For today’s podcast, Amy and Cheryl talk about intentionality and how it helps them live an EnVibe life. They share their individual struggles and how they have faced them. Amy and Cheryl also give tips on how to live with intentionality and recommend books that inspired them on their path.

In this episode:

01:41 - Cheryl shares Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, a book she recently read that has encouraged her to live an intentional life. 
08:01 - Amy discusses The Universal Human by Gary Zukav and how it helped her. 
10:05 - The power behind intentions.
14:46 - It’s ok to want things. How intentions fuel the Law of Attraction.
18:04 – Cheryl talks about how living with intentionality helped her life for the better.
23:18 – Strategies to bring intentionality in your life.