone born on the coast.  That's why in today's Experience The World program, Riccardo and Julia will talk about the life on the seaside and far from it, analysing the pros and cons of both the lifestyles.

Gossip. Going historical

September 15, 2020 15:00 - 32 minutes - 30.1 MB

In this gossip program we decided to experiment and make it a little bit educational too. So for now we will leave the modern days stars alone and  we are going to speak about historical gossips. Starting from the times of first people and ending with twentieth century. Nobody will get away from our gossiping view! 

World Politics: Protests in Belarus

September 15, 2020 08:09 - 59 minutes - 54.7 MB

Protests in Belarus have be going on for more than a month now. Thousands of people go out to the street to say their "NO!" to Alexander Lukashenko and to the results of the president's election of August 9th. People believe that it was forged. And Alexander Lukashenko tries to save his power with all instruments he has. In today's program Sasha and Andrei will sum up everything about these protests from the start of the election campaign until the 10th of September when this program was re...

Cultural : Studio Ghibli part.1

September 11, 2020 13:32 - 57 minutes - 105 MB

Hello and welcome for a new cultural program  Sometimes in cinema world appears some studios which succed to create something great, beautiful and unforgetable. The japanese animation movie studio, Studio Ghibli is one of this, and it, whithout a doubt, marked a lot of differents people around the world and ages. So in this program we will try to share with you the beauty of this Studio and the people who work in it through a chronicle of the Studio life and some movies analysis. Join and...

Free Topic: About Tennis

September 10, 2020 15:48 - 31 minutes - 29.2 MB

After a six months stop, professional tennis is back. Being one of the most stressful sports both physically and mentally, with the play came as well the first scandal of this anomalous season: the number 1 player in the world Novak Djokovic was disqualified by the Us Open Championship after hitting a line judge in the troath with a ball. During today's program Irina and Davide will discuss this event and rivalries that characterized the tennis world in the past years.

Point Of View: Big city life VS small city life

September 10, 2020 09:59 - 58 minutes - 108 MB

"Big City Life, Me try fi get by, Pressure nah ease up no matter how hard me try. Big City Life, Here my heart have no base, And right now Babylon de pon me case". We think, a lot of us remember these words from the Mattafix's song. So, today in our Point of view program Andrei, Riccardo and Julia are talking about big city life and... small city life! Where to live is better? What to choose? And is the big city life that fancy as many people dream about? Let's find out! Join our di...

Experience the World: Our summer travelings

September 09, 2020 15:00 - 37 minutes - 69.4 MB

Summer is a small life. And during our summer we had a lot of adventures! Today Riccardo and Julia remember their August, the last month of summer. Join our adventures and experience the summertime! And we are already waiting for the warm autumn!

World Politics: The stories of the Russian poisonings

September 08, 2020 08:00 - 52 minutes - 48.9 MB

The poisoning of the leader of opposition in Russia Alexey Navalny, the Salisbury incident, and the famous story of Alexander Litvinenko. Is everything so clear in these cases? In the new episode of World Politics program Irina and Yoann with the participation of a new volunteer Mario will dive into the dark secrets of the Russian secret services. We are sure that they will listen to this program, so join us also.

ApeRiccardo: Intervista a Giulio Romano Malaisi

August 31, 2020 16:00 - 34 minutes - 32.2 MB

Giulio Romano Malaisi è un chitarrista di immenso talento che a 18 anni ha deciso di lasciare la sua (nostra) piccola cittadina per andare ad esprimersi a Londra. In questa puntata ci parlerà del suo percorso artistico, dei suoi album e della sua vita nella capitale inglese, concedendoci anche qualche intermezzo musicale. Se siete amanti della buona musica, questa è la puntata che fa per voi.

Cultural : western

August 28, 2020 10:45 - 1 hour - 113 MB

The whistle of a train, the sound of horse hooves, the gunshots of a colt, the great desert landscape and many other things... who never heard, watched or liked some of them ? So, you'll guess it, in this new Cultural program our three radio cowboys : Andrei, Riccardo and Tristan will speak about westerns ! So put on your head your most beautiful stetson, load your colt and join us for a journey through the west and some greatest movies of all the time ! Good listening !

WP : Politics and non-healthy products

August 27, 2020 17:01 - 1 hour - 116 MB

Hello and welcome for this World politics program. Today in the studio Andrei, Sasha and Tristan will speak about this link which can exist between political power and some dangerous or non-healthy products (alcohol, tobacco, drugs...). Through differents stories, differents countries and differents political regime, let's try to discover little bit more on this topic. Good listening to all

Free Topic: Vidor Festival + Interview to hungarian band Tortuga

August 27, 2020 16:28 - 32 minutes - 58.9 MB

If you are a resident of Nyíregyháza, you must have known already that this week the Vidor festival takes place with some concerts, theater shows, movie screenings and a lot of other stuff. So in this program Davide and Tristan decide to speak about their feelings and discoveries in this festival and also Tristan got the opportunity to meet for an interview a really good hungarian rock'n'roll band of Nyíregyháza : Tortuga.

Experience The World: Sicily and Portugal

August 26, 2020 15:00 - 32 minutes - 30.2 MB

Irina always wanted to visit Sicily and Portugal, but didn't plan to do it this year. And she certainly couldn't have thought that it would happen in the era of pandemic. A lot of plans were ruined, however when one door closes, another opens. These adventures have a special status and will become one of the most memorable. Magnificient Sicily and stunning Portugal in the new episode of Experience The World program.

Gossip. Royal and scandalous

August 25, 2020 15:00 - 36 minutes - 34.2 MB

It may seem that being part of the royal family is really great and easy. But when you are a king, a queen, a prince or a princess you need to watch over yourself way more careful than when you are a usual person. Paparazzi watching your every step and always ready to write about any small scandal that may appear in your royal family. And more than that they even can find out the details of your past that may compromise you. In today's program Julia and Andrei will speak about the scandalou...

ApeRiccardo : Pro e contro di andare ai concerti

August 24, 2020 16:00 - 32 minutes - 30 MB

É risaputo che andare ai concerti fa bene alla nostra anima e spesso sono esperienze indimenticabili. Ma non a tutti piace. In questa puntata di ApeRiccardo parleró dei pro e dei contro di andare ad un evento musicale e racconteró le mie e le vostre storie riguardanti i concerti. Mettetevi comodi e pogate durante questa nuova puntata di ApeRiccardo! 

Love and the rules of attraction for humans and animals

August 13, 2020 10:00 - 58 minutes - 53.8 MB

This morning from 10 to 12 Davide and Irina will join the studio again, a rare event during these times of holidays and quarantines! We are going to talk about the effects of love for human body and the rules of attraction for all the animals in nature. The brain has become one of the main organs involved for human beings, but how far exactly did we go from all the other species? And again, are there only male dominated species in nature when it comes to libido? In reality nature shows an ...

FT: Reading and lesson on Epicurus

August 13, 2020 08:00 - 27 minutes - 25.5 MB

Today in free topic we will make a little lessons of what is the philosophy of Epicurus. To make the distinction between real need and artificial need. To identify what is really a pleasure by the fact to reject death.  Because the death is the reason of all the pain in the life.