Previous Episode: Watch and Pray

This week, join us again as the Deacons of RTG share another great teaching. Our guests this week are Dec. Ronald Bassette and Dec. Kenny Johnson, discussing marriage.  

Deacon Ronald Has been married  for 12 years to His wife Quinetta. They have four children, Miguel, Jamiah, Janai, an Zoe. They are a happy family!  Deacon Kenny was born and  raised in Dinwiddie, Va. Together he and his wife Donna, have  six children and 5 grandchildren. These men, with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, arededicated to providing servant leadership in ministering to those who are in need, to the sick, to the friendless.

Join us for a time of transparency and truth as these leaders share as led by the spirit of God, relevant truth. Dial in st 323/937-3014 or listen via the web using this link. You will be Empowered!