Positively Influential with Anna Parker-Naples artwork

Positively Influential with Anna Parker-Naples

320 episodes - English - Latest episode: 3 months ago - ★★★★★ - 17 ratings

Positively Influential aims to help you change your life for the better by shifting your thoughts, habits and behaviours. This show aims to positively influence you, whether you want to listen to shift your negative mood a little, or you're in the coaching and transformational field intentionally creating an impact and making a difference. If you're interested in the power of breathwork then you'll be hearing all about that too here, as this modality has transformed Anna's life. Anna shares her real life journey of surrounding herself with mindset and healing tools, and consciously choosing to surround herself with 'successful' people and positive content. Expect raw honesty about the highs and lows of running a business in the motivational and personal growth space, alongside running a busy family home life, and a desire to connect more fully with an awakening spirituality.
Hosted by Anna Parker-Naples, Breathwork Teacher (and Founder of www.influentialbreathwork) , author of two bestsellers: 'Get Visible' & 'Podcast with Impact', top podcaster, coach and award-winning entrepreneur (CEO of www.thepodcastagency.com), this podcast takes an honest look at what it takes to create a life and business that aligns with your impact-led intentions, follow a path to more contentment and happiness, whilst looking after yourself on a self development and spiritual level. This is for you if you are interested in breathwork, mindset, spirituality, coaching, transformation, quantum realities, meditation, and creating a life of purpose and meaning.

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218 What it Takes to Launch a Really Successful Podcast

August 16, 2021 04:30 - 9 minutes - 9.1 MB

Today I want to talk through what makes a really successful podcast launch, and why some podcasts do incredibly well, while the others do not. What You Will Learn In This Episode: - Two reasons behind a successful podcast launch - The biggest mistakes that successful business people make when they are launching their podcast - What happens with the audience as a result of a well prepared podcast launch - How to convince the podcast directories that your show is important - What g...

217 Rehumanising Your Audience with a Quiz with Jessmyn Solana

August 09, 2021 04:30 - 17 minutes - 16.5 MB

Today we're talking about how you can give your lead generation an overhaul by using a quiz to bring fresh leads to your mailing list. I'm joined by Jessmyn Solana, Digital Marketing Manager at Interact, one of the best quiz companies in the world. Jessmyn and I are talking about how you can humanise your content, and what you can do with a quiz as your lead generator. What You Will Learn In This Episode: - What insights you can get by using a quiz on your website - How you can build...

216 What Getting Results Fast has Taken

August 02, 2021 04:30 - 17 minutes - 17.2 MB

Today I want to talk about the things that I've achieved over the last 12 months, and not only the shiny stuff, but also the things that have happened behind the scenes in those 12 months, in order to allow me to step through some of the major hurdles that I've had. What You Will Learn In This Episode: - The difference that group accountability and supportive environment can make - How to recognise a moment for pivoting and shifting some of the messaging that you are putting out there ...

215 The Insights Your Marketing Data Hides with Natasha Vorompiova

July 26, 2021 04:30 - 22 minutes - 21.4 MB

Today we are talking about the insight that your marketing data hides. Some of you might be wondering what marketing data means, which is exactly why I brought on my friend Natasha Vorompiova. She is absolutely the person who helps you rock those systems. She's the founder of Systems Rock and helps entrepreneurs to measure the results of their marketing. What You Will Learn In This Episode: - What numbers we should pay attention to, to understand how our marketing works - What easy mis...

214 When to Ditch an Idea

July 22, 2021 04:30 - 16 minutes - 15.5 MB

Today we talk about when you should ditch or pivot an idea in your business, whether that's a product, a service, or an offer, and how you can do that so that it doesn't feel really uncomfortable. What You Will Learn In This Episode: - How to decide if you can financially support making a shift in your business - If you have two different directions you want to go in, how to choose between the two - Ask yourself what you are NOT doing that's causing you to feel resentful or angry  ...

213 Spirituality in Business with Dr. Erin Fall Haskell

July 19, 2021 04:30 - 24 minutes - 22.9 MB

Today we are talking about spiritual awakening, and what it means for your business.  I'm bringing on my friend Dr. Erin Fall Haskell, an incredible woman often known as Dr. Erin, a doctor of divinity. She is the founder of a New Thought Global Community, and she helps people to dig into their personal trauma, and connect with their spirituality to go on and do amazing things. She was the host of Good Morning Lala Land, and she has turned around her own major trauma into creating something...

212 How to Close More Sales Calls

July 15, 2021 04:30 - 13 minutes - 12.7 MB

Today I want to talk about sales calls. Are you closing on enough sales calls to make a difference to your business? If you don't learn and refine this skill, you're always going to feel as though you're not getting ahead in your business. It all starts with understanding the mechanics of what takes a person to a point of sale. What You Will Learn In This Episode: - The difference between getting someone on a call on Zoom, versus getting someone on a phone call  - Why you need to take ...

211 Beyond the Brand with J. Nichole Smith

July 12, 2021 04:30 - 24 minutes - 23.3 MB

Today we're talking about how to turn your passion into a profitable brand. I'm joined by my friend J. Nicole Smith, an award-winning Brand Architect, Design and Colour Psychology Consultant. Through her proprietary Whyfinding™ and Colour Brand™ methods, she helps businesses transform their profit and impact by prioritising purpose and rebranding using science. What You Will Learn In This Episode: - What it means to find your why and turn it into a profitable brand - How powerful col...

210 What to Do When You Have Outgrown Friendships

July 08, 2021 04:30 - 14 minutes - 13.6 MB

Today I want to talk about bumping into an old friend a couple of weeks ago, how the encounter went, what my response was and how I felt about it. What You Will Learn In This Episode: - What moments in your life challenge you to think about what a friend really means - Why entrepreneurial journey often causes nudges from people that you knew - How to get the courage to decide that ridiculing your lifestyle choices, beliefs, principles, and your business is a no-go - How and where t...

209 Why Having a Specialism Matters with Rob Cohen

July 05, 2021 04:30 - 26 minutes - 24.9 MB

Today we're talking about finding ways to become a specialist in one unique area.   I'm joined by Rob Cohen, who has a wealth of experience in the property market and property valuation, and is Managing Director of MJ Group International. We have just helped Rob to launch his new show, Property Valuation Podcast, which you can now find on Apple Podcasts.  What You Will Learn In This Episode: - What difference specialism makes in getting clients and having authority and credibility with...

208 Why Consistency Matters

July 01, 2021 04:30 - 8 minutes - 8.97 MB

Today I want to talk to you about consistency in your business. Are you actually showing up as much as you think you are, or are you just paying lip service to believing that you're being consistent? What You Will Learn In This Episode: - Why not being consistent with creating long form content disservices you - Do you have to be live on social media all of the time? - Questions that can help you to step into consistency - How to be ready for the days when you don't feel like doing...

207 Facebook Strategies with Emma van Heusen

June 28, 2021 04:30 - 24 minutes - 23.3 MB

In this episode, we are getting to the details of why and how you should be using Facebook Ads in your business. This is an area that people are either absolutely nailing, or wasting a lot of time, effort, energy and cash.  I'm joined by Emma Van Heusen, a Facebook ads coach and best-selling author, who has done numerous trainings for myself and my clients inside my masterminds and programs.  What You Will Learn In this Episode: - The benefits of using Facebook Ads - What makes a goo...

206 How to Get Accelerated Results in Your Business

June 24, 2021 04:30 - 9 minutes - 9.09 MB

Today, I want to talk to you about how you can get accelerated results in your business. This is going to apply to you if you've been feeling stagnated in your business, or maybe you’re not taking action and not making things happen. But if you'll admit it to yourself, you actually got a bit bored by your business.  What You Will Learn In This Episode: - Why you should pay attention to the resistance that you're feeling towards your business - Reevaluating how the offerings that you ar...

205 How to Have a 5 Figure Launch with Laurie Burrows

June 21, 2021 04:30 - 21 minutes - 20.1 MB

Today we're talking about how to have a successful five figure launch. When you're earlier on in your business, it can feel a long way away. I'm joined today by Laurie Burrows, often referred to as the Strategy Queen. We're talking about what happens if you are focusing on bringing in more money to your business by a product that you've created once, and are selling and packaging over and over again. What You Will Learn In This Episode: - Why you should see your team as an investment, ...

204 Why Podcast Guesting Works as an Effective Marketing Strategy

June 17, 2021 04:30 - 10 minutes - 10.4 MB

Today I talk about why podcast guesting is an effective marketing strategy, why you want to have it in your toolkit, and do it intentionally, deliberately and consistently.  10 Reasons for Podcast Guesting:  1. You are able to develop real in-person connections with the host 2. It gives you access to highly engaged audiences 3. You are opening cross-promotion opportunities in podcasting 4. It's much easier than guest blogging for building your SEO and your backlinks 5. You get hi...

203 Just Get Started with Brian Ondrako

June 14, 2021 04:30 - 33 minutes - 31.5 MB

What did it take for you to decide to get started? Or are you still on the side of the fence, thinking “Shall I?” We're diving into that topic today with the host of the Just Get Started Podcast, Brian Ondrako. What You Will Learn In This Episode: - Self-limiting beliefs you are subscribing to without realising it - Be aware of the changes in relationships around you when you uplevel your life - What stops you from acting when you have a creative impulse for an idea - How to surrou...

202 Responsibility to Get Louder

June 10, 2021 04:30 - 7 minutes - 7.9 MB

On this podcast, I talk all the time about getting visible. This time there's something even more important and pressing. It's come to my awareness that now, when the world has started to open up, many people are struggling with their mental well being. Anxiety, panic disorder, negativity, depression, weight gain, body confidence, all of that stuff is rising in our teenagers, and it has been compounded through lockdown. The other thing I see in my parents’ generation, is how scared the old...

201 How to Use Insta Stories for Visibility with Anna Khanna

June 07, 2021 04:30 - 21 minutes - 20.7 MB

Today, we are talking about how you can use Instagram stories to help you with visibility and streamline the process towards making money online. I am joined by Anna Khanna, the founder of Socialista, who helps women increase their visibility and drive profit into their business without wasting loads of time.  What You Will Learn In This Episode: - What holds you back from getting visible - What happens after you go through the confidence barrier - Should you listen to your content a...

200 The 10 Secrets to Success

June 03, 2021 04:30 - 28 minutes - 26.5 MB

Welcome to episode #200 of Entrepreneurs Get Visible! Two hundred episodes is something that I do want to celebrate, because I feel incredibly proud of what I've done with this show. But instead of doing something formal to mark the occasion, I’m just going to share with you my secrets to success.  The 10 Secrets to Success:  Get started! Refine as you go. Be fearlessly visible. Outsource as soon as you can. There is always something new to learn. Create valuable content that ...

199 What it Takes to be an Affluent Entrepreneur with Mel Abraham

May 31, 2021 04:30 - 29 minutes - 28 MB

In today’s episode, we are going to explore what it means to be affluent.  I'm joined by Mel Abraham, the host of The Affluent Entrepreneur Show, that we have recently launched. Mel is an entrepreneur and mentor who helps people grow and scale their businesses, making sure that they build their own financial liberation at the same time. What You Will Learn In This Episode: - The challenges of being in an online space - What stops people from having the money they want and need - Wh...

198 Strategic Connections

May 27, 2021 04:30 - 10 minutes - 10.3 MB

Today I want to discuss with you the concept of making and building strategic connections to build your business. There are two main ways to do that, so let’s dive into them. What You Will Learn In This Episode: - What difference it makes when you surround yourself with great connections - Why it is so important to stretch yourself and feel a little bit uncomfortable in order to grow - How potent a podcast can be  High level quality connections don’t happen by accident. They happen...

197 Simplify to Multiply with Joy Bufalini

May 24, 2021 04:30 - 20 minutes - 19.2 MB

Today we're talking about what it takes to simplify your business so that you can multiply your results. I'm joined by my friend Joy Bufalini who is a business coach for women entrepreneurs, and we are talking about how you can scale when you make things incredibly simple and easy. What You Will Learn In This Episode: - What you need to let go of in order to streamline things  - What we are tolerating that we should not be tolerating  - The importance of being in full decision intern...

196 Choosing Joy

May 20, 2021 04:30 - 11 minutes - 10.8 MB

Today, I will talk about whether or not you are choosing to enjoy your business and your life.  It's easy for us to get stuck and locked into the patterns of doing things that feel boring and dull, and we don't realise how much impact they're having on our lives. Why does it matter how you are choosing your day to day activities and how you are choosing your attitude? What You Will Learn In This Episode: - How you unconsciously choose to see the negative  - At which point you are cho...

195 Why You Should Ditch the Launch with Rose Radford

May 17, 2021 04:30 - 23 minutes - 22.3 MB

Today, we talk about why you would want to consider ditching the launch. Why would you do that, when launching can work to get your product, your service, your package or your mastermind visible? I'm joined by Rose Radford, a global business strategist and coach, who helps women uplevel and sell high ticket.  What You Will Learn In This Episode: - At what point and why someone decides to ditch their launch process - How you approach, attract, get and retain clients when you skip the la...

194 What Am I Doing It All For?

May 13, 2021 04:30 - 10 minutes - 10.3 MB

In today's episode, I want to share with you some questions to reflect on when you feel like you've switched off from your business. Perhaps everything feels like no matter what you do, you're just not getting the results you want. Or you have started to achieve some bigger financial goals, they've become comfortable and stable, and now you're thinking, what next and where do I go from here? What You Will Learn In This Episode: - How to identify whether there really is a problem, or you ...

193 What it Means to be a Visionary Founder with Lisa Mitchell

May 10, 2021 04:30 - 24 minutes - 23.3 MB

I'm joined today by Lisa Mitchell, an entrepreneur, speaker, and intutitive coach who works visionary founders, incredible companies, big brands, and people at the top of their game.  Lisa has just launched her podcast, Visionary Founders Podcast, to support leading, cutting-edge individuals, CEOs, founders, creatives, and massive companies to leave a powerful legacy in the world.  What You Will Learn In This Episode: - What the common denominators are for Visionary Founders - How to...

192 Why You Need to Think About Trademarks

May 06, 2021 04:30 - 11 minutes - 10.7 MB

When you're starting out in business, and you have so many things to juggle, and so many different things you need to invest in, it's easy to overlook the legal matters. Potentially you do not have the knowledge or awareness that you may be doing something wrong, or that it could get you into trouble. So how do you get around this? What You Will Learn In This Episode: - How to protect your business entity  - Where and how to check for the existing trademarks - Legal cases entrepreneu...

191 Being a Soulful Entrepreneur with Prema Gaia

May 03, 2021 01:00 - 24 minutes - 22.9 MB

Today we're talking about a whole other part of visibility - what it means to be a soulful entrepreneur who is not afraid of shining their light. I'm joined by a wonderful new friend Prema Gaia, a visionary writer and artist, whom I met when I wanted to connect with other women who were in their own way wanting to create global and social change. What You Will Learn In This Episode: - How a significant trauma in your childhood can lead you onto a healing path  - How to find the ability...

190 Refresh and Relaunch Opportunities

April 29, 2021 04:30 - 10 minutes - 9.91 MB

In today's episode I want to talk you through the opportunities that you have to relaunch, refresh and kickstart some energy into the new directions for your business, and create new moments of celebration and success. What You Will Learn In This Episode: - Why you shouldn't wait until the new thing happens before you mention it on your social media or in your emails - How you can make your audience feel they are part of your journey - What context sharing a part of yourself creates ...

189 The Power of Sexual Alchemy with Rebecca Lowrie

April 26, 2021 04:30 - 28 minutes - 27 MB

My guest in this episode is Rebecca Lowrie, whose brand new podcast, The Sexual Alchemy Podcast, helps men discover and confidently embrace profound intimacy, pleasure and connection. Rebecca has been working in the realms of healing and transformation for over 25 years, and specifically with sexual transformation for 15 years. What You Will Learn In This Episode: - Why it is hard for us to reach and send our message to people with sexual issues - How a blocked sexual life affects work...

188 How to Know What is The Best Investment For You

April 22, 2021 04:30 - 16 minutes - 15.6 MB

Today I want to talk through how to know when and what is the right investment for you to make in terms of upleveling your profile and your business. I'm a big believer in mentoring, coaching, and continually upgrading your professional and personal development. But how do you know what's right for you? What You Will Learn In This Episode: - The process of evaluating a person you want to learn from - How to be clear on why you want help and support in the first place  - How to make s...

187 How to Grasp the Audience with John Livesay

April 19, 2021 04:30 - 23 minutes - 22.2 MB

Today we're talking about why the ability to tell a great story is the secret sauce of your business success. My guest is John Livesay, the Pitch Whisperer and host of The Successful Pitch Podcast, and he shares with us insights and tips on how to grasp an audience so you can sell more effectively. What You Will Learn In This Episode: - What happens when a potential client hears a story - Where early stage entrepreneurs are failing in telling their story - How a podcast can enable yo...

186 The Power of Positive Psychology with Niyc Pidgeon

April 15, 2021 04:30 - 23 minutes - 21.8 MB

I’m excited to welcome back to the show Niyc Pidgeon, who is one of my mentors and an incredible coach helping female coaches build six and seven figure businesses with an amazing integrative framework of positive psychology. She has just launched her brand new podcast called “Unstoppable Success with Niyc Pidgeon” that is already topping the charts.   What You Will Learn In This Episode: - The founding principles of positive psychology - How to apply the tools and resources that posit...

185 Social Media in 5 Minutes Per Day with David Trotter

April 12, 2021 04:30 - 22 minutes - 20.9 MB

Today we're talking about how to keep up with the endless social media content that you feel you have to create in order to build an online presence. I'm joined by David Trotter, the host of the Inspiration Rising podcast, who talks about how you can create engaging content in a short space of time.  What You Will Learn In This Episode: - How to reach people and stand out if you constantly need to be on social media - Seven categories to post in order to develop know, like and trust fa...

184 Behind the Scenes on Instagram

April 08, 2021 04:30 - 14 minutes - 14 MB

Even though Instagram has not been my platform of preference, the time has come for me to give a full focus to it. I have now spent eight full days learning and implementing what I've learned on Instagram. I want to share with you what I've done to feel much more in control and knowledgeable about this platform.  What You Will Learn In This Episode: - How to go from feeling like tumbleweed to having an engaging account  - What and when to post  - What kind of content you should be cr...

183 Nicola Huelin: How to Work in FLOW

April 05, 2021 04:30 - 50 minutes - 46.6 MB

Today we're talking about how you can get in flow to make things easier in your business, rather than just hustling and grinding. I'm joined by Nicola Huelin, the founder of Mpower. Nicola is a big believer that having flow in your business can serve you very well. What You Will Learn In This Episode: - What it looks like to be in flow in your business - The importance of the state of flow - How to start the quest for building a successful and fulfilling business - How connection t...

182 Doing the Deep Work

April 01, 2021 04:30 - 13 minutes - 12.6 MB

Today we're talking about why it's essential that you continue to do the deep work as you build your business and put yourself out there as an expert in the entrepreneurial space. What You Will Learn In This Episode: - How to recognise your own spots for the deep work - Finding the catalyst for the beginning of change - How to deal properly with a deep wound - Where you need to be in order to take the responsibility for moving yourself forward The deep work is about examining you...

181 Nail Your Instagram with Maggie Colette

March 29, 2021 04:30 - 24 minutes - 22.4 MB

Today we're talking about how to massively grow your Instagram visibility and following. I’m joined by Maggie Collette, who keeps getting attention as someone who is absolutely killing it on Instagram.  What You Will Learn In this Episode: - How high level of visibility on Instagram affects your business and your revenue  - The most common mistakes that people are making on Instagram - How to choose the right content for IG - Should Instagram posts and content really need to be aim...

180 How to Choose Your Social Media Platform

March 25, 2021 05:30 - 10 minutes - 9.81 MB

Today I'll talk you through how to decide which social media platform you should focus on, and how to choose between so many different facets that each platform offers.  What You Will Learn In This Episode: - What kind of a presence on each platform you should have - How to use keywords on each of the platforms - How to decide which platform to focus on - Why consistency is key Whichever platform you're focusing on, keep in mind that they all work in a slightly different way. You...

179 Gary Das: How To Be Proactive With Pillar Content

March 22, 2021 05:30 - 26 minutes - 24.8 MB

I am joined today by Gary Das, whom I keep seeing everywhere on social media! That means that his Facebook ads are working really well. Today we are talking about how you can be proactive in creating the pillar content for your business and social media.  What You Will Learn In This Episode : - How to make sure that you are creating content that represents you - How to put down the right foundations for your business - How the things that you've done wrong become the strength in your...

178 How to Get Speaker Opportunities

March 18, 2021 05:30 - 10 minutes - 9.77 MB

Today I’m discussing how you can create speaker opportunities for yourself. Although we are at the tail end of lockdown in the UK, I want to share with you how it works just as much for online speaking opportunities as it does for getting on stages.  What You Will Learn In This Episode - The key thing about getting speaker opportunities  - How to lay solid foundations for speaking - What you should consider if you don't yet have a lot of speaking experience - What elements you need...

177 Creating a Legacy with Lisa Wynn

March 15, 2021 05:30 - 28 minutes - 26.3 MB

In this episode we're talking about how you can create a legacy with your work.  I'm joined by a client of mine, Lisa Wynn. We have recently launched The Legacy Creation Podcast to support Lisa's global work in helping changemakers make a difference with the work they're doing.  What You Will Learn In This Episode: - How to create a business that enables you to make changes for other people - What we need to nurture in ourselvers so we can start creating a change in the world - How...

176 Overcoming Trauma

March 11, 2021 05:30 - 19 minutes - 18.1 MB

Today I want to talk about the impact that overcoming trauma of bullying had on myself and my business, and how it influenced the message that I now want to put out into the world.  What You Will Learn In This Episode: - What it takes to acknowledge and heal emotional scars  - How you can overcome your specific trauma  - What happens if you allow the trauma to be a pivotal moment of your life - How the process of overcoming trauma helps shape your purpose in life I believe that t...

175 How to Get Unstuck - It Starts with You with Sam Adams

March 08, 2021 05:30 - 23 minutes - 21.4 MB

Today we are talking about something that affects most of us at some point, and that is how to get unstuck from a place you don't want to be at in your business and in your life. I'm joined by Sam Adams who calls herself the Real Life Coach. Her tagline is It starts with you, and she has a lot to teach us about how to start moving again towards your goals.   What You Will Learn In This Episode: - Why the change really starts with you - What keeps us stuck and why we get to that place...

174 Intentional Upleveling

March 04, 2021 05:30 - 11 minutes - 10.9 MB

Last weekend I found an old vision board that I had created four years ago. It has reminded me of how strong our intention is connected to our success, so today I want to talk to you about intentional upleveling. What You Will Learn In This Episode: Why it is so important to set the intention in your mind of the level you want to play out at How to surround yourself with key figures of influence What people need to see, think, hear and feel about you in order to perceive you as trustw...

173 How to Earn the Credibility to be Featured in the Press

March 01, 2021 05:30 - 22 minutes - 20.6 MB

Jane Tabachnick is with me today, and we speak about how you can earn credibility to get featured in the press, and why this is slightly different from pitching. Jane is the founder of Simply Good Press, a content and PR strategist, and she helps authors to get their books out into the world.  What You Will Learn In This Episode: How visibility enables you to earn place in the media Why you need to be strategic when you are publishing What little things can help us get comfortable wit...

172 The Launch Process

February 25, 2021 05:30 - 16 minutes - 15.4 MB

In this episode, I'm going to talk you through the process of setting up a launch for a new product, new service or something else that you're going to sell to many people. What You Will Learn In This Episode: Why you would want to do a challenge Why you should decide about the price point you want to reach AFTER the challenge How to build the picture of your personal conversion rates The best ways to generate goodwill, engagement, connection, trust and value  What happens before ...

171 Jessica Laverde: How to Create Clients for Life

February 22, 2021 05:30 - 26 minutes - 24.5 MB

Today we talk about gaining your first client, attracting people to you, and then making sure they stick with you. I'm joined by Jessica Laverde, the founder of the Self Made Empire, who coaches female entrepreneurs to create impactful businesses. What You Will Learn In This Episode: Why you would want to create clients for life How to look after your clients in a way that makes them feel special Celebrating small wins with your clients How to increase your clients' retention rate i...

170 Big Painful Business Lessons

February 18, 2021 05:30 - 16 minutes - 15 MB

Today I want to share with you many of the mistakes that I made, the learnings that I had, and fast actions I've taken on the journey towards creating an online business.  What You Will Learn In This Episode: What happens if you don't know how to launch properly How to face failure and grow from it The steps you need to take to change your scenario  If you've lost your way, remember that there are things you can change. There is so much to learn in failures, however it starts with th...

169 How to Create a Very Successful Online Course with Liam James Collins

February 15, 2021 05:30 - 22 minutes - 20.8 MB

Today we're talking about how to create an exceptionally successful online course. I'm joined by Liam James Collins from The Coaching Masters. We're discussing why having a digital course is something you can't miss out of your entrepreneurial toolkit.  What You Will Learn In This Episode: Where to start with creating an online course  What you can learn from watching the video on YouTube How to find your superpower Adding as much value to people's lives as possible in the form of a...

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